Chapter 295

"...Then I will go to Miracle Group to visit President Wu tomorrow. By the way, I would like to express our position." Chen Huarong saw her husband's face looking a little ugly, and quickly realized that he had neglected important things!

As Cui Changji told her before, in order to revive the domestic economy as soon as possible, Bangzi Country will vigorously promote the tourism industry, attracting domestic and foreign tourists to come to Bangzi Country to travel and consume to promote economic development.

At that time, the hotel industry will also usher in a period of rapid development, especially in Busan, which is a key part of the plan!

That's why Cui Changji told her to find a way to acquire Busan Yuetian Hotel, and if the acquisition fails, at the very end, she must acquire a certain share of the hotel.Coupled with the Yuetian Hotel they have now, they can definitely take advantage of the policy bonus and make a fortune!
"We must help Miracle Group win the Busan Yuetian Hotel! Only in this way can our interests be protected!" Cui Changji warned again, "Only by making successive profits can you prove your ability and impress your father-in-law. Even It is to defeat Chen Yongji and Chen Dongji and win the inheritance rights of Shunyang Group!"

In order to fully mobilize Chen Huarong's enthusiasm, Cui Changji subconsciously used the PUA rhetoric he usually used to motivate his subordinates. Unexpectedly, the effect was surprisingly good.

As soon as Chen Huarong heard about the Shunyang Group's inheritance rights, she immediately became motivated. The matter of the Shunyang Group's inheritance rights has become an obsession in her heart.

------Dividing line------

After Chen Daojun returned to his residence, he looked at Mou Xianmin who was already busy in the kitchen. Chen Daojun asked in surprise, "Sister Xianmin, why did you come back early today? And you also took the initiative to cook, which is rare!"

Hearing this, Mou Xianmin rolled his eyes at Chen Daojun with some dissatisfaction, "You guys, are you so busy that you even forgot what day it is today?"

"What day is today?" Mou Xianmin's words made Chen Daojun shudder, and he didn't realize it all at once.

Looking at Chen Daojun who hadn't guessed it yet, Mou Xianmin said helplessly, "Why did you even forget your birthday?! What are you doing?!"

Hearing what Mou Xianmin said, Chen Daojun breathed a sigh of relief and smiled innocently at her, "Am I so busy that I forgot?"

Chen Daojun walked up behind Mou Xianmin, put his arms around her slender waist, smelled the familiar fragrance emanating from her hair, and said in a whisper, "Thank you, Sister Xianmin."

"Okay! Go wash your hands and come help me, there are still two dishes to finish. Here is your favorite pan-fried steak!" Mou Xianmin looked at the "half-hanging" Chen Daojun on his body, and his tone was unconscious became softer.

"Bah!" Hearing this, Chen Daojun happily kissed Mou Xianmin on the cheek, "Haha, my Xianmin is the best to me!" Then he let go of Mou Xianmin and washed his hands at the sink nearby. , and started to get busy.


"Did your company's acquisition go smoothly today?" Looking at Chen Daojun who was feasting in front of him, Mou Xianmin took a sip of red wine and asked curiously.

"It went very well. The management rights of the two companies, Yuetian Commercial and Korea Seven, were successfully won, but Xin Dongzhu, the chairman of the Yuetian Group, was about to go crazy!" Chen Daojun was enjoying the delicious food while talking about today. experience.

"Huh? Dongzhu Xin is so angry?" Mou Xianmin was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "What did you do? As the person in charge of Yuetian Group, Dongzhu Xin should not be so easily angered!"

Mou Xianmin had long heard about the change of chairman of Yuetian Group, and even investigated the other party's information.As the head of the Sun Kingdom branch of Yuetian Group, Dongzhu Xin's performance is quite good.

His outstanding abilities, calmness and calmness are what impressed others most about him.I didn't expect that such a person would be completely off guard by his own man. This kind of gossip is very interesting!

Seeing Mou Xianmin's eyes full of curiosity, Chen Daojun stopped the knife and fork in his hand and said with a smile, "We just used a little trick to hide part of the shares. They also always thought that the shares we acquired were not There are many of them.”

"When the shareholders' meeting came to vote, he was dumbfounded by the extra shares! He even said we had cheated!" Chen Daojun smiled and vividly described their operations.

"Pfft—!, you guys are really bad!" Mou Xianmin couldn't help laughing out loud. Through Chen Daojun's description, she could already imagine what happened at that time.

Obviously, one side has tried its best to obtain a large number of shares, and the other party has not acquired as many shares as oneself. The vote at the shareholders' meeting should be sure to win.

It turned out that he was a liar in his approach, and he was playing dirty tricks without respecting martial ethics!At the critical moment, they took out their hidden shares and directly counterattacked. They could only watch helplessly as their own company management rights were taken away by their opponents. It was really annoying!
Mou Xianmin laughed for a while and gradually calmed down, and then said with some worry, "Although it is a matter of joy to win the company, if you do this, I am afraid that the other party will retaliate!"

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up! The professional bodyguards that the security company found before are now in place. As long as you pay attention, there will be no problem." Chen Daojun felt warm when he saw Mou Xianmin caring about him so much, and smiled. said.

"That's good! You, sometimes like when you were a child, like to play pranks and tease others!" Mou Xianmin was relieved when he heard that Chen Daojun had made arrangements.

"Yes, I haven't changed much over the years. Sister Xianmin, on the other hand, is getting more and more beautiful!" Chen Daojun followed Mou Xianmin's words and praised the other party.

Hearing her little man praising her, Mou Xianmin suppressed the joy in her heart and said without any change on her face, "You are a guy who knows how to make people happy."

"No way, I'm telling the truth! If you don't believe me, just touch it?" Upon seeing this, Chen Daojun grabbed Mou Xianmin's fair and slender hand, put it on his chest, and continued, "Look, my heartbeat is not speeding up! "

"Okay, I believe you! Let's eat quickly!" Mou Xianmin blushed and quickly changed the subject.

"Then I'm not welcome!" When Chen Daojun saw Mou Xianmin's appearance, he quickly came up with a bad idea. Before the other party could react, he hugged him into his arms, and then posted it before the other party could react. Go up.

"Wait, you want to..." Before Mou Xianmin could finish speaking, Chen Daojun blocked his mouth, and he was completely lost after a while...

 Chapter 2 has been uploaded. I clicked too quickly and forgot the title...

(End of this chapter)

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