The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 296 The reaction from the Kingdom of the Sun

Chapter 296 The reaction from the Kingdom of the Sun
The Kingdom of the Sun, the headquarters of Nintendo Corporation.

"Chairman Yamauchi, the download data for "The Legend of Zelda", "Pokémon: Red/Green" and "Mario Kart" that we jointly developed with Nexon have been released for the first week since their launch. The number of downloads is 5.5, the number of downloads of "Pokémon: Red/Green" has reached 12.6, and the number of downloads of "Mario Kart" has reached 9.4!" The subordinates excitedly reported the data compiled by the game operation department. .

You must know that these three games they launched are all paid download models. In other words, these three games have been paid for downloads by a total of 27.5 people.And it’s only been on the market for a week!This data has completely exceeded their expectations!

"It seems that the original proposal to enter the field of computer games was a wise move! The cost corresponding to the number of downloads has almost caught up with the price of nearly [-] game consoles~!" Hiroshi Yamauchi was very emotional. This time he really was shocked by the amazing market for computer games.

"Let the marketing department increase the advertising of these three games! Try to more than double the number of downloads of these three games within a month!" Chairman Hiroshi Yamauchi made a decisive decision and directly issued a big order.

Now the number of Internet users in Sun Kingdom has continued to grow in the past two years, and has now reached a scale of close to 1000 million. Their current number of game downloads is less than a fraction of the total number of Internet users. Compared with their Nintendo fans And users, there is still huge room for improvement in this download volume.

"Yes, President!" the subordinate said respectfully.


Kingdom of the Sun, ABEX.

President Katsuto Matsuura looked at the MPMan F10 in front of him, playing familiar Japanese songs, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.He never expected that now that records and CD players are so popular, another dark horse would come in and seize the market quickly.

The price of this MPMan F10 is very cheap, and the number of songs it can hold is much higher than that of vinyl records and CDs.Moreover, other songs can be purchased at a low price on designated websites, and can be downloaded and copied to MPMan F10 after payment.This has an absolute advantage in terms of cost performance!

In less than half a month after the MPMan F10 was launched on the Bangzi Country market, more than 3 units have been sold. This figure made many colleagues in the Sun Country call it "a big hit"!

The already sluggish music market, and now such a "fierce" guy comes in to grab jobs, the situation of these record companies is a bit uncomfortable!As one of the top record companies in the Sun Country, Avex was naturally also affected.


"Is this imported from Bangzi Country?" Katsuto Matsuura's face was a little ugly at the moment. If he guessed correctly, this stuff might have something to do with Chen Daojun, one of Avex's shareholders.

At the beginning, he was a little puzzled, how could Chen Daojun, a good-natured shareholder, specially buy a bunch of music copyrights of popular singers from the Sun Kingdom, it turned out that it was premeditated!

"Yes, President! These MPMan F10s were transported to our country through Hanjin Shipping Company! I heard that they are products developed by a company called Seahan under the Bangzi Country Miracle Group!" Seeing the expression of Matsuura Katsuto Ugly, the subordinate replied nervously.

"As I expected, the Miracle Group really is the leader!" Katsuto Matsuura heard his subordinate's explanation, and quickly realized that the young man who came here with the vice president of the Miracle Group, Wu Shixian.

Although Chen Daojun revealed his specific identity, he could clearly feel that Wu Shixian, as the vice president, was very polite to Chen Daojun, even a little respectful!

And Chen Daojun's attitude towards the vice president seemed very casual, more like a peer or a friend.That's why he arranged for artists such as Namie Amuro and Ayumi Hamasaki to entertain Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian.


After some consideration, Matsuura Katsuto finally decided to contact the other party and ask about the other party's intentions so that he could designate corresponding countermeasures in the future!
Matsuura Katsuto found the business card Chen Daojun had given him before from the drawer and called the phone number on it.After a while, the other end of the phone was connected, and then a somewhat familiar voice came.

"I'm Chen Daojun, who are you?" Chen Daojun, who was checking the information in the office, suddenly remembered the ringing of the mobile phone beside him, and subconsciously connected the phone.

"Moxi Moxi, my name is Matsuura Katsuto, is this Chen Sang?" A strange Japanese language came from the microphone. Chen Daojun was stunned for a while before he realized that it turned out to be from the Sun Country's Aibex Records Company. President.

"So it's President Matsuura, what's the matter with contacting me this time?" Chen Daojun asked curiously.He really couldn't think of anything that Katsuto Matsuura from the record company would ask him for.

After all, he had no contact with the other party after his trip to the Kingdom of the Sun a few months ago.On the other hand, Namie Amuro and Ayumi Hamasaki, the two Sun Country singers who had an affair with him, exchanged messages on OICQ from time to time, and occasionally made overseas phone calls to chat for a while.


"Well, I have something to ask Chen Sang. Do you know about the MPMan F10 launched by Miracle Group? This thing is selling very well here in the Kingdom of the Sun. The record sales of several of our record companies have been affected. It's affected. If this continues, it will not be easy for us to love Becks!" Matsuura Katsuto said with some embarrassment.

"Oh, is that so?" Chen Daojun was in a good mood when he heard the news.Since it was said by Katsuto Matsuura, the news should be very accurate.It seems that this MPMan F10 is still "quite capable". Even a large record company like Avex feels the pressure? !

"President Matsuura, since the sales of traditional vinyl records and CDs are being impacted, haven't you considered changing the way of thinking to open up the situation?" Chen Daojun quickly got his attention and said persuasively.

"Another way of thinking?...Chen Sang, do you have any good suggestions?" Katsuto Matsuura asked eagerly.It is obviously unrealistic to ask Chen Daojun to stop selling MPMan F10 to Sun Country.

But if this continues, their Abex revenue will definitely be greatly affected.If the performance declines, most of those shareholders will hold the company's top management accountable.As the president of the company, he will definitely bear the brunt.

"It's very simple, as long as AiBex also builds a music website, produces the songs of its artists into MP3 format and uploads them to the website. It only allows users to pay to download the singer's songs! After all, selling records and CDs is for profit Well! Now I just need to find another way to continue selling songs!" Chen Daojun said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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