The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 298 Su Canping’s decisiveness

Chapter 298 Su Canping’s decisiveness
Manager Jin didn't think that the guy in Zhongyu Group responsible for this matter was Cui Chengyou, for fear of stimulating Song Cailin and affecting her judgment.

Song Cailin, who couldn't think of a better solution for a while, could only turn to Wu Luomin for help, hoping that he could come up with some effective solution.Seeing this, the others also looked at him expectantly.

This made Wu Luomin feel a little uncomfortable.He was silent for a moment and said, "There is no way, but it's relatively low-handed. It depends on whether President Song is willing or not!"

"Lawyer Wu, do you really have a solution? Tell me quickly." Song Cailin's eyes lit up when she heard that Wu Luomin had a solution, and she hurriedly asked.

"Now if you want to compete with the other party for time, you must compete with the other party for time. Find a way to delay their progress, and we will take the opportunity to catch up." Wu Luomin took a puff of cigarette, adjusted his tone, and then said, "Yes For some reward, please ask the Baihu Club to come forward and drag those guys from the Zhongyu Group, and then ask other people from the Baihu Club to help us contact other shareholders in the shortest possible time to complete the stock transaction!"

"As long as we acquire another 1.1% of the shares, we will be able to have a complete advantage in the shareholders' meeting. No matter how hard Zhongyu Group is, it will not be able to change the result!" Wu Luomin said what he can think of now.

Everyone in the office fell silent. Although the plan was feasible, this operation was indeed a bit of an underhanded operation, and it was indeed not above board.

Just when Song Cailin was hesitating, Su Canping suddenly said, "Lawyer Wu, please contact President Ma and ask the White Tiger Club to come forward!"

"Assistant Su, you are..." Song Cailin looked at Su Canping in puzzlement when she heard what Su Canping said. She didn't understand how this girl who looked about her age would agree to do such a thing?Section Chief Jin on the side was also a little puzzled, after all, how could a decent person agree to such a thing?
Seeing the questioning eyes of others, Su Canping said very calmly, "A shopping mall is like a battlefield. As long as you can win, it doesn't matter what method you use. No one cares. Only the final result is the most important thing! Winning The one who wins is the king, the loser is the bandit, and the loser will not get any sympathy!"

Su Canping's words made her feel like she was struck by lightning, "Yes, the shopping mall is like a battlefield, what will happen to those who fail?! Didn't her father, Song Jae-hwan, suffer a complete defeat in the financial turmoil, and no one was willing to help in the end? Forced to commit suicide by jumping off a building?"

Song Cailin thought of her father's ending, and her hesitant eyes gradually became firmer.She adjusted her breathing a little, and said casually, "Lawyer Wu, just follow what Assistant Su said. We, the shirt merchants, will bear all the consequences! Now as long as we can get the shares of Zhongyu Express, we can win the business." That's all right!"

"I understand!" Wu Luomin looked at Song Cailin whose temperament had changed suddenly, and replied solemnly.


In Yuetian Department Store, Ma Jiachang is discussing some affairs of the department store with the vice president Xu Zaitian.Ma Jiachang, who was born in an association, is now listening to Xu Zaitian's talk about the department store management system and matters that need attention like a student.

A loud cell phone rang suddenly, interrupting their conversation.Ma Jiachang greeted Xu Zaitian apologetically, then got up and went to the side to answer the phone.

"President Ma, I'm Wu Luomin. I need your help with something!" Wu Luomin said straight to the point.

"Lawyer Wu is polite. If you have anything to say, we will try our best to help you solve it!" Ma Jiachang replied with a smile when he heard Wu Luomin's voice.

"It's like this. The shirt merchant department store that cooperates with the Miracle Group has encountered some troubles here. ... So I want to ask President Ma to help arrange some younger brothers to stop the people from the Zhongyu Group and delay the time for us. Help us Search for a few people!" Wu Luomin described the situation of Shirt Merchant Department Store and the places that needed his help in detail.

"This is easy to handle. I'll let Huang Mao bring the brothers over later! When the time comes, you can contact Huang Mao. If you need to do this, you can just tell Huang Mao!" Ma Jiachang heard Wu Luomin's request It's not complicated, and I readily agreed.

"Contact Huang Mao? Yes! Thank you for your help!" Hearing that Ma Jiachang agreed very readily, Wu Luomin thanked him respectfully.


After hanging up the phone, Wu Luomin breathed a sigh of relief and said to the others, "The White Tiger Society has already contacted them, and they will send someone back later."

Seeing Wu Luomin's strength, Section Chief Jin and Song Cailin couldn't believe it. The other party was the White Tiger Club. As the largest club in Seoul, how could they be so talkative?Shuguang Law Firm's face is too big, right? !
Su Canping, on the other hand, was very calm about this. Miracle Group, Baihu Club, and Shuguang Law Firm are all old acquaintances.

When Baihu Society acquired Yuetian Department Store before, Shuguang Law Firm did a lot of help. As the president, Ma Jiachang was willing to help, she was not surprised at all.


Half an hour later, Huang Mao, a core member of the White Tiger Club, came to the Shirt Merchant Department Store.After receiving the news from the receptionist, Song Cailin directly sent an assistant to welcome the person in.

"Lawyer Wu, long time no see! The boss said, do you need help? Just ask, our White Tiger Society will solve it for you!" Huang Mao walked in, and after seeing Wu Luomin, his originally stern face soon showed smile.

"President Song has encountered some troubles. You need your help to stop those guys from Zhongyu Group from buying shares. In addition, we need to arrange some more people to help President Song find someone!"

"Stopping and finding someone? It's easy to handle. I'll call the brothers and let them take action!" Huang Mao readily agreed when he heard that it was such a "small matter".

In order to ensure that the actions of the White Tiger Club are foolproof, under the order of Song Cailin, Section Chief Jin followed Huang Mao to surround Cui Chengyou and others.


In a restaurant, Cui Chengyou was having dinner with several colleagues to celebrate.It turned out that his father, Cui Zhengzai, suddenly passed out at the shareholder meeting, which made him a little panicked.

Not long after arriving at the hospital, Cui Zhengzai woke up while lying on the hospital bed.I was very dissatisfied when I realized that my father had used the despicable method of "pretending to be unconscious" to forcibly terminate the shareholders' meeting.

Then he was slapped severely by Cui Zhengzai, so Cui Chengyou didn't say anything more.Cui Zhengzai told his son about his plan, and asked him to try his best to acquire more shares during these three days, and he must keep the management right of Zhongyu Express!

At the beginning, Cui Chengyou received this extremely difficult task, and there was no way out of thinking hard.Seeing his appearance, the assistant at the side couldn't help but propose a method, which was to bribe the staff of the securities company to obtain internal information, and then force those retail investors to sell their shares to them!
 Two updates today~Let me take a break~(д;)
(End of this chapter)

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