Chapter 297 Chen Daojun’s proposal
As Chen Daojun said, it doesn't actually matter whether the sales of records and CDs are good or not.What is important is that the company's revenue can continue to grow. It is not very important which method is used to increase revenue.

"...But, Chen Sang, we at LoveBex are just a traditional record company. We are not good at the Internet! As for how to build a music website on the Internet, we are not good at it." Matsuura Katsuto has some Said awkwardly.

Even if he is willing, they love Beck's record company does not have technical personnel in this field, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice!
"It's simple! Miracle Group has a professional Internet company that is responsible for building Internet platforms and websites. Avex can hire and outsource the music website work to this company, and you can enjoy it!" Chen Daojun He quickly expressed his countermeasures.

"Oh, that's really great! Thank you so much, Chen Sang!" After hearing Chen Daojun's proposal, Matsuura Katsuto was very sure that this method was extremely feasible.

It only takes a small amount of money to build a music website, and then continuously charge users for downloading fees. This is simply a cash cow!
Producing records and CDs requires costs and a lot of labor, which greatly consumes the original profits.How much does it cost to operate and maintain a music website? !This deal is such a bargain!

Chen Daojun hung up the phone, the smile on his face not fading for a long time. He had no idea that the MPMan F10 was so charming and that it would open up the market in the Kingdom of the Sun in such a short period of time. Well done!
Li Yanhe, who was wearing a small women's suit, looked at Chen Daojun curiously and murmured in his heart.The person who called just now seems to be from Sun Country?

It was clearly Japanese, and she would definitely not misunderstand it.This young boss also has connections with people in the Kingdom of the Sun?
Chen Daojun soon withdrew from the excitement and found that the beautiful bodyguard Li Yanhe was looking at him curiously at the moment. He smiled and said, "Why are you always looking at me? Is there any problem?"

"...Boss, was that person from the Sun Country just now? You also have business dealings with the Sun Country?" Li Yanhe quickly expressed the doubts in her heart, and she didn't think too much about it due to her straightforward personality.

"That's the president of a record company in Sunland. And I'm a shareholder of that company. He encountered a problem and asked me to help solve it." Chen Daojun did not ignore Li Yanhe's question, but explained patiently. Fan.

"So that's how it is, boss, you are really powerful, you have a company in Sun Country!" Li Yanhe praised with a smile.

Although the Bangzi Kingdom has been established for decades, the previous decades of war and colonial rule have made the Bangzi Kingdom admire the strong, and highly respect countries with particularly strong comprehensive strengths such as the Beautiful Country and the Hans Country.

Even Sun Nation, which has a "national feud" with them, this economic power once ranked second in the world, privately they still admire and envy them very much.

Chen Daojun just smiled at Li Yanhe's praise, and didn't pay much attention to it.Where is he now?Compared with the group of bigwigs who have already taken off in the beautiful country, such as Gates, Buffett and even the top consortia such as the Morgan family, the DuPont family, and the Rockefeller family, he is doing well.


Miracle Group, Vice President’s Office.

"President Chen, is there something important to discuss when you come here this time?" Wu Shixian looked at Chen Huarong who had suddenly visited in front of him, and said with a smile.

"President Wu is indeed wise. I came here this time to ask whether Miracle Group can win the operating rights of Busan Yuetian Hotel at Thursday's extraordinary shareholders' meeting." Chen Huarong saw what Wu Shixian said and did not hesitate. Ji, directly explained his purpose of coming.

"We have already obtained 45% of the shares. The situation of Yuetian Group should be better than ours, estimated to be around 47-48%. Our chances of winning are not good!" Wu Shixian said with some regret. According to the current share ratio , they are likely to lose, and there is no way to complete the acquisition of Busan Yuetian Hotel!
"45% of the shares?" Chen Huarong nodded happily, and then said with a smile, "That should be no problem! I have already acquired 6% of the shares. If we join forces, we can successfully win Busan Yuetian The right to operate a big hotel!”

Hearing what Chen Huarong said, Wu Shixian said with some surprise, "So the remaining shares are with you?! No wonder our trader has been following for several days and failed to acquire any more shares in the hotel."

Chen Huarong said with some embarrassment, "I didn't expect that the competition between Miracle and Yuetian Group would be so fierce. Originally, I thought about buying a part of the shares and becoming a shareholder of Busan Yuetian Hotel. I didn't expect that the wrong attack could just help Miracle Group win The right to operate the company!"

Wu Shixian glanced at Chen Huarong, and did not continue to question her somewhat far-fetched explanation.

"Since it has been confirmed that the remaining shares are on our own side, it will be much easier. On the contrary, Mr. Xin, at the shareholders' meeting on Thursday, saw that the number of shares he held was overtaken again. It’s really annoying, right?!” Wu Shixian thought to himself, but this time it wasn’t the Miracle Group that cheated him, but Shunyang Department Store!
------Dividing line------

Compared with Miracle Group's situation, the acquisition of Shirt Merchant Department Store is much more anxious.Ever since Cui Zhengzai suddenly fainted during the extraordinary shareholders' meeting and forcibly interrupted and terminated the agenda of the shareholders' meeting, they soon discovered that those guys from Zhongyu Group were really searching for the holdings of Zhongyu Express Company as Wu Luomin said. holders of shares.

After spending another "favorite fee" on Zhongyu Group, they successfully obtained part of the internal letter information from the securities company. According to the above information, they really found two retail investors with large shareholdings. .After some "coercion and temptation", the two retail investors finally reluctantly sold their shares to Zhongyu Group.

This made Cui Chengyou, who was in charge of this matter, very satisfied. This time, they successfully acquired 1.5% of the shares, reaching 49.1%. As long as they acquired 1%, they could completely reverse the situation and acquire Zhongyutong. The company's plan was completely thwarted!

"President Song, according to the information sent back by our colleagues in charge of the investigation, Zhongyu Group has just obtained 1.5% of the shares, which has already surpassed us in terms of shares held! At the second interim general meeting of shareholders, it is likely to lose!" Section Chief Jin said a little anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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