The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 311 Chen Yangji’s speed of changing his face and Li Taiyong’s little calculation

Chapter 311 Chen Yangji’s speed of changing his face and Li Taiyong’s little calculation
After hearing his daughter's answer, Chen Yangji became more certain of his guess.If Miracle Group had not been fully confident, it would never have held most of the department store's shares firmly in its hands like this.

He was silent for a while and then said to Chen Huarong, "If possible, you can ask Wu Shixian to see if you can make additional investment and get more shares?"

"Dad, didn't you say before that Wu Shixian might be lying? Why are you investing more now?" Chen Huarong didn't expect that Chen Yangji would change his face so quickly. She didn't even react for a moment!

Chen Yangji's old face twitched. He didn't expect that Chen Huarong would actually use what he just said to attack him. Can this situation be the same? !If he had known earlier that Miracle Group was planning to enter Yanxia Country, he would not have spoken out against it.

"The market in Yanxia Country is huge. Since Miracle Group wants to set up a department store there, it must have thought carefully about it. Arrange your manpower to follow them to Yanxia!" Chen Yangji did not answer Chen Huarong's question, but talked to her Told her not to miss this opportunity.

"I see!" Chen Huarong nodded and replied when he heard Chen Yangji's support, feeling a little emotional in his heart. If it wasn't for the phone call just now, she would have been scolded today. How could Chen Yangji suddenly change his attitude and be so polite? Talk to her?

------Dividing line------

Yanxia Kingdom, Miracle Group.

"Mr. Li, I just received a fax from the Miracle Group in Bangzi Country. It said that the Miracle Group in Bangzi Country has established an e-commerce department store. Next Tuesday they will send an inspection team to Yanxia. We will conduct on-site inspections in first-tier cities to decide in which cities and locations to build large-scale stores of Tesco department stores in the future!”

"Over at Bangzi Country, I hope our Yanxia Miracle can arrange personnel to take them for inspection." The office assistant handed a fax to Li Taiyong and briefly described the situation.

"Oh? Bangziguo will send an inspection team over?" Li Taiyong was a little surprised. Before that, he hadn't received a call from his boss Chen Daojun. Could it be that Chen Daojun didn't know about it?
Li Taiyong thought for a moment and dialed Chen Daojun's phone number. After a while, Chen Daojun's voice came from the phone.

"Boss, I'm Li Taiyong. The Miracle Group of Bangziguo sent a fax, saying that they will bring people over for inspection next Tuesday. Do we need to prepare anything?" Li Taiyong directly asked his own questions.

Hearing Li Taiyong's inquiry, Chen Daojun said calmly, "Just ask your subordinates to arrange a hotel in Yanxia Kingdom to stay in. Afterwards, we will go to Magic City, Pengcheng, Handong Province, Zhejiang Province and other places for on-the-spot investigations. Just arrange a few people to follow."

Li Taiyong felt relieved after hearing what Chen Daojun said.But he quickly thought of something, and asked with some joy, "Boss, will we build a large comprehensive supermarket in the future? Is this project possible..."

"The construction of these large comprehensive supermarkets will definitely be in charge of the Yanxia Miracle Group." Chen Daojun seemed to have seen through Li Taiyong's intentions, and gave him an answer before he finished speaking.

"Hey, thank you boss!" Li Taiyong immediately became energetic when he heard that Chen Daojun would hand over these projects to him.His prediction was indeed correct. After the investigation of Miracle Group this time, there will definitely be big moves. Maybe it will open many large supermarkets in the hot summer like those foreign retail giants!
Miracle Group, which has already entered the real estate industry in Yanxia Country, has land and buildings in many first-tier cities. If it can cooperate with this e-commerce department store, it will definitely be a win-win situation!

According to his understanding, after the Gallic retail brand Carrefour entered Yanxia through a joint venture two years ago, they quickly built more than ten large supermarkets in first-tier cities.

Every store that opens for business receives tens of thousands of customers every day.The daily turnover has reached an astonishing amount, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a cash cow!

The emergence of Carrefour has also provided a new platform for many retailers in Hot Summer Country, and many retailers even paid a lot of money to put their own products on Carrefour's shelves.


After hanging up the phone, Li Taiyong said proudly to his subordinates, "Since the Miracle Group from Bangziguo sent a delegation over, we should also greet them well. Book a five-star hotel for them in the imperial capital. Don't make them think We didn't entertain well!"

"Yes, Mr. Li!" Hearing Li Taiyong's order, the subordinate said respectfully.


Bangziguo, Shuguang Law Firm.

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Chen Daojun planned to leave work early to pick up Mou Xianmin and go to a Chinese restaurant to enjoy delicious food.As a result, he received a call from his mother, Li Hairen, before leaving the house.

"Daojun, if you don't have anything to do tonight, come back and have dinner together. Remember to bring Xianmin with you!" Li Hairen warned on the phone.

"But, I made an appointment with Sister Xianmin to have Chinese food today..." Chen Daojun said with some embarrassment.

"You two are really serious! The food in the restaurant is not healthy, so how can you keep going? Come back to eat today. Your father has something to tell you." When Li Hairen heard that his son wanted to refuse, his tone became tough. Don't give him a chance to say no.

Chen Daojun found that he couldn't resist, so he could only agree.When Chen Daojun drove to SBS TV station, Mou Xianmin, who had already received Chen Daojun's message, had already been waiting by the roadside for a while.

I saw her skillfully opening the car door, bending down and getting into the sports car, with an unconcealable smile on her face.

After putting on his seat belt, Mou Xianmin urged Chen Daojun, "Let's go! I miss those delicious Chinese meals!"

Chen Daojun said with some embarrassment, "I'm afraid there will be no chance of lunch today. Mom told us to go back to eat, and dad still has something to ask me for!"

As soon as Chen Daojun finished speaking, Mou Xianmin gave him a sharp look and said with great dissatisfaction, "You didn't do it on purpose, right?"

Chen Daojun said very aggrieved, "I didn't expect that, when I was about to pick you up after get off work, my mother would call. Why don't you call my mother and say that we will go over after dinner?"

Hearing this, Mou Xianmin pinched Chen Daojun severely, and then snorted in dissatisfaction.The relationship between her and Li Hairen is that of a mother and daughter, so she doesn't want to make trouble with Li Hairen because of this kind of thing!As for Chen Daojun's bad idea, he obviously has no good intentions!
"Then why don't we postpone the Chinese meal until tomorrow? Let's go to my parents today to see what they have to do." Chen Daojun rubbed the pinched part and said hastily.

"It's not too bad, let's go!" Mou Xianmin did not refuse, and agreed to Chen Daojun's proposal.

(End of this chapter)

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