The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 270 The performance of the five sons of the Zhu family

Chapter 270 The performance of the five sons of the Zhu family

As for the second child, Zhu Mengjiu, he is much more low-key and shrewd.As the second son of the Zhu family, he neither relied on the "primogenarian inheritance system" like his elder brother to occupy a favorable position, nor did he stand out like the fifth brother Zhu Mengxian, and was highly regarded by Zhu Yirong.

But it is undeniable that Zhu Mengjiu's ability is quite good. Hyundai Motor, which he is responsible for, has always been the most powerful car manufacturer in the country. In the past two years, Daewoo Motors ranked second, Kia Motors third, and Shunyang No. 4. For cars, the total sales of several companies are not as high as those of Hyundai!

This time, the shooting of the father and son of the Xin family of the Yuetian Group not only shocked everyone in the Zhu family, but also inspired Zhu Mengjiu, who gave birth to a bold idea: if something "accident" happened to his elder brother Zhu Mengxu, Then wouldn't his second son be able to legitimately become the new eldest son?So as to successfully obtain the inheritance rights of Hyundai Group? !

This bold idea is too tempting. If it succeeds, the benefits he can gain are too great!

"Father, since the two principals of the Yuetian Group have died, doesn't that mean that the current Yuetian Group has no leader? Now we can take this opportunity to acquire those subsidiaries of the Yuetian Group!" Zhu Menggen, the third child, said in the conversation just now After suffering a loss, another matter was quickly raised.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Yuetian Group has no leader, they can annex their subsidiaries with good performance and strengthen their Daying Group!Once this proposal was put forward, several other people quickly came up with ideas, although they didn't know who killed the Xin family father and son.But now is indeed an excellent time to attack the Yuetian Group and devour it!
Zhu Yirong hesitated for a while, then looked at his sons, especially Zhu Mengxu and Zhu Mengxian, and said, "What do you think of Menggen's proposal? Are we going to acquire companies under the Yuetian Group?" ?”

As the eldest son, Zhu Mengxu thought for a while, and then said, "Menggen's proposal is good, and now it is indeed a good opportunity to take action against the Yuetian Group. But I am afraid that not only our Daying Group, but also the Shunyang Group, Miracle Group, LG Group...will not miss this opportunity, right?"

Zhu Yirong recognized the elder son's steady answer, nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at the other sons to see if they had any other opinions?

The second child, Zhu Mengjiu, said with a smile, "Brother's analysis is good. There are plenty of people who want to attack the Yuetian Group. If we make a move, the competition will be fierce."

There was nothing new in Zhu Mengjiu's words, which made Zhu Yirong a little disappointed, and then he looked at the fourth child Zhu Mengyu and the fifth child Zhu Mengxian.

It's just that Zhu Mengyu, the fourth brother, shook his head. The brothers in front of him had almost finished talking, so how could he think of anything new in a short while?I suffered from my young age!

Zhu Meng, the fifth elder, saw this first and said in a calm tone, "Although the Xin family father and son were killed, Xing Haoke still has two sons! The eldest son Xin Dongzhu and the second son Xin Dongzhu are in the Kingdom of the Sun. Once the Yuetian Group encounters Trouble, they will probably come forward. Moreover, Xinghao’s wife has many connections and connections in the Kingdom of the Sun, so I’m afraid it won’t be that easy to deal with!

Hearing Zhu Mengxian's analysis, Zhu Yirong's expression of being sure to win froze instantly.He really forgot that Xin Gehao was able to start the Yuetian Group from scratch from an ordinary person and become one of the top chaebols in the Bangzi Kingdom, thanks to his relationship and connections with his Yue family!

The Lotte Group has a lot of staff and financial support from the Sun Country. It is more appropriate to say it is the Lotte Group of the Sun Country rather than the Bangzi Country Lotte Group!


Seeing that everyone was deep in thought, Zhu Meng couldn't help showing a smile, and then said, "Didn't the elder brother also say that before? Our Daying Group is not the only one who is eyeing the Yuetian Group. We can definitely unite with several of them to deal with it together." The Yuetian Group will do it. In this case, the success rate will definitely be greatly improved!"

"Cooperate with them to deal with Yuetian Group together?" Zhu Yirong was a little dazed at Zhu Mengxian's proposal. In his opinion, Daying Group's acquisition of enterprises also requires cooperation with other organizations. Would this be thankless?Once it cooperates with other organizations, how to distribute the benefits after successfully taking down the Yuetian Group is also a problem.

Seeing that Zhu Yirong was deep in thought, Zhu Mengxian went on to say, "Even if our Daying Group does not cooperate with other organizations, can we really defeat other competitors and win the company under Yuetian? Miracle Group and Shunyang Group are not so easy to deal with." of."

"Instead of this, it's better to cooperate with them in advance, and when the time comes to carve up the Yuetian Group together, there will be no harm at all!" Zhu Mengxian said confidently.Although their Daying Group is powerful, it is impossible to deal with several top chaebols at the same time.It's better to recruit powerful opponents into teammates in advance, and let them "monopolize" the Yuetian Group!

In the end, Zhu Yirong agreed to Zhu Mengxian's more secure approach. He asked Zhu Mengxu, the boss, and Zhu Mengxian, the fifth brother, to take charge of this matter.This made the third brother Zhu Menggen very dissatisfied. This matter was obviously proposed by him, but the benefits and limelight were all taken away by the fifth guy. This is so embarrassing!
The others looked at Lao Wu with a little more fear.The boss Zhu Mengxu looked at the proud Zhu Mengxian, feeling a little jealous in his heart. The better the performance of the fifth child, the more his father Zhu Yirong would favor him, and the greater the threat to his succession to the Yuetian Group!You must find an opportunity to severely suppress Zhu Mengxian!


Shunyang Group, meeting room.

Chen Yangji, Chen Yongji, Chen Dongji and a group of senior managers of the group sat around the conference table, discussing the acquisition of the subsidiary of Yuetian Group.

It turned out that when Chen Yangji was about to rest last night, Director Li suddenly rushed over to report the situation to him overnight. Some gaffe.

The chairman and vice-chairman of the top chaebol would be killed overnight, which made him a little scared, but also gave birth to ambition.Now that the person in charge of the Yuetian Group is gone, it would be a waste of such a "bestowed opportunity" if we don't take advantage of the opportunity to take a bite out of the Yuetian Group!

"Director Li, tomorrow morning, convene a meeting with the senior management of the group to discuss the acquisition of Yuetian Group's subsidiaries!" Chen Yangji made a quick decision and quickly came up with an idea, and ordered to Director Li.

"Yes, President!"


"According to the information we have received, Xin Gehao and Xin Dongbin of the Yuetian Group were killed in an accident. Now is a good opportunity for us to deal with the Yuetian Group and acquire excellent assets from them! If you have any suggestions, just ask, Speak freely." Director Li, who was in charge of presiding over the meeting, said.

(End of this chapter)

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