Chapter 272 Mrs. Xin and Xin Dongzhu

After Chen Daojun hung up the phone, he showed a complacent expression on his face. He remembered all the provocations of the Xin family father and son in his heart.It's just that the officials of the Bangzi Kingdom were afraid of causing too much impact, so they haven't been cruel.

However, since Wu Shixian was shot and almost killed, the public security bureau's incompetence showed no progress after a month's investigation, which was enough for him to understand that even if he really killed someone and killed him, those official agencies would not be able to do anything. !Not only the Public Security Bureau is like this, but the prosecutorial agency of Bangzi Country is like this too!
"Since the two speakers of the Yuetian Group are gone now, it would be a waste of opportunity not to squeeze out the remaining value of the Yuetian Group now!" Chen Daojun's eyes flashed brightly, Then Rachel was called, and before she could speak, Chen Daojun said first, "Call the heads of the planning department, marketing department, and finance department for a short meeting."

Rachel looked at Chen Daojun and asked with a smile, "The teacher who was in the hospital just now called and said that Zhu Meng from Daying Group called him first and said that he wanted to cooperate with our Miracle Group to deal with Yuetian Group. The teacher asked I'm asking for your opinion."

"Oh, the Daying Group made a decision so soon?" Chen Daojun was a little surprised. The Daying Group's reaction was too fast, right?
"President Wu didn't say anything else?" Chen Daojun didn't answer directly, but continued to ask. It stands to reason that Wu Shixian should have suggestions for such things.

"The teacher said that he is a patient now and needs to rest. The group's affairs depend on you, the boss!" Rachel's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, as if she was happy to see Chen Daojun look defeated!
"This guy! It's really...!" Chen Daojun didn't expect that Wu Shixian, a model worker, would have such a time of playing tricks.
He has no intention of revealing his identity now.After all, after all these years, it feels so comfortable to hide behind the scenes and make trouble silently!Not only can he be a hands-off shopkeeper, but he will not attract the attention and targeting of other people.If it is exposed, it is likely to attract the hostility and attention of many chaebols such as the Chen family in Shunyang and the Zhu family in Daying. It will be difficult to make a fortune by making a fortune!

"Since he said so, let's guide Zhu Meng to go to Wu Shixian to continue discussing cooperation! We just need to analyze and determine the goals. Then we will continue to absorb the stocks of those companies!" Chen Daojun soon had an idea, and he and Da There is no problem with cooperation with the Yingying Group, but it is absolutely impossible for him to reveal his identity and contact Zhu Meng first!
Rachel quickly understood what Chen Daojun meant, and then said with a smile, "Boss, you are really bad! If the teacher knows that you have left the matter to him again, I'm afraid he will be depressed in the courtyard!"

"Rachel, don't talk nonsense! I treat him well! Not only did he get a 3-month long vacation, but he was also paid salary and bonus on time, and even a large subsidy!" Chen Daojun said sternly

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Rachel couldn't help but smile. Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian were really weird. They both wanted to be lazy and slippery, and they didn't show any signs of conscientiousness as the person in charge of the company!

Yuetian Group, meeting room.

Mrs. Xin brought her second son Xin Dongzhu to the group and immediately summoned the group's senior management to listen to the recent work progress.

The high-level executives of Yuetian Group, who were still worried at first, gradually calmed down when they saw Mrs. Xin and Xin Dongzhu suddenly appearing in the group.The reason why the Yuetian Group was able to become the top five chaebols in the Bangzi Kingdom, in addition to Xin Gehao's personal ability, largely relied on the connections and strength of the old Mrs. Xin's family in the Sun Kingdom.

Otherwise, how could Xin Gehao, an ordinary citizen of Bangzi Kingdom, have built such a huge family business from scratch?To be precise, it was thanks to the strong support of the powerful Yue family that he was able to rise rapidly in Bangzi Country and become the leading boss in the retail industry of Bangzi Country!

Now that Xin Gehao and Xin Dongbin's accidents have gradually spread, Mrs. Xin brought Xin Dongzhu here to stabilize the overall situation and prevent the Yuetian Group from falling apart without a leader.


Listening to the subordinates reporting the current situation of the group one by one, Mrs. Xin's complexion became ugly. Although she is not good at business management, Yuetian Group has lost many core subsidiaries, and its revenue has dropped by 45% year-on-year. % of the data, even a layman can detect it, the situation is quite pessimistic.

Xin Dongzhu on the side listened to the group's subordinates reporting a series of bad news, and he felt a little impatient.

In his opinion, his father Xin Gehao and younger brother Xin Dongbin have always been in charge of the group affairs. He is a middle-aged rich second generation who is responsible for eating, drinking and having fun.If his mother hadn't forced him to come over, he wouldn't have been willing to take over the group's affairs.

But now his mother is beside him, and all the executives of the group are also looking at him carefully.He could only bite the bullet and continue to sit here and listen to the report.But these many problems, can he, a mediocre rich second generation, solve them?He subconsciously looked at his mother for help.

Seeing her second son's "cowardly" appearance, Mrs. Xin was also very angry, but her expression remained as usual and she motioned to her subordinates to continue reporting.


After a long time, Mrs. Xin did not take the initiative to propose a solution, but asked these executives if they had any good countermeasures and suggestions, so that they could discuss it with everyone.

Seeing that Mrs. Xin did not like to make decisions alone like Xing Hao, but instead asked them, the people attending the meeting relaxed a lot.They were really afraid that Mrs. Xin and Xin Dongzhu, two "laymen" who didn't understand the operation of the company and left them to direct things blindly, would make the group's situation worse and worse, and that would be the end of it.


After finally handling the group's affairs, Xin Dongzhu and Mrs. Xin planned to take a special car back to their residence.As soon as he got into the car, Xin Dongzhu couldn't help but complain, "Mom, why do you want me to come to the group to handle things? Don't you still have a big brother? Wouldn't it be better to let Dongzhu Xin come over and handle it?"

Hearing this son say such words, Mrs. Xin's face turned ugly for a moment, and she said in a bad tone, "Your brother handles the affairs of the Sun Country branch, and the affairs of the Bangzi Country can only be counted on you! Now your father, your brother Something has happened, you have to stand up and take the heavy responsibility!"

 Chapter 3 will be uploaded later

(End of this chapter)

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