The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 306 Chen Daojun’s idea to enter the hot summer retail industry

Chapter 306 Chen Daojun's Idea, Entering the Hot Summer Retail Industry

"It seems that I have to support Chen Huarong to make her stronger. Otherwise, with her current strength, she will not be the opponent of Chen Yongji and Chen Dongji at all!" Chen Daojun thought for a while, and soon came to a conclusion. idea.

Although it is impossible to help Chen Huarong acquire new companies for a while, there is still no problem in expanding the scale and business model of Shunyang Department Store.Chen Daojun intends to help the strength of Shunyang Department Store by building a large-scale comprehensive supermarket.

The population of Bangzi Country is less than 5000 million, but the retail industry is very developed, with many department stores competing for a small market share.It is obviously not a good decision to build a large shopping mall in Bangzi Country. There are too many competitors and the market is too small.

Soon he set his sights on Yanxia Kingdom next door, where the retail industry has not yet flourished.Wal-Mart entered Yanxia in 1996; Yanghuatang in Sunland entered Yanxia in 1997; Metro entered Yanxia in 1996; RT-Mart in Baodao entered Yanxia inland in 1997...

With a population of 12 billion, Yanxia Kingdom is doomed to have an extremely large consumer market. As long as he can follow the classic large-scale general supermarket business model in his previous life, he will soon be able to create a huge retail group in Yanxia!

For example, since Carrefour entered Yanxia Country in 1995, it has used the international advanced supermarket management model to provide high-quality and cheap commodities and high-quality services in the form of a hypermarket. Therefore, it is favored by consumers. Carrefour’s hypermarket In the following years, hundreds of stores were quickly opened.



Chen Daojun, who had made up his mind, quickly changed his driving direction and headed in the direction of Miracle Group.Yong Jingwen asked curiously, "Boss, aren't we going back to the law firm? Where are we going?"

Chen Daojun replied while driving, "We won't go to the law firm, we will go directly to Miracle Group! We happen to have something to discuss with Chairman Wu!"

Yong Jingwen nodded thoughtfully and did not continue to ask any more questions.She had just followed Chen Daojun to meet Chen Yangji, the legend of Bangzi Kingdom, the chairman of Shunyang Group, in Zhengxinzhai, and her excitement had not yet completely calmed down.Although she had long heard that her boss Chen Daojun was a member of the Chen family in Shunyang, she never expected that the relationship between Chen Daojun and Chen Yangji would be so close.

What's more, she didn't expect that majestic old man to behave so kindly in front of her and Chen Daojun, without any sense of majesty in her impression, which made her a little happy.This kind of feeling is like a star chasing fan. After seeing the idol star she has liked for many years, she finds that the other party is much easier to talk to than herself. She is very surprised!


Miracle Group, Vice President’s Office.

Chen Daojun described his idea to Wu Shixian in detail.

Wu Shixian nodded from time to time, worried and worried, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Boss, your proposal is very good. But I am afraid that there are many problems that need to be solved in operation. For example, the purchase of land in Yanxia Kingdom, The proportion of Yang department store and our side's investment, the recruitment of staff in hypermarkets..."

"President Wu, these problems are not that complicated to solve!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "You have forgotten that there is also our Miracle Group in Yanxia! The Yanxia Miracle Group managed by President Li Taiyong is currently ranked over there. It’s a very leading real estate company!”

Hearing this, Wu Shixian's frown quickly relaxed, "Haha, I almost forgot that we also have plans for Hot Summer! If President Li can help, then our problem of entering the retail industry of Hot Summer Country can be solved. More than half."

"It's just that Chen Huarong, if we only reserve 10% of the shares for her, according to her temper, I'm afraid she won't agree easily!" Wu Shixian said with a smile.

"There's nothing we can do if we don't agree. According to my estimation, if we want to build a high-end large-scale store over there in the hot summer, it will cost more than 600 million US dollars. And we need to open more than 3 large-scale stores within 50 years to be able to do so in a short period of time." Seize more market share within time! After all, there is a population of more than 12 billion, which is more than 24 times that of our country!"

Chen Daojun waved his hand and said helplessly, "It's just that according to my analysis, whether the current Shunyang Department Store can spend 3000 million US dollars is not a small problem."

"That's true. After all, Shunyang Department Store has just acquired the operating rights of the Yuetian Hotel and part of the shares of the Yuetian Hotel in Busan. If you want to spend more money, I'm afraid it won't be able to do it!" I quite agree with Chen Daojun's analysis. After all, With the scale of Shunyang Department Store, it is already the limit to be able to complete the acquisition of Yuetian Hotel and the investment in Busan Yuetian Hotel.


It is really a big problem to help Chen Huarong increase her strength without losing profits to Miracle Group.

In the end, Wu Shixian had a flash of inspiration and came up with a wild and unconstrained idea!

"In the domestic retail industry, there are still many large department stores. Yuetian Department Store, Shunyang Department Store, Shanshang Department Store, Korea Seven, LG Department Store, etc., many of which have in-depth cooperation with Miracle Group of!"

Wu Shixian analyzed the current retail industry situation, and then said, "It is better to guide Yuetian Department Store, Shunyang Department Store, Shangshang Department Store, and Korea Seven to jointly establish a new department store. We will cooperate with this new department store to enter the hot summer market!"

"Let these department stores join forces to establish a new department store?" Chen Daojun was a little dumbfounded. Chen Daojun was a little undecided about Wu Shixian's proposal.

If they act according to this method, then they are likely to form the most powerful department store. However, there are so many companies, and each company has a different position and situation. Whether they are willing or not is a question, and how to coordinate and cooperate in the future Not a small problem.

"Try it. If they don't want to, forget it. If it works, it will be of great benefit to our Miracle Group!" Wu Shixian said with a smile.In his opinion, the new department stores established will have the ability to compete with the top department stores in the world. Even in Yanxia Country, they will not necessarily lose to department store brands from other countries!
(End of this chapter)

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