Chapter 287 Beautiful Bodyguard
Baihu Security Company, located in Jongno District, is more like a large fitness club, with a large number of fitness and sports facilities, and the bodyguards of the security company can carry out various physical training here.

Ma Jiachang led Chen Daojun who came here for the first time, and made a brief introduction, "This is the gym inside our security company, where bodyguards can do daily physical exercise."

"That's the indoor fighting venue of the security company. You can see many bodyguards training there every day..."

Chen Daojun looked at the direction Ma Jiachang pointed in the distance and nodded in agreement.Even if you are the best bodyguard, if you do not train for a long time, your skills and physical fitness will decline significantly. The training equipment here is complete, so it is naturally better.


The person in charge of the security company is Ma Jiadong, Ma Jiachang's younger brother.After receiving the call from his eldest brother, Ma Jiadong came out of the office area immediately and said, "Brother, boss, I have notified the bodyguards you are going to meet. They should have arrived at the fighting venue by now. Let's go there!"

When the three came to the fighting arena, Chen Daojun looked at the bodyguards waiting there in front of him, he was a little dumbfounded! "Ma Jiadong, are you sure these two women are also retired soldiers/special forces?"

It turned out that in addition to the dozen or so strong men gathered in front of them, there were also two women with ponytails.This made Chen Daojun very surprised. It stands to reason that women are far inferior to men in terms of physical fitness and strength, and men must have an advantage in fighting.

"Boss, these two women are elites from the 707 Special Forces! They are very strong. In a one-on-one situation, those men may not be their opponents!" Ma Jiadong whispered beside Chen Daojun. said.

Originally, it was impossible for their security company to know about such confidential matters.But they couldn't resist the generous salary and benefits they offered. The two women in front of them took a fancy to this, so they revealed some of their own situations to them.

Originally, Ma Jiadong and others still had some doubts about this, but they had a contest with the bodyguards of the security company in the past two days.The male bodyguards who thought they would be able to win all overturned, and were knocked down by women who were not as big as themselves with more flexible and quick fighting methods before they could react.

This surprised Ma Jiadong. Several of the bodyguards who were knocked down just now were retired soldiers!Unexpectedly, these two women were so good-looking and so good at fighting that they were directly recruited with high salaries!

It was still a bit unbelievable to see Chen Daojun, so Ma Jiadong directly asked them to practice on the spot.When the male bodyguards heard what their boss said, their faces became obviously ugly.These days, they have sparred with these two women 3-4 times, and each time they were beaten up by Fatty. If the other party hadn't been merciful, they might have stayed in bed for a few days!

It didn't take long for the results of the battle between the few people to come out. As Ma Jiadong said, the two female special forces brought each other down neatly, and the two of them didn't seem to expend too much effort. The two sides were obviously not the same horizontal.

Chen Daojun said with a smile, "I am very satisfied with these two female bodyguards, so I took them away first. You can choose two more bodyguards to send to President Wu." Hearing Chen Daojun's praise, Ma Jiadong's face also showed a smile smile.

When recruiting these two female bodyguards before, it was because their big boss, Chen Daojun, was very low-key, and his ostensible identity was still a lawyer in a law firm, so it was impossible to be too ostentatious.It is easier for female bodyguards to hide their identities. As long as they dress up, they can play guest roles as female assistants, female secretaries, etc., which is very convenient.


Ma Jiadong introduced Chen Daojun's situation to the two female bodyguards, then asked them to pack their luggage and left with Chen Daojun.

According to the information given by Ma Jiadong, the shorter one with blond hair is named Yong Jingwen, and the other heroic and taller one is named Li Yanhe.Both of them are 23-24 years old, older than Chen Daojun.

Chen Daojun drove the two women to the villa residential area in Jiangnan District. For convenience and investment, Chen Daojun bought several villas near the residence and arranged two female bodyguards here, which can not only protect him, but also protect him. Taking care of his parents can be said to serve multiple purposes.

As for why he didn't arrange people into his own villa?Chen Daojun didn't want to make Mou Xianmin jealous and have conflicts with him every now and then because of the female bodyguard!It's better to arrange it here, it's easy and clean.

"This is your activity fund. The password is 6 1s. Remember to purchase some props and equipment today. From tomorrow on, you two will serve as my specially recruited assistants and take turns traveling with me to and from get off work." Chen Daojun He handed a bank card to Yong Jingwen and then warned.

"Remember to buy a few more sets of clothing and cosmetics for women in the workplace. You don't look like assistants now, and you will be seen through easily!"

"Okay, boss!" Yong Jingwen nodded and replied.

------Dividing line-------

Pengcheng, inside a certain star hotel.

Hong Zhiqing and her assistant are packing their luggage. They have successfully acquired many commercial plazas and office buildings these days, and spent more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars like running water.

The female assistant said with emotion, "The big boss (Chen Daojun) is really generous. The acquisition funds granted to us are often billions, and there is no limit on the usage limit. This is much more enjoyable than going shopping!" "

Hong Zhiqing smiled and said, "That's for sure, how much do you spend on shopping? A commercial plaza and an office building cost hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars, how can they be compared!"

The female assistant rolled her eyes, then looked at Hong Zhiqing and said jokingly, "President Hong, you have to grasp it! A young and rich young man like the big boss is very sought-after even in Xiangjiang. , that would be a huge loss!"

"...Don't talk nonsense!" Hong Zhiqing blushed, and quickly argued, "Mr. Chen is a foreigner, we are just partners..."

"Mr. Hong, I understand!" When the female assistant heard what Hong Zhiqing said, she gave her an ambiguous smile. As a lover, she continued, "Foreigners are pretty good too! They can give birth to a beautiful mixed-race baby. ! Nowadays, most of the outstanding men in Xiangjiang are married to famous women. Don’t miss out on high-quality single young people like the big boss! Otherwise, you will definitely regret it in the future!"

"Ahem!... You, it would be great if you cared so much when you were working! Hurry up and pack it up, we'll go to Futian District to investigate again." Hong Zhiqing's face flushed, since she couldn't talk to the other party, then Just change the subject quickly and avoid doing it yourself!
(End of this chapter)

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