The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 282 Chen Daojun: Then help him look decent!

Chapter 282 Chen Daojun: Then help him look decent!

Hearing Li Hengcai's explanation, Chen Yangji couldn't help but twitched his face. Good guy, is this a special hobby of rich people?


Strictly speaking, there was nothing wrong with Chen Yongji's original decision.Chen Yangji only saw the great success of Seahan's new products, and did not notice that a few months ago, their Shunyang Group was deeply involved in the financial crisis and lacked funds.

In order to raise funds and help the group survive the crisis, Chen Yongji racked his brains.At this time, Miracle Group is willing to spend money to acquire their insignificant subsidiary, and he will probably agree to it.

After all, at that time, due to lack of funds, Seahan Company's research and development progress was slow, and there were no commercial products within a few years. It was the "oil bottle" of the group, and it was reasonable to sell it to get money to save money.

------Dividing line------

Miracle Group received an invitation to negotiate from Yuetian Group, but both Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun felt that since they had completely broken up with Yuetian Group, there was no need to negotiate, and it was impossible for the other party to offer a comparable subsidiary. Something of higher value.

Wu Shixian then took his secretary to KB Bank and tried to buy the shares of Yuetian Qixing Beverage Company mortgaged there from the bank.But they seemed to be a step late. Dongzhu Xin of the Yuetian Group came ahead of time and spent a huge sum of money to take away the shares, which made Wu Shixian a little angry.

Their usual acquisition methods didn't seem to work, and were easily cracked by the other party.When Wu Shixian told Chen Daojun this somewhat bad news, Chen Daojun was not angry. Instead, he asked with a smile, in that case, what about the shares of other companies? Yuetian Group's financial resources can buy the shares of Yuetian Seven Star Beverage, and other Didn't they buy the shares pledged by several companies? "

Then Chen Daojun said in a cold tone, "Since he still wants to resist and doesn't want to be dignified, then we will help him look decent! We will buy the shares of other companies under the Yuetian Group that have good performance, and we will acquire other companies. Only a bunch of Seven Stars are left. Yuetian Group, a beverage and garbage company, will only be swept into the garbage heap of history!"

Wu Shixian didn't expect that Chen Daojun would be so bold. If he did this, he would almost uproot the entire Yuetian Group!Whether the bank will agree to this move is still unknown.

After a moment of silence, Wu Shixian decided to follow Chen Daojun's order.After all, he didn't have a good impression of the Yuetian Group, especially the former father-in-law Xing Hao and Xin Dongbin, but he found people to attack him twice. If he hadn't been lucky, he might have been killed by them long ago.


When the person in charge of KB Bank saw Wu Shixian who had gone and returned, he felt a little puzzled.Especially as soon as Wu Shixian proposed to acquire the shares of other subsidiaries of Yuetian Group, the person in charge instantly became dumbfounded.

You must know that Yuetian Group still has more than 10 company shares mortgaged with them!Among them, there are 5-6 companies with good performance, so the former Yuetian Group can be regarded as their big customer of KB Bank.

However, now that the Yuetian Group has weakened a lot, these mortgaged shares have become worthless money-losing goods. It is still unknown when the capital will be recovered.

He was very moved by Wu Shixian's proposal, but he was worried that this move would completely offend the Yuetian Group. After all, the chaebols of Bangzi Country were not very good!
Wu Shixian seemed to have seen through the other party's concerns, and said with a smile, "President Park, you can rest assured! Our Miracle Group's acquisition of the shares of the subsidiaries of the Yuetian Group is naturally rushing to win the management rights of these companies. Once we succeed , the Yuetian Group has lost so many subsidiaries, even if it doesn't fall apart, it will be completely devastated!"

President Park thought about it for a while, and after some weighing, he finally gritted his teeth and agreed to Wu Shixian's request, and transferred all their shares to Miracle Group!

Two hours later, a total of 3.2 million U.S. dollars in remittances arrived in the account. The President Park breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes were full of shock!
They say that Miracle Group is rich and powerful, and he has always been dubious about it, but today President Wu taught him a good lesson! 3.2 million U.S. dollars is like 3.2 million Korean won, so I spent it calmly!

The well-funded Miracle Group wants to annex the declining Yuetian Group, the outcome is self-evident!Perhaps in the near future, the Yuetian Group may be removed from the Bangzi Country, and most of the worries in my heart have disappeared!


Subsequently, Miracle Group held negotiations with Shunyang Group, Daying Group, SK Group and other institutions.Representatives from several institutions were completely shocked when they learned that Miracle Group had purchased all the shares of those companies that were mortgaged in banks.

Zhu Mengxian gritted his teeth and spoke directly to Wu Shixian, "President Wu, please sell the shares of Yuetian Logistics obtained from the bank to our Daying!
Wu Shixian was a little surprised. He didn't expect Zhu Mengxian to be so courageous. Daying Group currently doesn't have much funds to mobilize.If they spend more than 4000 million US dollars to purchase Yuetian Logistics shares from them, their holdings of Yuetian Logistics shares will reach 47%, which is still far from full control.

Yuetian Group only holds 42.5% of the shares. If they want to keep the operating rights of Yuetian Logistics, they can only fight to the end with Daying Group and continue to spend money to acquire shares from other shareholders.

Wu Shixian took a deep look at Zhu Mengxian, and said with a smile, "There is no problem selling the shares of Yuetian Logistics to Daying Group. It's just that the owner of Yuetian Group, Xin Dongzhu, is not good at it, but he still has a lot on hand." Funding, are you sure you can handle it?"

"...There is no problem with this! We are bound to win this Yuetian Logistics!" Zhu Mengxian replied firmly.As factories resume production, a large amount of goods need to be transported and turned over. If their Daying Group can annex Yuetian Logistics and establish its leading position in the logistics industry in one fell swoop, their Daying Group's revenue will also continue to rise!This deal is worth it!
Seeing Zhu Mengxian's persistence, Wu Shixian readily transferred the shares of Yuetian Logistics to Daying Group.As for Shunyang Group and SK Group, the situation is not so smooth.

After learning that Miracle Group has bought the shares of many companies including Yuetian Chemical from the bank.Chen Yangji hesitated a little, asking him to spend a huge amount of money to acquire the shares of Yuetian Chemical from Miracle Group, and complete the acquisition of Yuetian Chemical, the risk is very high, and he is not too sure.

Chen Yangji sent Chen Huarong here this time just to see if Miracle Group could sell these shares to Shunyang at a preferential price.Regarding Chen Huarong's proposal, Wu Shixian shook his head and did not agree.

(End of this chapter)

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