The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 309 Chen Yangji was dumbfounded, Chen Daojun was dissatisfied

Chapter 309 Chen Yangji was dumbfounded, Chen Daojun was dissatisfied

Zhengxinzhai, Chen Yangji, who was reading the newspaper in the garden outside, accidentally caught a glimpse of Mr. Li who hurried over not far away, subconsciously put down the newspaper in his hand, looked up at Mr. Li curiously, and asked, " Did anything important happen today?"

"President, it's Miracle Group's new move!" Mr. Li said nervously, "According to SBS TV reports, Miracle Group has cooperated with five domestic department stores and announced the establishment of a brand new department store. We don't know what their next move is yet!"

"Oh, is Miracle Group setting up a new department store?" Chen Yangji was a little surprised. He couldn't understand Miracle Group's move. After all, when setting up a new department store, the investment and gain are obviously not proportional!

Now the domestic retail industry market has been divided up for a long time. Even if Miracle Group has a lot of money, it may not be able to reverse the situation!

"Among the five department stores that have cooperated with Miracle Group, one is Shunyang Department Store. President Chen Huarong attended the cooperation signing ceremony in the morning!" Mayor Li said the key information after a moment of silence.

"What? Hua Rong actually agreed?! What on earth are they going to do?!" Chen Yangji was stunned by the news. He had no idea that his daughter Chen Huarong and Shunyang Department Store would also be involved in this matter.Could it be that she is crazy?I wonder if once you agree, are you creating a huge competitor for yourself? !

"Go and call Chen Huarong here! I want to ask her if she is crazy? How could she agree to such a thing?!" Chen Yangji said with a displeased expression.From his point of view, Chen Huarong's move was obviously a prodigal!Even if you cooperate with Miracle Group, no matter how good your relationship is, you can't agree to such a thing!
"Okay, President!" Mr. Li replied respectfully.

------Dividing line------

Nexon Gaming & Entertainment conference room.

Chen Daojun looked at Kim Jong-ju, and said with some dissatisfaction, "The European branch was sued by Mirabilis. Why didn't you tell me about such an important matter a few days ago?"

Jin Zhengzhou said with some embarrassment, "I originally thought that Mirabilis had not registered copyright in Europe, and even if it sued, the court would not necessarily accept it. I didn't expect that the lawyers they hired were able to deal with the people in the court. The current situation is not good for some people. .”

Chen Daojun glared at him fiercely, and then said in a somewhat unkind tone, "Then what are you going to do now? If you lose the lawsuit, then the promotion of our OICQ in Europe will be in trouble!"

"...Boss, don't worry. Their Mirabilis company's ICQ software patent registration in Europe is obviously later than ours. Even if we sue, the crimes they listed will not be successful!"

"I have asked the head of the European branch to find the most professional lawyers in Europe. If we really file a lawsuit, we will definitely win!" Seeing Chen Daojun's face looking a little ugly, Jin Zhengzhou explained quickly.

It was because of his carelessness before that the other party had the upper hand for a while, but with the funds and strength of their Nexon company, it is no problem to hire professional lawyers to win the lawsuit for them.

"That would be the best! In addition to OICQ, our company's other computer game development and sales, you should pay more attention! The domestic financial turmoil is over, and many companies have received aid from the Blue House. According to the current With the trend, it may take less than a year for Bangzi Country's economy to fully recover!"

"We want to seize the computer game market while others haven't noticed!" Chen Daojun saw that Kim Jong-ju said this, and didn't go further into this topic. It is the key point of Nexon company, and we can't give up because of choking.

"Okay, boss!" Jin Zhengzhou was relieved to hear that Chen Daojun didn't pursue it any further.

"At present, several of our games are selling very well. Among them, the three games "Legend of Zelda", "Pokémon: Red/Green" and "Mario Kart" have benefited from the Nintendo handheld IP and the animation of the same name. (Pokémon) popularity, the sales volume is very impressive."

Speaking of the game, Kim Jong-joo adjusted his mentality and continued, "According to the feedback data from Nintendo, the number of paid downloads of "Pokémon: Red/Green" has reached 15! The downloads of the other two games have also broken through. 10! Far exceeded our expectations!"

"Because the computer penetration rate in our country is not as high as Sun Country, the downloads of these three games have just exceeded 15."

Chen Daojun was not surprised by this, after all, the gap between the Bangzi Kingdom and the Sun Kingdom in this respect is still very obvious.

Chen Daojun said, "It doesn't matter. It will be great if the domestic computer penetration rate increases in a year or two. For us, the European and American markets are our most important markets! By the way, these games How is the English version of the production going?"

Since the overall computer penetration rate in Asia is not high, most of the computer games produced by Nexon still go to Europe and the United States for sale, and because of the amazing exchange rates of US dollars, British pounds, euros and Korean won, Nexon relies on the exchange rate , Earned a lot of income!
"At present, the English version of "Pokémon: Red/Green" has been completed, and the other two are still in production and are expected to be completed in another half month!"

After Chen Daojun thought about it for a while, he immediately made another suggestion, "By the way, in addition to the English version, let the R&D staff work overtime to make these three games into Chinese versions!"

"Chinese version? Boss, are you sure you're right?" Jin Zhengzhou and several cadres were dumbfounded. From their point of view, the popularity rate of computers in Yanxia Kingdom next door is not as good as theirs. This game is produced and landed in Yanxia Kingdom. How much money can you make from selling? !

"I'm right, let's make a Chinese version too." Chen Daojun looked at a few people and continued, "Although the price of computers remains high, the current computer research and development technology is faster than we expected. It won't take long The price of computers will plummet, and the penetration rate of computers will greatly increase by then!"

Chen Daojun remembered that in the previous life of Yanxia Kingdom and Bangzi Kingdom in 97 and 99, the total number of Internet users in Bangzi Kingdom was higher than that of Yanxia Kingdom.But by 1999, as the price of computers dropped, Yanxia Country began to popularize the use of computers across the country, and organizations began to use computers for office work on a large scale.


Seeing that Chen Daojun is so persistent in making Chinese versions of games, Kim Jong-joo had no choice but to record his boss' request, and planned to let the R&D personnel continue to work overtime to make a Chinese version of these games!
(End of this chapter)

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