Chapter 274
In the next few days, Proprietor Xin came to Bangzi Country and brought a loan of [-] million US dollars from Sun Country Bank.In order to preserve the management rights of these subsidiaries, Xin Dongzhu ordered his subordinates to notify these subsidiaries that they must repurchase the company's shares as soon as possible.

Suddenly, the stocks of Yuetian Logistics, Yuetian Commercial, Yuetian Qixing Beverage, Yuetian Chemical and many other companies rose rapidly due to the investment and snap-up of many companies, and were once close to the highs before the financial crisis.

Such fierce competition puts great pressure on many traders waiting in the securities trading market.If this continues, even if they acquire more shares of the company and successfully obtain the management rights, they will not be able to make much profit from this acquisition!

Daying Group.

"President, if this continues, our plan may come to nothing!" A subordinate reported the latest acquisition status to Zhu Mengxian.Although she got the news, the old lady of the Xin family specially called her eldest son Dongzhu Xin back from the Kingdom of the Sun, and let him take charge of the overall situation.

However, according to the previous analysis of Yuetian Group's capital situation, it is impossible for them to have extra funds to acquire the stocks of many of its subsidiaries!
Zhu Mengxian did not respond, but smoked the cigarette in his hand and thought. The current situation was obvious. The Yuetian Group had obtained funds from nowhere and was fighting to the death with companies like them.

"This Dongzhu Xin is really courageous!" Zhu Meng blew out a smoke ring and said with some emotion. If his guess was correct, the funds should have been brought over by Dongzhu Xin from the Kingdom of the Sun.The other party was actually willing to invest so much money in acquiring the stocks of these subsidiaries and go head-to-head with several of their companies. What a character!

"It's just that this guy obviously doesn't understand the domestic situation! Compared with funds, which group can be compared with Miracle?" Zhu Mengxian said with a smile, "Make arrangements for me. I'll go find President Wu of Miracle Group!"

"Yes, President!" The subordinate said respectfully.


Miracle Group.

Rachel made a detailed report to Chen Daojun on the sofa, "Currently, the stock prices of the companies under the Yuetian Group have risen to varying degrees, with the least increase of 25% and the highest increase of more than 40%. The Yuetian Seven Star Beverage and The stock price of Yuetian Logistics Company has risen by more than 30%~! Besides us, there are several other companies that are also buying aggressively!"

"According to the data analysis we got, Dongzhu Xin, the new head of Yuetian Group, has invested more than 5000 million US dollars to acquire the shares of those companies. This is also the main reason for the rapid rise in the stock prices of these companies!"

Chen Daojun couldn't help laughing, "This Dongzhu Xin who came from the Kingdom of the Sun is quite courageous! Do you think he can definitely turn the situation around and save the Yuetian Group?"

Regarding the current situation of Yuetian Group, Chen Daojun is not optimistic about it. Not to mention Miracle Group, there are many organizations such as Daying Group, Shunyang Group and SK Group. Each of them is not a good person. They Yuetian Group wants to How can it be so easy to retreat completely? !


"Boss, what should we do next? If the acquisition continues, the stock prices of Yuetian Qixing Beverage and Yuetian Logistics will soon reach the high level before the financial turmoil!" Rachel said with some concern.

"Don't worry, let the bullets fly for a while!" Chen Daojun said calmly. In addition to Yuetian Qixing Beverage and Yuetian Logistics, Chen Daojun also had people buy the stocks of Yuetian Commercial, Yuetian Chemical and other companies. It is to wipe out all the companies under the Yuetian Group.

"...Okay!" Seeing that Chen Daojun was so calm, Rachel didn't bother with this issue anymore, but brought up Wu Shixian who was in the hospital, "By the way, the teacher's condition has improved a lot. When I went to visit him in the hospital yesterday , the doctor said that he can go through the discharge procedures in another week!"

"Recovering so quickly?" Chen Daojun was stunned for a moment, and then showed a look of joy. He hoped that Wu Shixian would recover and be discharged from the hospital soon, so that he could retreat behind the scenes and become a hands-off shopkeeper again!These days, handling the daily affairs of Miracle Group takes a lot of energy and time!

"But the teacher said that he hopes to stay in the hospital for observation for a few more days!" Rachel couldn't help laughing out loud. In order to delay her vacation and not want to work, Wu Shixian also spent a lot of thought!
"...This guy!" Chen Daojun was also a little speechless for Wu Shixian, who wanted to make a fool of himself. This guy is addicted to the hospital!It's not like that, it's not professional at all!
"We can't spoil him. Even if he can't come to work, there's nothing wrong with meeting people and holding meetings in the hospital office!" Chen Daojun had an idea and quickly thought of a way, an advanced version of "working from home"—— "Inpatient office" is more suitable for the busy persona of the vice president of Miracle Group!
"Pfft——! Hahaha!" Rachel immediately laughed out loud at Chen Daojun's bad idea, good guy, the dignified vice president, you still have to see guests in the hospital?This... this is too exploitative, right? !If Wu Shixian knew that he was arranged by Chen Daojun in this way, he might not live in peace in the hospital!

In the next few days, the stock prices of the companies under the Yuetian Group continued to rise. Some people discovered the abnormality and boldly bought the stocks of several companies such as Yuetian Chemical and Yuetian Qixing Beverage.As a result, the stock continued to rise, which made them very happy.

Some media reporters in the financial sector quickly noticed this situation and quickly made special reports. They even praised Yuetian Group's orderly operation on TV channels in order to attract attention and promote economic recovery. The stock price and market value are rising in the wind, which is a model for Chinese enterprises!
Originally, these media reporters wanted to interview Xin Dongzhu, the person in charge of the Yuetian Group, but after checking the information, they found that although this Xin Dongzhu was the eldest son of the former chairman Xin Gehao, he joined the Sun Kingdom The nationality was not from their country of Bangzi, which surprised them.Later, Yuetian Group also gave a reply. Dongzhu Xin had many things to deal with and would not accept interviews from the media for the time being.


Looking at the news broadcast on the TV station, Chen Yangji couldn't help laughing out loud. The guys on the TV station are really too nonsense in order to promote economic recovery. Can this kind of thing be used for economic recovery? !This kind of non-brained words is just deceiving those ignorant people!

The reason why the stocks of Yuetian Group companies soared was because they were the joint "masterpiece" of these companies. In order to acquire the company's stocks, they forcibly raised their stock prices!

(End of this chapter)

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