The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 294: The same trick, tricking him for the second time!

Chapter 294: The same trick, tricking him a second time!
In the afternoon of the same day, the third extraordinary general meeting of shareholders was held in Korea Seven. Since he was severely cheated by Miracle Group in the morning, Dongzhu Xin was feeling a little anxious at the moment. He was afraid that Miracle Group would make another stunt and put them in trouble. Playing around.

Wu Shixian, Chen Daojun and others still looked as usual, discussing some things in low voices from time to time, without paying any attention to the subsequent voting.

"President Wu, this President Xin seems to be very nervous! Could it be that the shareholder meeting in the morning cast a psychological shadow on him?" Chen Daojun muttered in a low voice. Can't bear such a "little thing"?

Chen Daojun's complaints made Wu Shixian laugh a little. Speaking of which, it's hard to say that Dongzhu Xin couldn't hold his temper.If he were Dongzhu Xin, he would also be able to deal with the situation in the morning.

The opponent obviously acquired 51% of the shares, but they didn't announce it, and even held part of the shares separately.Until the shareholders meeting is held, give him a head-on blow!Let him fall from the paradise of success to hell all at once, treat him like a clown, and tease him severely!
"Lawyer Chen, take it easy. If Dongzhu Xin is provoked again later, I'm sure he will do something crazy to deal with you, the instigator!" Wu Shixian couldn't help reminding.Although Chen Daojun is equipped with special forces bodyguards, but provoking the other party like this, there is no guarantee that Dongzhu Xin will not go up and kill Chen Daojun, the culprit!

Chen Daojun smiled awkwardly, but secretly complained in his heart: "I just suggested it, okay? When I agree, you, the vice president, will be the happiest!"


When the president of Korea seven announced the result of the vote with a solemn expression, Miracle Group successfully vetoed the board of directors of Korea seven with 50.5% of the shares, and once again won the management right of a Yuetian company.

Dongzhu Xin was very angry in his heart. The Miracle Group was simply deceiving people too much. He used the same method of "stealing chickens" twice. He felt that he had been greatly insulted.Looking at Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun very fiercely, if he could, he would like to beat these two guys up right now!

In the next ten minutes, Miracle Group took advantage of victory and elected the latest board of directors and the appointment of the president of Korea Seven Company.

After finally making it to the end of the shareholders' meeting, Dongzhu Xin had a gloomy face and prepared to leave with his subordinates without saying a word, but was stopped by Wu Shixian.

"President Xin, now that the shares of Yuetian Giants and Yuetian Chemical have been exchanged for you Yuetian Group, there is no need to convene tomorrow's extraordinary shareholders' meeting." Wu Shixian said with a smile, "We will directly hold the meeting this week. Let’s meet at the Busan Yuecheon Hotel and the Yuecheon Electronics Company on Friday!”

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Xin Dongzhu said in a low tone, "Then see you on Thursday! I will never let you take any company away from me!" After finishing speaking, he left without looking back.

Wu Shixian looked at Dongzhu Xin's leaving back, and couldn't help but chuckled. This Dongzhu Xin was relatively restrained, obviously hated to death in his heart, but he acted politely, not as unbearable as they imagined .

------Dividing line------

In the evening, at the residence of Chen Huarong and Cui Changji.

"Dear, are you saying that Miracle Group has successfully obtained the management rights of Yuetian Trading and Korea Seven?"

After returning from get off work, Cui Changji and Chen Huarong were enjoying a sumptuous dinner in the living room.Cui Changji was a little surprised when he heard Chen Huarong mention the acquisition of Miracle Group.

In his opinion, Yuetian Group is also one of the largest chaebols in the country.Even though he had been hit hard before and lost the management rights of four companies, the thin man's camel is bigger than the horse, so he shouldn't be able to fight back at all, right?
"I didn't believe it at first, but Section Chief Li repeatedly confirmed twice that today's three extraordinary shareholders' meetings of Yuetian Group's companies all ended in failure! Daying Group successfully won Yuetian Logistics, and Miracle Group won Yuetian Logistics. Tianshangji and Korea Seven!”

Chen Huarong is very happy. Now that the Miracle Group is growing stronger, the more benefits she can get as a partner who cooperates deeply with the Miracle Group!
"Sure enough, Chairman Wu and the Miracle Group behind him are currently the most powerful companies in Bangzi Country!" Cui Changji said with emotion.

According to past experience, once the management rights of those companies are won, Miracle Group will firmly control the company's shares through continuous additional investment and become truly in its own pocket. This is how land transportation was gradually penetrated by Miracle Group, and finally became its exclusive subsidiary!

"By the way, how many shares of Busan Yuetian Hotel have you acquired?" Cui Changji remembered his previous instructions to his wife and asked quickly.

"Currently, the acquisition has reached 6%. I want to acquire more, but there are no shares of Busan Yuetian Hotel for sale on the market!" Chen Huarong was a little regretful. He originally thought that he had obtained inside information about Cui Changji and could take the opportunity to act first. .

Unexpectedly, the competition between the Miracle Group and the Yuetian Group would be so fierce that other companies and organizations would not be given a chance to intervene!As far as this share is concerned, he and she took a lot of effort to buy it from the market.If you want to buy it again, no one will sell it!

Hearing what his wife said, Cui Changji felt a little regretful. He didn't expect that his wife couldn't make full use of the news he got. It was a bit of a waste!

However, with the current situation of Yuetian Department Store and Chen Huarong's ability, it is obviously not the opponent of these two companies, and it is normal for them to suffer.

"Do you know how many shares Miracle Group has acquired?" Cui Changji remembered something important again and asked quickly.If the shares acquired by Miracle Group are not enough, then the shares they acquired may be in vain!
"I don't know about this." Facing her husband's question, Chen Huarong replied with a guilty conscience.Section Chief Li didn't mention this, nor did he care about it.

This made Cui Changji a little speechless, his wife didn't respond quickly enough!The ownership of the Yuetian Hotel in Busan is what they need to care about!
If the Yuetian Group wins, they will probably turn around and liquidate these "looters"!After all, no one will tolerate speculators, dig their corners when they have no time to take care of them, and benefit from them!

It is in their best interests only for the Miracle Group to win the Yuetian Hotel in Busan.Based on their cooperation and friendship with the Miracle Group for so many years, if they want to gain some benefits by eating meat and soup behind the Miracle Group, that President Wu will definitely not refuse.

 There have been a lot of things these past two days, and the coding progress has fallen behind. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are still being coded... Chapter 2 can be sent out in the morning. Chapter 3 is expected to be around noon or afternoon~

(End of this chapter)

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