Chapter 273 Mrs. Xin's Solution
In the end, the news of the murder of the Xin family father and son could not be concealed for too long, and the relevant content was reported on the TV station news the next afternoon.As soon as the news came out, it caused an uproar.The upper echelons of the entire Bangzi Kingdom were shocked by this news.No one thought that the chairman of the chaebol could be successfully assassinated!

This makes people wonder whether there is really no problem with the law and order in Seoul?Not long ago, the vice president of the Miracle Group was attacked, and he managed to save his life.Now it's the turn of the president and vice president of the Yuetian Group. Isn't this kind of murder too frequent?


Blue House meeting room.

The directors of Seoul's four public security bureaus were called to the Blue House for a meeting.Looking at the angry President Kim Dae-jung on the main seat, several people felt a little uneasy.


"In just over a month, three heads of large companies were attacked in Seoul. Two were killed and one was injured. The Public Security Bureau has not been able to catch the murderer so far, which puts the Blue House in a very embarrassing situation." Kim Dae-jung was a little angry. Said, "If the murderer cannot be caught and brought to justice, you should take the blame and resign!"

"...!" This made the faces of the directors present a little ugly. This fucking is lying on the ground for no reason, and let them take the blame forcibly!However, a few people dare not express any objection. After all, if they can't catch anyone, they may have to take the blame and resign in the future. But now that they have offended Mr. President, they will be fired on the spot!
Although the meeting time was very short, after the meeting ended, the faces of several directors were quite ugly. They knew very well that Wu Shixian, the vice president of the Miracle Group, was shot, and the murderer has not been found until now. Went overseas.

And according to the information and speculation they have, the masterminds behind the scenes are likely to be Xing Hao and Xin Dongbin.But these two people have been killed now, what else can they do?
As for the murderers who killed Xing Hao and Xin Dongbin, they really had no clue at all, as if these two people were killed quietly.According to their on-site investigation and investigation, they did not find any valuable clues at all. It was much more secretive than the previous shooting incident of Wu Shixian!

In the following week, a large-scale security patrol began in the Seoul area. A large number of security team members appeared on the streets, especially around the villa where the Xin family and his son were killed. The security team members questioned passers-by and nearby residents whether there had been any strangers recently. I lingered around, but gained nothing...

------Dividing line------

With the passage of time, a group of institutions that were already eyeing the tiger quickly launched an attack on the subsidiaries of the Yuetian Group.All of a sudden, the stock prices of Yuetian Qixing Beverage, Yuetian Logistics, Yuetian Commercial, Yuetian Chemical and many other companies under the Yuetian Group fluctuated abnormally.

These subsidiaries also discovered the anomaly for the first time, and someone was acquiring shares of these companies on a large scale.They quickly reported the news to the group headquarters.

This made the senior executives of Yuetian Group panic. According to the information they received, it was obvious that 4-5 organizations had launched a takeover war against their subsidiaries. This was to add insult to injury and take advantage of the situation, targeting Yuetian Group. !
Mrs. Xin quickly learned the news, but she had no good solution.You must know that the current Yuetian Group not only has a large amount of liabilities, but also does not have much cash in the group's accounts.As for the aid provided by Cheong Wa Dae, it can only be earmarked and cannot be used elsewhere.

Xin Dongzhu, who usually doesn't touch the group affairs, heard the news, but finally couldn't hold back and complained, "I knew nothing good would happen, and they left such a mess before they died, how could I fix it? !"

In the end, Mrs. Xin slapped the lack of waiting, and she said angrily, "You unbelievable thing! Where did you think you could enjoy the good life? If the Yuetian Group collapsed, You will lose everything now!"

Looking at the ugly Xin Dongzhu in front of her, the disappointment in Mrs. Xin's eyes could not be concealed. At the beginning, she thought that Xin Dongzhu's son was mediocre, and he was not as good as his elder brother Xin Dongzhu and younger brother Xin Dongbin in running the company. The branch over there was handed over to Dongzhu Xin, and the heir to Bangziguo was Xin Dongbin.

But now the situation has obviously disrupted their plan. Both Xinghao and Xin Dongbin are dead. Her unlucky second son must hold on no matter what, otherwise the Yuetian Group will collapse. Then their situation will be But it’s even harder!

After intimidating her second son, the new and old lady quickly dialed the phone and contacted the eldest son Dongzhu Xin who was far away in the Sun Kingdom.

As the head of the Sun Kingdom branch of Yuetian Group, Xin Dongzhu's ability and performance are obviously much better than Xin Dongzhu.Over the years, Yuetian Group has managed its industry in Sun Country in a tight and orderly manner, and its scale has expanded a lot compared to the original.However, as the chairman of the group, Xinghao prefers to flatter Xin Dongbin and make him happy. Therefore, the position of vice president of Yuetian Group was not given to Dongzhu Xin, but to Xin Dongbin, the third child!

After learning of the deaths of Xin Gehao and Xin Dongbin, and the news that the Yuetian Group was attacked by many organizations, Dongzhu Xin remained calm and did not panic at all, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Seeing Dongzhu Xin's attitude of not wanting to get involved, Mrs. Xin did not hesitate anymore and directly asked Dongzhu Xin to come to Bangzi Country to sit in charge of her, manage the Yuetian Group here in Bangzi Country, and solve the problems in front of her. this crisis.

Dongzhu Xin, who was far away in the Kingdom of the Sun, did not agree, but said lightly: "The situation of Yuetian Group is so bad now, even if we take action, we have to pay a high price to tide over the difficulties! And after the crisis is resolved, Yuetian Without a leader, the group will have problems sooner or later!"

In the words, it seems to be implying that Mrs. Xin will hand over the operation and management of the Bangzi Guoyuetian Group to herself.The old lady was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that the eldest son who was far away in the Sun Country was so ambitious, and wanted to get involved in the Yuetian Group in the Bangzi Country? !

But the current situation no longer allows her to think too much. Her second son, Xin Dongzhu, is Liu Adou who cannot be supported. Her eldest son is the only one who has the ability to solve the problem!
Mrs. Xin pondered for a while and then said, "...If the crisis of Yuetian Group can be solved, all the affairs of Yuetian Group will be left to you in the future! Your brother Xin Dongzhu is not interested in the affairs of the group. I guarantee that he can Just keep living a prosperous life!”

After receiving such a promise from Mrs. Xin, Dongzhu Xin readily agreed without making any excuses to refuse!
(End of this chapter)

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