Chapter 304 Chief Li’s visit

When Cui Chengyou and others regained their sight again, they had already reached a certain street in Jiangnan District. "Executive, what should we do now? At this time, today's shareholders meeting should have ended!" the assistant reminded with some embarrassment.

Cui Chengyou was in a very bad mood. He didn't need his assistant to remind him. He understood that at this time, the shareholders' meeting must be over. Their previous efforts had been wasted by these guys from Baihu Club!It’s so irritating!

But what is the solution?Even if I moved out the name of Zhongyu Group, the other party still didn't take it seriously.Fortunately, I was "knowledgeable" and didn't confront them, otherwise it would be hard to say whether I could get away without incident today!
"...Go back to Zhongyu Group first!" Cui Chengyou thought again and again, and finally decided to go back to understand the situation before making any plans. Their current shares in Zhongyu Express are only 49.1%, which is of no avail!If his guess is correct, the people from Shirt Merchant Department Store must have taken advantage of this time to acquire more shares with their hard-earned information.


In the hospital ward, Cui Zhengzai, who was wearing a hospital gown, stumbled and sat down on the hospital bed while listening to the timid report from his subordinates.He didn't expect that he had tried so hard and even used the opportunity of fainting in the middle to buy three days for Zhongyu Group, but in the end, they, this bunch of losers, had accomplished nothing!
"Where's Choi Seung-woo? You haven't found that guy yet?!" Suppressing the anger in his heart, Choi Jung-jae continued to ask. When he handed over this matter to his son, he never thought that this would happen. Choi Seung-woo lost contact for no reason. for two days.

"Same as yesterday, Executive Cui's phone call is still not connected. The Public Security Bureau has not searched for them yet." The subordinate replied boldly.

"Axiba, this bastard! Cough..." Cui Zhengzai became even more angry when he heard it, and his body, which was already a little unwell, suddenly began to cough violently, and his expression looked very painful.Seeing this, the subordinates didn't care about other things, and hurriedly called the doctor to come and check.


Shuguang Law Firm, Chen Daojun's office.

"Boss, I used some tricks to detain the person in charge of the Zhongyu Group for a period of time, and successfully helped the Clothing Merchant Department Store take over the Zhongyu Express Company." Wu Luomin said to Chen Daojun with a smile.

"Didn't you kill anyone?" Chen Daojun frowned a little. If they really killed them, they would get into some trouble.After all, after Xin Gehao, Xin Dongbin and his son were killed, the Public Security Bureau has not caught the murderer.

Due to the pressure of public opinion, the security team members who used to work hard and rarely go out on duty were sent out to patrol.If they discover something unusual, they will get into trouble if they fail to protect it!
"Boss, you are worrying too much. I just asked the people from the White Tiger Club to detain them for two days. Let them miss the time and not be able to attend the shareholders' meeting!" Wu Luomin quickly explained that he is a professional lawyer, so he would not Do nothing excessive.

"That's good!" Chen Daojun breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.


"Boss, there is a Mr. Li who is looking for you. He didn't make an appointment. He came from Shunyang Group." The receptionist at the front desk suddenly called and asked whether Chen Daojun could meet him.

"He came over from the Shunyang Group? Let him come over!" Chen Daojun thought about it, and finally decided to meet him. If he guessed right, the dependent should be Mr. Li, Chen Yangji's confidant.


After a while, the assistant brought the visitor over.Chen Daojun looked at the familiar face in front of him and said with a smile, "It turned out to be Mr. Li! I was wondering who would come to the law firm to look for me, but I didn't expect it to be you!" Yong Jingwen motioned for her to help make a cup of coffee and hand it over.

"Hehe, it just so happens that the president has something to do, so let me go. I didn't expect that the scale of Shuguang Law Firm is much larger than I imagined!" Li Hengcai said with a smile. Originally, he wanted to call Chen Daojun directly.

But then I remembered that Chen Yangji had mentioned Shuguang Law Firm before, and seemed to be very optimistic about Chen Daojun.This gave Li Hengcai, a confidant, some ideas.

Chairman Chen Yangji's body is obviously not as good as before, and he doesn't know how long he can last.Moreover, not long ago, he publicly announced the abolition of Shunyang's eldest son inheritance system, which plunged several of his children into internal struggles.

The eldest grandson Chen Xingjun, who has always been valued by Chen Yangji, disappointed Chen Yangji because of a series of small actions.However, Chen Yangji was very satisfied with Chen Daojun, who had been concentrating on his lawyer career and achieved great results.

Since Chen Yangji was very optimistic about Chen Daojun, Li Hengcai planned to get in touch with this smart young man again and deepen the relationship with him, so as to prepare more escape routes for himself.


"I don't have much experience either. I just heard from my friends that law firms pay attention to their appearance. The more high-end the decoration and the larger the office area, the stronger the law firm will be!" Chen Daojun made a trick out of nothing, directly He is too familiar with pretending to be stupid after leaving himself clean.

Regarding Chen Daojun's answer, the smile on Li Hengcai's face grew stronger, "That friend of Daojun really has vision!"


After the two chatted for a while, Li Heng said again, "The president said he wanted to meet you. If it's convenient for you, come with me! It seems that it has something to do with the group's lawyer."

Hearing what Li Hengcai said, Chen Daojun was a little confused, what was Chen Yangji going to do?Although the number of lawyers in Shunyang Group is not large, their level is average to above average.But at any rate, he has many years of experience in the industry, and his comprehensive ability will not be much worse.

"It has something to do with the lawyers of the Shunyang Group?" Chen Daojun thought for a moment, but he still couldn't figure out Chen Yangji's plan, and then he said, "I can go there,... but since I want to talk about business, then I have to Bring your assistant with you. That's how you look professional!"

Then Chen Daojun shouted hello to Yong Jingwen at the work station and asked her to follow him to Zhengxinzhai.

Li Hengcai looked at the unfamiliar female assistant in front of him and was a little surprised, but he didn't think much about it. Anyway, Chen Daojun agreed to go, so even bringing an extra assistant would not have much impact.


Half an hour later, Chen Daojun and the others arrived at Zhengxinzhai.Chen Daojun took Yong Jingwen to the study room on the second floor by familiar means.

"Grandpa, I heard Mr. Li say, do you need me?" Chen Daojun knocked on the door and walked into the study.

"Yigu, it's Daojun here!" Chen Yangji put down the newspaper in his hand and looked up to see his little grandson Chen Daojun and a young woman coming to the study, and asked casually, "Who is this girl?"

(End of this chapter)

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