The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 307: Persuasion and preparation for signing the contract

Chapter 307: Persuasion and preparation for signing the contract

On the third day, Yuetian Department Store, Shunyang Department Store, Shanshang Department Store and Korea Seven received invitation letters from Miracle Group.When the representatives of the four companies came to Miracle Group according to the invitation letter, they were all stunned by Miracle Group's proposal!

The vice president of Miracle Group sat across from everyone, and told them with a smile that he hoped that the four department stores could integrate their resources and form a brand new department store together with Miracle Group!

When they heard Wu Shixian's proposal, they didn't reject it directly. They were all thinking about this proposal that sounded outrageous.However, the representatives of Yuetian Department Store, Shanshang Department Store and Korea Seven did not object, because they knew that the company's major shareholder was none other than Miracle Group!
On the contrary, Chen Huarong, the representative of Shunyang Department Store, couldn't sit still, and asked, "President Wu, are you joking? If you agree, with so many companies, who will be in charge of running the new department store?"

Although the current situation of Shunyang Department Store is good, if a new department store is to be formed, her Shunyang Department Store will not be able to take advantage of it, let alone hold the right to speak of the new company.

Wu Shixian was not surprised by Chen Huarong's reaction, but said to her with a smile, "President Chen, don't just focus on the present. You have to look at the future!"

"After the establishment of the new department store system, our Miracle Group will unite the new department store to enter the retail market of Yanxia Country! There are more than 12 billion people there, but the number of large shopping malls there is less than 100. Such an opportunity , I think you all understand how big the opportunity is!"

Wu Shixian's words instantly aroused the interest of three other department stores.In particular, Ma Jiachang, the president of Yuetian Department Store, Song Cailin, the president of Clothing Store Department Store, and Li Minying, the president of Korea Seven, the three of them quickly realized how much potential the Yanxia country market mentioned by Wu Shixian had!

No matter how they develop now, the population of Bangzi Country is less than 5000 million, so the retail market of Bangzi Country is doomed to be so big. If they want to occupy a little more market share, they must take some from their competitors. After all, the cake that can be divided is so big!

But the market cake in Yanxia Kingdom is more than 24 times larger than that in Bangzi Kingdom. Even if they can get a small piece, it can be worth all their revenue in Bangzi Kingdom!In other words, as long as they agree, it won't take long for them to rely on the Yanxia country's market to rapidly increase their company's revenue.

"President Wu's proposal is a good one, and our Yuetian Department Store agrees!" Ma Jiachang readily agreed to Wu Shixian's proposal.

"Our shirt merchant department also agrees!" Song Cailin followed closely.

As for Korea seven, I dare not object at all.As a department store newly incorporated by Miracle Group, it is natural that Miracle Group has any orders, and they will follow suit.

Chen Huarong didn't expect the other three families to agree so simply. Isn't this putting her on the fire?If they agree, it is still unknown whether the interests of Shunyang Department Store can be guaranteed.But if she refuses, it will definitely offend Miracle Group very much, and the friendship between her and Wu Shixian for many years may come to an end here!
As if seeing Chen Huarong's doubts, Wu Shixian said with a smile, "President Chen, you have to look further. With the revenue from Yanxia Country, the overall revenue of Shunyang Department Store exceeds that of other subsidiaries of Shunyang Group. It shouldn’t be a difficult thing for the company, right?”

Hearing this wave of "hints" from Wu Shixian, Chen Huarong, who was still a little hesitant, seemed to have been stabbed to the point and reacted instantly.

"Yes! Now Shunyang Group has abolished the eldest son inheritance system. Dad said that the management rights of Shunyang Group will be handed over to the best person! If we follow the plan proposed by Chairman Wu, then my Shunyang Department Store business will There will definitely be a huge increase in income, and dad will look at it differently when the time comes!"

The obsession with obtaining the succession right of Shunyang Group soon instigated Chen Huarong to agree to the cooperation plan, and then the four department stores and Miracle Group discussed a series of issues such as specific cooperation details, registered capital, and company management personnel.


After more than an hour of discussion, they finally finalized many matters for the new department store, and agreed to hold a formal signing ceremony at Miracle Group tomorrow to officially establish the new department store!

After the meeting, representatives of several department stores left one after another, but Chen Huarong chose to stay, as if he wanted to discuss something with Wu Shixian.


In Wu Shixian's office.

Chen Huarong asked anxiously, "President Wu, are you really sure that you will open new department stores all over Yanxia Country and win the market share there?"

Wu Shixian smiled and said, "That's natural! According to the analysis of the information we have now, there are already many foreign retail giants in Yanxia Kingdom, but they don't invest much money. And this is our opportunity! So we have to integrate our strength as soon as possible and enter Yanxia as soon as possible!"

Seeing that Chen Huarong was still a little hesitant, Wu Shixian immediately added, "President Chen, this is a good opportunity! With the market share of Yanxia Kingdom, the revenue of Shunyang Department Store will be greatly improved."

"Otherwise, relying solely on the two companies of Shunyang Department Store and Yuetian Hotel, the achievements you can make are limited. It is impossible to defeat your competitors and obtain the inheritance right of Shunyang!"

After hearing Wu Shixian's straightforward explanation, why didn't Chen Huarong understand what the other party meant?Miracle Group is going to take action personally to help her strengthen Shunyang Group so that it can compete with her two brothers!If he refuses, it will be equivalent to giving up his inheritance rights to Shunyang Group!
"President Wu, I understand, thank you for your willingness to help us Shunyang Department Store!" Chen Huarong smiled gratefully.


After successfully completing the "mission", Wu Shixian immediately informed Chen Daojun of the situation.When he learned that the contract would be officially signed tomorrow, Chen Daojun suggested that reporters from SBS TV station could be arranged to interview him to increase the attention and influence of the new department store!
Wu Shixian agreed decisively. If a newly born department store wants to gain attention and influence, advertisements and the like must be inevitable!Let the group's SBS TV station come to a wave of positive interviews and news reports, the effect will definitely be good!

Wu Shixian quickly asked Rachel to inform and ask the staff to make arrangements for the large conference room downstairs. The signing ceremony will be held in the large conference room downstairs tomorrow. At the same time, he also contacted Li Huanwen from SBS TV station and asked them to arrange it. Good reporters cover and broadcast the signing ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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