The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 305 Chen Yangji’s “trap”, Chen Daojun declined

Chapter 305 Chen Yangji’s “trap”, Chen Daojun declined

"This is Yong Jingwen, my assistant in the law firm. Mr. Li said, Grandpa, you need me for legal matters, so I brought her too!" Chen Daojun said with a smile.

Chen Yangji smiled and said, "Mr. Li is right, I really need you! I want to cooperate with Shuguang Law Firm to provide legal help for our Shunyang Group."

Hearing what Chen Yangji said, Chen Daojun was a little puzzled, "Doesn't Shunyang Group have its own legal department? Why did grandpa go far and look for a law firm outside?"

"The guys in the legal department can handle ordinary matters well. As for corporate mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring, they are far less professional than Shuguang Law Firm~!" Chen Yangji said with some emotion, "Shunyang Group is The asset restructuring is not going smoothly, so I plan to cooperate with Shuguang Law Firm to solve these problems."

In the past few months, he has heard about the brilliant achievements of Shuguang Law Firm.

In just a few months, it helped Miracle Group complete the acquisition of many companies. Thanks to the help of Shuguang Law Firm, Baihu Society successfully completed the transformation of She Tunxiang and directly acquired the cash cow of Yue Tian Department Store.In terms of performance and capabilities, there is no other law firm in Bangzi Country that can compare with it!

"Of course there is no problem with this, but the remuneration is very expensive at Shuguang Law Firm!" Chen Daojun did not object to Chen Yangji's proposal, but showed a look of joy.

Aren't their lawyers just using people's money to eliminate disasters for others?As long as the money is in place, who do you work for?

"Hahaha! You are really shrewd, kid!" Chen Daojun's words made Chen Yangji burst into laughter. He thought Chen Daojun would refuse, but he didn't expect this guy to agree so readily.I saw him say, "As for the remuneration, you don't have to worry, our Shunyang Group is not short of such a small amount of money!"

During this period of time, the joint venture cars produced by Shunyang Automobile under the Shunyang Group and the new mobile phones produced by Shunyang Electronics have sold well overseas, and they have already earned 3000 million US dollars in foreign exchange for them!As long as they are given some more time, they will be able to completely escape from the quagmire of the financial turmoil and become the former top chaebols again in a short time!

Moreover, after the group's companies are reorganized, they will soon be able to acquire more high-quality companies, and the speed of profits will be greatly increased.If the company's legal staff (lawyers) were not familiar with this business, they would have already completed the reorganization of several subsidiaries!
But if they continue to delay like this, their lost profits in Shunyang will be lost!

Seeing that Chen Yangji agreed so readily, Chen Daojun naturally wouldn't object. After all, there is no reason to push the big business to the door.But Chen Yangji's next words made Chen Daojun couldn't help but frown.

"Daojun, why don't you come to take up a position in the legal department of our Shunyang Group after signing the contract? That way I can feel more at ease!" Seeing that the matter was almost explained, Chen Yangji threw out another proposal.

"Let me take a position in the legal department of Shunyang Group?" Chen Daojun was a little surprised.In his opinion, no matter how bad Miracle Group's legal department is, it is still a bit of a level. It is reasonable to ask foreign aid to help solve the company's restructuring.

If I parachute there and take up the position, wouldn't I be asking for trouble?They have to deal with a bunch of bad things in Shunyang every day. Those executives of Shunyang Group can order themselves to work and be a cow?Why bother!How can I feel comfortable in a law firm by myself!
"Forget it, I'm not interested in this. There are a lot of things at the law firm. I usually have to visit Disneyland, Nexon, and SuperMuseum. I don't have much time to think about other things." Chen Daojun declined politely.

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Chen Yangji really couldn't find any better words to convince the other party.As for the reason Chen Daojun said, he would not believe it!

In addition to Chen Daojun's permanent residence at Shuguang Law Firm, no matter whether it is Disneyland Management Company, Nexon Company or SuperMuseum Company, he has no more than a false job at most.It's really cunning to use these companies as a shield now!

Originally, Chen Yangji wanted to bring Chen Daojun under his nose, but his plan to test him fell through.Feeling a little aggrieved, I threw out the bait and set the trap, but this little guy couldn't catch it at all!


After leaving Zhengxin Zhai, Chen Daojun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.He hadn't thought much about it before, but out of instinct, he subconsciously rejected Chen Yangji's proposal to let him work in the Shunyang Legal Department.Now that I think about it carefully, if I agree, wouldn't I be cheated by the old man!
Not long ago, Chen Yangji announced in public that Shunyang Group had abolished the primogeniture system, and the entire Shunyang Group had fallen into internal conflicts.In order to rise to the top, Chen Yangji's three children have spent a lot of time wooing the group's management and the heads of subsidiaries to strengthen their own line.

If he rashly agrees and goes to the legal department of Shunyang Group, Chen Yongji, Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong will definitely target him, or even force him to express his position, or even regard himself as a competitor to inherit the group's management rights.

"But judging from the current situation, my cheap aunt's strength seems to be a bit insufficient!" Chen Daojun carefully recalled the situation of the three brothers and sisters Chen Yongji, Chen Dongji, and Chen Huarong, and quickly analyzed the relationship between the three. strength gap.

Chen Yongji, who owns the shares of many companies such as Shunyang Property, Shunyang Construction, and Shunyang Automobile, and even holds the title of vice president of the group, is undoubtedly the strongest, and with the help of the Yue family, a giant in the mortgage industry in Bangzi, his strength is Undoubtedly the strongest.

Even without the eldest son inheritance system, it is not difficult to suppress Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong and finally win the group inheritance rights.By then, the strength of Chen Dongji, the second uncle, and Chen Huarong, the aunt, would be significantly weaker.

Although Chen Dongji is the president of Shunyang Chemical and Shunyang Fire Insurance Company, these two companies suffered a lot of losses due to the impact of the financial turmoil, and the situation is not optimistic.It may take a long time to regroup.

As for the Shunyang Department Store under Chen Huarong, the situation is much better, but Chen Yangji only gave this daughter the right to operate the department store.If she hadn't followed Wu Shixian's suggestion and won the management right of Yuetian Hotel, she, who only has one company, would not be a match for either Chen Yongji or Chen Dongji.

(End of this chapter)

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