Chapter 286

Time passed by, and more than an hour later, the door of the emergency room slowly opened, and a doctor wearing a white coat and a mask walked out, looked at the people outside, and asked, "Injury?" Are the family members here?"

"Yes! Yes, we are all!" Seeing the doctor come out, everyone in the Zhu family who was waiting outside quickly came forward. "Doctor, how is my eldest brother's condition?" Zhu Menggen, the third child, asked first.

"...The person has been rescued, but the patient's head was hit violently before, and it is still unknown when he will wake up." The doctor hesitated and said.

During the rescue operation, they discovered that the injured person had obvious wounds on his head. They also used instruments to detect the injuries. They are still unable to make a judgment on the extent of the head injuries. They can only know when the injured person wakes up. .

Hearing what the doctor said, Zhu Yirong staggered and almost fell.The sharp-eyed Zhu Mengxian and his assistant quickly supported Zhu Yirong, so they didn't let Zhu Yirong go to the end. Such a result made Zhu Yirong a little hard to accept.Although Zhu Mengxu's life was saved, it is still unknown when he will wake up?
Doesn't this imply that he may become a vegetative state?This is just a little better than dying after resuscitation failed!Does this mean that the boss Zhu Mengxu is dead?This... this is incredible, right?

When the four sons of the Zhu family heard the news, they all had sad expressions on their faces. In the eyes of outsiders, they had a very deep relationship with the eldest Zhu Mengxu.

Zhu Yirong, who was already very young, suddenly passed out due to excessive sadness.This frightened the four brothers of the Zhu family, and they quickly called for doctors to come and rescue them.

This night was destined to be a sleepless night for the Zhu family of the Daying Group.


The next day, not long after Chen Daojun arrived at the law firm's office, he received a call from Rachel. "Boss, I just received the news that there is something wrong with the Daying Group. The vice president Zhu Mengxu had a car accident last night and is still not awake. The president Zhu Yirong was stimulated and was hospitalized!"

Chen Daojun was stunned when he heard the news!It doesn't seem like this happened in the original drama. Could it be that something happened in this world and the original plot didn't go forward?Chen Daojun fell into deep thought.

"Hey, boss, are you listening?" On the other end of the phone, Rachel heard no sound from the other side. She thought it was because the phone signal was not good, so she called a few more times.

"Oh, I'm listening." Chen Daojun gradually came back to his senses and quickly replied, "Then let Chairman Wu take some time to visit. After all, the two parties are still in a state of cooperation. And there is also the acquisition of Yuetian Group. The projects of its subsidiaries are imminent, and we cannot let anything happen to Daying Group."

"Okay, I'll tell the teacher!" Rachel replied with a nod.


After hanging up the phone, Chen Daojun thought of the unexpected problem of Zhu Mengxu's car accident. Combining some changes in circumstances and plot trends during this period, he finally came up with a more reasonable explanation:

Although the general trend has not changed much from the previous life.However, due to some of his own actions, the advancement of the plot has undergone certain changes.Moreover, the time span of the plot in the original play is very large. The specific situation of the Zhu family father and son of the Daying Group is not described in detail in the play, and it is unknown that the Zhu family brothers had an accident.

"It seems that we have to pay close attention to the matter of professional bodyguards! These days, being a chaebol in Bangzi Country is still a high-risk job. If you are not careful, you will be plotted by others, and you may not even know how you died. Chu!"

"Didn't Chen Daojun in the original drama get plotted by the Chen family twice in a row, and he managed to escape the first time, but was killed the second time?" Chen Daojun couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He had become accustomed to smooth sailing in the past few years. I have almost forgotten how dirty the Bangzi country’s chaebols will be in order to fight for power and profit?

This is not playing a game, you can go back and start over if you die.He's going to die again and again, but he doesn't have such good luck to cross again, so it's better to be cautious!


After Chen Daojun dealt with the matter at hand, he planned to go to Yuetian Department Store to find out about the situation from Ma Jiachang.It has been more than a month now. How many retired professional bodyguards from the special forces have been recruited?
When Chen Daojun came to the office building of Yuetian Department Store, the staff in the company were very busy, and they didn't find Chen Daojun coming for a while.

Chen Daojun didn't care about this, but walked towards the president's office in a familiar manner.He had been here several times and arrived at the president's office not long after.

After a knock on the door, Ma Jiachang's voice came from inside, "Come in!"

Chen Daojun retreated to the office door, and said with a smile, "President Ma, I haven't seen you for a while, so don't come here!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Ma Jiachang looked up subconsciously, and the one standing in front of him was Chen Daojun, the boss!He got up and said with a smile, "Boss, why didn't you say hello when you came over, so I can prepare myself!"

Chen Daojun smiled and said, "I also came here on a temporary basis to take a look. Mainly I wanted to know about the recruitment situation of retired soldiers and special forces."

"Early this morning, I heard that Zhu Mengxu, the vice-chairman of the Daying Group, had a car accident at home last night and is still in the hospital! It's been an uneventful time recently. If more professional bodyguards are recruited, it will be better Match it as soon as possible!"

Chen Daojun's words surprised Ma Jiachang.Unexpectedly, the vice president of Daying Group, who has always been known as the "No. [-] chaebol in the country", would encounter such a thing, which makes people feel a little sad.

But speaking of it, security issues that have occurred among chaebols and large enterprises this year are indeed very frequent.There were no less than 4-5 fights between their White Tiger Club, Miracle Group, and Yuetian Group's Xin family father and son. Dozens of people were injured and several died.

As for the situation of other chaebols and companies, although the situation is not so exaggerated, there have been several news reports on TV that laid-off and unemployed workers attacked corporate executives and wanted to die together.


"Boss, don't worry! We have recruited 8 retired soldiers and 3 retired special forces to join our White Tiger Security Company! We don't have much to do now, how about I take you to the security company to have a look?" Ma Jiachao said with a smile. Chen Daojun said.

"Of course!" Chen Daojun did not refuse Ma Jiachang's proposal. According to his idea, if there were no problems, he would like to leave with one or two professional bodyguards today!
After Ma Jiachang told his assistant, he took Chen Daojun and drove to the Baihu Security Company in Jongno District.Under Chen Daojun's guidance, the White Tiger Association began to purchase land in various bustling roads after earning a lot of money. The land used to set up a security company was purchased at that time.

 Chapter 2 will be released around 7:30, Chapter 3 will be released later.
(End of this chapter)

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