The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 300: Huang Mao’s threat, Cui Chengyou panics

Chapter 300: Huang Mao’s threat, Cui Chengyou panics

"Don't try to escape. There are more than 50 guards here. If you escape and get caught, don't blame us for being rude."

"As for your mobile phones and belongings, we will keep them for the time being, and we will return the originals when the time comes!" Huang Mao explained his request to several people, hoping that the other party would be more acquainted and stay here honestly.

"You are kidnapping! People from the Public Security Bureau will definitely catch you!" Cui Chengyou's assistant said bravely.

"Just relying on those trash from the Public Security Bureau? Hahaha!" Hearing what the other party said, Huang Mao couldn't help laughing, and the members of the White Tiger Club beside him also laughed.

They have negotiated so many times between the White Tiger Club and the Seoul Public Security Bureau. They still don't know what the other party's virtues are?Pure decoration, what can't be done, blame the blame, evade No.1!
"I am the son of the chairman of Zhongyu Group. It is illegal for you to do this! Our Zhongyu Group will never let you go!" Cui Chengyou forced himself to calm down and threatened sternly.

"Hey, the son of the chairman of Zhongyu Group? What a dick! I'm so scared!" Huang Mao stepped forward and patted Cui Chengyou's face, and said with a playful expression, "I was the vice president of Yuetian Group before Xin Dongbin. If you have fought, will you care about Zhongyu Group?"

Cui Chengyou felt bad when he heard Huang Mao's words. Has Xin Dongbin of Yuetian Group been beaten by him?Such an outrageous thing must be false!

But he quickly remembered a news report a few months ago, the senior management of the Yuetian Group was attacked by a group of club members, including the vice president Xin Dongbin, who was beaten up and lay down in the hospital for a long time ...Could it be that they are members of the White Tiger Society? !
"You...are from the White Tiger Club?" Cui Chengyou swallowed subconsciously, and asked nervously.

"It's not stupid!" Huang Mao chuckled, "Now that you know it, you know what to do, right? Don't make it difficult for us!"

"..." Cui Chengyou wanted to rise up to resist, but in the end he held back. He didn't dare to bet. The guys from Baihu Society have always been very tough. Even Yue Tian Group couldn't suppress them, let alone not as strong as Yue. The Zhongyu Group is the best.


Early the next morning, Song Cailin and Su Canping followed Section Chief Jin, Huang Mao and others to find other retail investors who held more shares based on the information they obtained.

"I didn't expect that Cui Chengyou was quite capable. He actually received 1.1% of the shares so quickly!" Su Canping looked at the materials Huang Mao brought over and felt a little emotional.

"...their method of obtaining shares does not seem to be very legitimate." Section Chief Jin on the side reminded him that using coercion and inducement to obtain shares from retail investors, this kind of bandit-like behavior will only bring trouble to the Chinese government. Yu Group discredits nothing more.

"The winner takes all! If you lose, no matter how aboveboard the means, what's the use?" Su Canping was not impressed by Section Chief Jin's words. Now we are competing for the company's management rights. It is a life-and-death struggle, not playing house. At home, the result is what matters!
Seeing that there was a disagreement between the two, Song Cailin said, "Uncle Jin, I know what to do. Now all this is for the future of our shirt merchant department store! If Zhongyu Express cannot be won, Zhongyu Group will definitely They will also attack our shirt merchant department store!"

"Instead of passive defense, it's better to take Zhongyu Express down now and cut off their thoughts!" Song Cailin's eyes looked very firm.

After going through these few months, his mentality has changed significantly, and the former rich daughter who can't eat the fireworks of the world has completely gone forever.Song Cailin is now the president of Shangshang Department Store. It is her current dream to lead Shangshang Department Store to become the number one department store in the industry.


However, things did not develop as smoothly as they had imagined.Due to the competition between T-shirt merchants and Zhongyu Group during this period, the shares of Zhongyu Express increased steadily. Many bold investors took the opportunity to buy a lot of shares, intending to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

And these retail investors who hold a large number of shares and have not sold them just want to hold on to them for a while and earn higher profits.Song Cailin and others were not impressed by the visit, especially when the other party offered a 5% premium, the other party directly rejected it.

"Now that Zhongyu Express's shares are rising steadily, why are you willing to pay such a small amount of money to buy the stock from me?! Are you treating me as a fool?" A middle-aged man said angrily.

As a small and wealthy middle class in Bangzi Country, although he doesn't know the other party's identity and intentions, the other party's "petty spirit" is willing to pay such a small amount of money to buy his stock, which is somewhat insulting!Does he look like someone who is so short of money?
Section Chief Jin patiently tried to persuade her for a while, but it didn't work, so she could only shake her head helplessly.Seeing this, Wu Luomin said hello to Huang Mao on the side, indicating that they should start "persuading"!
Huang Mao understood instantly and greeted several younger brothers warmly.At the beginning, this man was a little bit tough, and the other party would definitely not dare to do anything to him. At most, he would threaten him verbally. In the end, why not obediently pay for it and agree to his request?

Unexpectedly, Huang Mao and his gang of reckless men started to fight directly and beat him severely. However, these guys avoided the vital parts and beat him until he screamed, but the injuries were not serious.

"Stop fighting... stop fighting, I'm willing to sell the stock!" The man who couldn't stand the beating began to beg for mercy. He didn't expect that these guys were really cruel. He originally wanted to bargain with the other party to gain more benefits for himself. .Unexpectedly, the other party started to take action as soon as they disagreed!

Huang Mao asked the younger brothers to stop their actions, smiled and helped the man up from the ground, and said with some emotion, "Wouldn't it be better to cooperate earlier? If you have to be greedy, aren't you looking for trouble for yourself?"

Hearing what the other party said, the man felt like crying. He was so unlucky today. When he met these ruthless people, he was forced to sign a stock transfer agreement and left with the money in tears.


"...I understand Cui Chengyou a little bit. It is true that there is no way to successfully win the shares without some means." Section Chief Jin stood aside and watched the whole process, and couldn't help sighing.He can be regarded as having seen that sometimes fists are more "convincing" than good words and benefits!
"Now that we have won 0.5% of the shares, we will continue to look for the next share holders. As long as we find 2-3 more holders and take their shares, we will be sure to win!" Su Canping calculated Looking at the stocks held by the other party, I quickly got the proportion of the other party's shares, and said happily.

 Chapter 3 will be uploaded later

(End of this chapter)

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