The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 283 Chen Huarong’s little thoughts

Chapter 283 Chen Huarong’s little thoughts

"Chen Yangji, the old chairman, has such a beautiful idea! Want to buy the shares of Yuetian Chemical from Miracle Group at a low price?" Wu Shixian disdained this very much. In order to convince the president, they spent a lot of money to buy it. If you sold all the shares at a low price, wouldn't it be hard work to make wedding dresses for others? !
Wu Shixian said to Chen Huarong, "Since Shunyang Group does not have enough funds to acquire Yuetian Chemical, why not sell all the shares of Yuetian Chemical to our Miracle Group? With the strength of our Miracle Group, it is natural to buy Yuetian Chemical." Down!"

Chen Huarong didn't object to Wu Shixian's proposal, he just said to ask Chen Yangji when he went back.As far as she is concerned, even if Yuetian Chemical is acquired, it will probably be handed over to Chen Dongji for management, which is of no benefit to her.She would not have any conflicts with Wu Shixian because of Yuetian Chemical.


"President Wu, I said before that this Internet shopping platform will become one of the mainstream shopping channels. You invited us to be a merchant in Shunyang Department Store, and I did not refuse. But after this period of time, the orders from the shopping platform do not seem to be There are so many!" Chen Huarong remembered his previous experience in joining the Internet shopping platform and couldn't help but ask.

In her opinion, such a laborious and thankless thing like an Internet shopping platform is completely unnecessary.A large number of citizens will still choose to go shopping in large shopping malls. After all, they can know the quality and cost performance of things on the spot.

Wu Shixian didn't care about Chen Huarong's doubts, but explained calmly, "This is normal, because even in developed and beautiful countries, the Internet shopping model has just emerged, and the business model is still being explored. Although the number of online shopping users has not yet reached an astonishing number, the company's market value has skyrocketed to a sensational height!"

"As a representative of the beautiful country's Internet shopping platform, Amazon's market value was less than 10 billion US dollars when it went public, but now its market value has exceeded 100 billion US dollars!"

Wu Shixian's words deeply stimulated Chen Huarong. How can the market value of an Internet shopping platform company with average performance reach such an exaggerated market value? !

Even if Shunyang Department Store's performance has continued to grow in the past few years, and its net profit has increased year by year, it is only worth 5-6 million US dollars!Before cooperating with Miracle Group, the market value of Shunyang Department Store was only 3-4 million US dollars!
This comparison is directly depressing!Why is the market value of the Internet shopping platform in the beautiful country so ridiculously high?And the market value of their industrial department stores is only a fraction of theirs?

"...President Wu, do you also want to cash out this Internet shopping platform company by going public?" A light flashed in Chen Huarong's mind. She seemed to understand Wu Shixian's purpose and routine.

Wu Shixian said with a smile, "It will be listed, but it will take a few years. There are tens of millions of Internet users in the beautiful country and Europe, and the computer penetration rate is quite high. The market is huge, so the Internet companies there estimate That’s why the value is so high!”

"And the computer penetration rate and Internet users in Asia are not like those in Europe and the United States. Even our Bangzi Country only has a mere million users, and the situation in the Sun Country next door is the same!"

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Chen Huarong nodded thoughtfully and did not delve into it further.

After all, she is not very interested in a project that requires a lot of investment in the early stage and will only make money after a few years. With this money, it is more practical to continue to acquire companies and expand her own strength!
"...President Wu, I am very interested in the Busan Lotte Hotel under the Yuetian Group, I wonder if I can give it up?" Chen Huarong hesitated for a while and finally asked.

After taking over the Yuetian Hotel, Chen Huarong realized how lucrative the high-end hotel industry is. If it wasn't for the impact and impact of the financial turmoil, the annual revenue and profit of the Yuetian Hotel would also be an extremely impressive figure!

And according to internal information obtained by her husband Cui Changji, in order to stimulate economic recovery, Blue House will encourage the development of tourism, while making good friends with neighboring countries and welcoming foreign tourists to visit Bangzi Country.

At that time, mid-to-high-end hotels will welcome a large number of tourists to stay. If she can get Busan Yuetian Hotel into her bag, she will definitely make a lot of money in the future!
Wu Shixian was a little surprised by Chen Huarong's proposal.In his opinion, the current Shunyang Department Store should not have enough funds to buy another company, right?

And now that the economy has just begun to recover, there are not many tourists who are willing to travel and stay in hotels. If she buys another hotel, won't she be afraid of losing money?

Wu Shixian remained calm and said with a smile, "According to Shunyang Department Store's current financial situation, I'm afraid it won't be possible to complete the acquisition of Busan Yuetian Hotel, right?"

"Dragon Master Xin of the Yuetian Group has a lot of funds. If he wants to seize food from the tiger's mouth, it will be difficult to succeed without enough funds!"

Wu Shixian's words made Chen Huarong a little depressed. Seeing that the opportunity to make money was right in front of her, she was very unwilling to face the situation of insufficient funds and powerlessness.

She thought for a moment, and soon had a new idea.She said, "Since that's the case, then our Shunyang Group is willing to assist the Miracle Group to acquire Busan Yuetian Hotel, and support the Miracle Group to win the management right of the hotel when the shareholders' meeting is held!"

Wu Shixian didn't object to Chen Huarong's "show of favor", but he still had some doubts in his heart. According to his understanding of Chen Huarong, unless there was a huge benefit, he wouldn't be so persistent.


Yuetian Group conference room.

Dongzhu Xin, who was originally congratulating himself for repurchasing Lotte Chilseung drinks from KB Bank one step ahead of schedule, had not been proud for long when an even more shocking bad news suddenly came.

The president of KB Bank has sold all the company shares of Yuetian Group to Miracle Group!In other words, Miracle Group has automatically become the major shareholder of many companies under Yuetian Group!

This made the senior executives of Yuetian Group panic. JB Bank's "cheating" behavior was equivalent to directly selling out their Lotte Group!

Miracle Group, which is already eyeing them, will definitely take advantage of the situation and acquire these subsidiaries of theirs, and it is likely to be a battle for the management rights of multiple companies!
With their current situation, it is simply impossible for them to come up with so much funds to repurchase the shares of many companies!They are simply unable to deal with such a conspiracy now!

Dongzhu Xin, who is acting as the president, is now very resentful towards his father Xin Gehao and younger brother Dongzhu Xin.

If it weren't for the fact that the two "big sand sculptures" had to fight against the Miracle Group, and finally formed a bridge with the Miracle Group, the other party would not have killed the Yuetian Group.

Now he is in a dilemma. If he doesn't continue to spend money, he can only watch Miracle Group's plan succeed and lose many subsidiaries again.

(End of this chapter)

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