The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 301: Defeated again, Dongzhu Xin’s decision

Chapter 301: Defeated again, Dongzhu Xin’s decision

Busan Yuetian Hotel, a large meeting room.

Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun arrived here early, but the person they were waiting for hadn't arrived yet, and they seemed to be late.

Chen Daojun asked speechlessly, "Did she change her mind temporarily and not come to participate?"

"...Probably not. From the past few conversations, I can feel that she is very interested in Busan Yuetian Hotel. Could it be that there was a traffic jam on the road?" Wu Shixian said with some embarrassment.

Chen Daojun shook his head helplessly. Leaving important shares in the hands of others was a constraint after all.If Chen Huarong fails to arrive on time, their acquisition today may be in doubt!

Wu Shixian took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Huarong's number. After a while, the other party answered the phone, "President Chen, the shareholders' meeting will start in 10 minutes. Are you arriving soon?"

"I'm sorry, President Wu, we encountered a traffic jam here. It will take another 7-8 minutes to arrive." Chen Huarong said with some embarrassment. He did not expect that he would encounter such an unexpected situation when he went out on time.

Wu Shixian felt helpless when he heard this, "You guys, please come here as soon as possible. We'll try to delay it as much as possible."


Time passed quickly.Seeing that the personnel have been in place one after another, the president of Busan Yuetian Hotel said, "Now that the personnel are in place, we will start the agenda of this shareholders' meeting and vote on whether to replace the board of directors."

"I have an objection! Another important shareholder was not present, so I applied for a 20-minute delay!" Wu Shixian interrupted the agenda.

Wu Shixian's words caused everyone in the audience to discuss.According to the current list of company holdings, there is no one other than Yuetian Group and Miracle Group!

Dongzhu Xin sneered and said, "President Wu, are you deliberately stalling for time? There are no other shareholders on our company's list."

As Dongzhu Xin spoke, the cadres of the Yue Tian Group looked at Wu Shixian with mocking eyes.They have been suppressed by the Miracle Group for a long time, and this time they may be able to make a comeback, which makes them feel relieved just thinking about it!

Wu Shixian was not afraid at all, and continued, "Is it just 20 minutes late? Is it possible that the Yuetian Group dare not wait even for such a short time? President Xin does not seem to be such a stingy person!"

Hearing Wu Shixian's ridicule, Dongzhu Xin almost couldn't hold back his words.This guy is waiting for him here. If he doesn't agree, wouldn't it appear that the Yuetian Group has no structure?But if he agrees, and something happens, the Yuetian Group will suffer a huge loss!


In the end, Dongzhu Xin agreed to a 10-minute delay until 9:10, regardless of whether other people were present, they would continue to vote.

While Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun were waiting a little anxiously, the door of the conference room was finally pushed open, and Chen Huarong and his assistant finally arrived.Wu Shixian smiled and waved to her, gesturing for her to sit next to him.

"Now that everyone is here, we can continue to vote!" Wu Shixian said to everyone with a smile.


"The shares that agree to replace the board of directors are 51%, and the shares that do not agree to replace the board of directors are 49%! The vote is passed, and the board of directors of Busan Yuetian Hotel will be replaced!" The hotel president announced in a stiff tone, and he did not expect it to be like this The result is completely different from what they expected before!

"Your Miracle Group's shares are only 45%. Where did the remaining 6% come from?!" Dongzhu Xin said angrily.Before this shareholder meeting, he specially asked someone to investigate and confirmed that Miracle Group had not acquired more shares, so he was sure that the other party would not be able to obtain the operating rights of Busan Yuetian Hotel.

"It is true that our Miracle Group has not acquired more shares, but it does not mean that other companies have not!" Facing Dongzhu Xin's doubts, Wu Shixian said with a smile, "This is the president of Shunyang Department Store - Chen Huarong, she Here we hold a total of 6% of the shares!”

After hearing Wu Shixian's introduction, the assistant next to Chen Huarong was very discerning and took out two share certificates.

When Dongzhu Xin saw this situation, he gritted his teeth with hatred.He was on every possible precaution against Miracle Group, but unexpectedly he missed a Shunyang Department Store. When did they get the 6% stake?How come we didn't notice it at all? !

Afterwards, the Yuetian Hotel in Busan carried out the election of the board of directors. The Miracle Group and my Shunyang Department Store, which have a dominant shareholding advantage, successfully formed a new board of directors. !This is the fourth company whose management rights were taken away during his tenure!Miracle Group is simply a devil!


So far, Yuetian Group, which has lost the management rights of 10 companies in total, has collapsed from its former hegemony in the retail and food industries, leaving only two companies, Yuetian Chemical and Yuetian Giants.

As soon as the news came out, the entire financial circle of Bangzi Kingdom was in an uproar.They never dreamed that after this sudden financial turmoil, the first one to completely collapse was not the Daewoo Group with the highest debt ratio, but the Yuetian Group, a chaebol with many core subsidiaries.

And the "culprit" that caused the collapse of the Yuetian Group was the Miracle Group with strong financial resources!Such explosive news has become the talk of the people of Bangzi Country after dinner.


After a series of defeats, Xin Dongzhu, as the chairman, was hit hard. He gradually realized the strength and terror of the Miracle Group, and the astonishing financial resources of the other party were no match for the half-crippled Yuetian Group.

The Yuetian Group, which has been hit hard now, has people's hearts and minds.Many management staff have come up with other ideas, and many have even submitted their resignations intending to move to new companies.Faced with this situation, he was helpless. After all, the Yuetian Group's defeat was a foregone conclusion. It was understandable that these guys did not want to sink with the Yuetian Group's aircraft carrier.


"I shouldn't have been blinded by greed and came to Bangzi Kingdom to interfere with these things!" Dongzhu Xin looked at the pile of information on the table and couldn't help but feel a little regret in his heart. He had known about the miracles here in Bangzi Kingdom. The group is so powerful, he will never come here to take over this mess!

Thinking of the current bad situation of the group, and seeing the silent eldest son in front of her, Mrs. Xin couldn't help asking, "Proprietor, what should we do next?"

"...I tried my best! Miracle Group is too powerful, and there is nothing I can do!" In order to save Yuetian Group, he brought 2 million US dollars, but the result was still such a complete defeat.

"Mother, come with me back to the Kingdom of the Sun! With the Miracle Group here, the Yuetian Group in the Bangzi Kingdom has no chance of making a comeback!" Dongzhu Xin said with some disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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