The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 308 The reactions of Zhu Mengxian and Chen Yongji

Chapter 308 The reactions of Zhu Mengxian and Chen Yongji
The next day, Miracle Group signed contracts with several department stores, and the news of the establishment of a new department store was quickly spread through the news reports of SBS TV.The big companies and dignitaries of Bangzi Country who got the news were a little dumbfounded. They didn't know what Miracle Group was going to do. How could they set up a new department store?
Especially big companies with department stores, such as Daying Group, LG Group and other chaebols, are very worried about the sudden move of Miracle Group. Originally, the domestic retail industry market is not big. I'm afraid it's going to be hard!

After all, Miracle Group's strong financial resources, they can be regarded as having witnessed it, to be able to take down many subsidiaries of Yuetian Group so easily, and directly "cripple" the former top 5 top chaebols, it is definitely a fierce giant beast.If they officially enter the domestic retail business, can they really resist it?


Zhu Mengxian of the Daying Group took the initiative to visit Wu Shixian, relying on his cooperation with the Miracle Group many times and his friendship.When he bit the bullet and asked the other party if Miracle Group planned to enter the retail industry in Bangzi Country, Wu Shixian couldn't help laughing.

"President Mengxian, do you also think that Miracle Group's big move is to enter the retail industry in Bangzi Country?" Wu Shixian looked at the anxious Zhu Mengxian and said with a smile.

"Isn't it? It's impossible to go all out to enter the overseas market, right?" Zhu Mengxian replied casually.

"You're really right!" Wu Shixian said in surprise, "This time we set up a brand new department store just to enter the retail industry in Yanxia Kingdom next door! That's our goal!"

"Entering Yanxia Kingdom?" Zhu Mengxian was a little confused. Although Bangzi Kingdom and Yanxia Kingdom established diplomatic relations in 92, many companies from Bangzi Kingdom also went to Yanxia Kingdom to inspect and build factories.

But after they came back, they came to the conclusion that the infrastructure in Yanxia Country is not as good as that of Bangzi Country, and many high-tech factories and equipment facilities are not available there. If you invest in building a factory, you may not even have qualified workers. If you can find it, you need to start training from scratch.

This also made many South Korean companies dispel the idea of ​​going to Yanxia Country for development.So when Wu Shixian mentioned that he was going to enter the Yanxia Kingdom, Zhu Mengxian was stunned for an instant.Wu Shixian must have understood the situation in Yanxia Kingdom, how could he make such an irrational decision? ... Or is there something he doesn't understand?

Facing Zhu Mengxian's questioning, Wu Shixian didn't care about it, but said with a smile, "Because Yanxia has a population of more than one billion, we got the news that those foreign retail giants have begun to enter Yanxia country to seize the people there. Market share. After integrating resources, we plan to enter Yanxia to get a share!"

Hearing Wu Shixian's explanation, Zhu Mengxian was in a bad mood.Before coming here, I was still worried about whether my department store would be affected by this, but now I am a little annoyed. Why didn't Wu Shixian call them Daying Department Store when he established this new department store?
Facing Zhu Mengxian's question, Wu Shixian did not answer directly, but looked at Zhu Mengxian who was looking a little ugly in front of him, and teased, "President Mengxian, have you forgotten? Who is the president of Daying Department Store? Are you sure we Is the cooperation between Miracle Group and Daying Department Store good for you?"

Wu Shixian's words instantly awakened Zhu Mengxian!It turns out that the president of Daying Department Store is none other than Zhu Menggen, Zhu Mengxian's third brother!This made Zhu Mengxian, who was still a little bit critical, completely silent.

Since Zhu Yirong was hospitalized, Zhu Mengxian was temporarily in charge of handling the daily affairs of the group. The second Zhu Mengjiu, the third Zhu Menggen, and the fourth Zhu Mengyu were very dissatisfied with him, the fifth, taking power.During this period of time, he has been doing little tricks. Even when the group held a meeting to arrange work, the few of them seemed to ignore his orders.

If Miracle Group cooperates with Daying Department Store, it must be Zhu Menggen who will benefit, not his fifth brother Zhu Mengxian!After all, now he is only handling the group's daily affairs on his behalf, and his father Zhu Yirong will be discharged from the hospital in a few days, and his days of holding power will almost come to an end!


Shunyang Group, Vice President's Office.

Chen Yongji, who was flipping through the materials, was interrupted by a knock on the door. He looked up, and it was his confidant, Section Chief Jin, who came in.Chen Yongji subconsciously asked, "Mr. Jin, what's the matter?"

"Vice President, have you seen the news just now?" Section Chief Jin did not directly explain the purpose of his visit, but asked rhetorically.

"News? What news?" Chen Yongji was confused and didn't understand what Section Chief Jin was referring to.

"This morning, SBS TV broadcast a report that the Miracle Group is cooperating with five department stores to create a new department store!" Section Chief Jin paused for a while and then said, "One of them is the Shunyang Department Store! "

After listening to Section Chief Jin's words, Chen Yongji lost his composure for an instant.What is Miracle Group doing?How could Chen Huarong agree to such a thing?Isn't she afraid that Miracle Group will take the opportunity to annex Shunyang Department Store? ...

For a moment, many questions flashed through Chen Yongji's mind. It took him a while to regain his composure, and then he asked, "Is there any news from the president? Did he ask Mr. Li to inform Chen Huarong?"

"Well, we haven't received the news yet. But if such a big incident happened, the president should ask about it, right?" Section Chief Jin shook his head and replied with some uncertainty.

The reason why Section Chief Jin told Chen Yongji about this matter was more to make Chen Yongji more vigilant.After all, Shunyang Department Store and Miracle Group have cooperated many times. It is said that Chen Huarong's husband Cui Changji was able to successfully become the mayor with the help of Miracle Group.

I'm afraid that this cooperation will bring huge benefits to Shunyang Department Store, and they will feel uncomfortable when the time comes.After all, according to Chen Yangji's previous promise, whoever can manage Shunyang Group better will be handed over the management rights of the group!

As the eldest son, Chen Yongji not only lost the inheritance rights, but also if the management rights were taken away by his sister who had not performed well in the past, if this spread, Chen Yongji would probably lose his face!

"Send someone to keep an eye on Director Li and Miracle Group. If there is any trouble, remember to inform me as soon as possible!" Chen Yongji thought for a moment and said firmly.

In his opinion, since Miracle Group will propose to establish a new department store, there must be other plans in the future. According to his understanding of that Wu Shixian, every move of the other party will have its own purpose, and it will never be done. Useless work!
As for his father, Chen Yangji, he also wanted to make sure, what would be his attitude towards Chen Huarong's actions?Rebuke or acquiesce?

"Yes!" Mr. Jin replied respectfully.

 The numbering is wrong, this should be chapter 308...~~o(>_<)o ~~
(End of this chapter)

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