Chapter 312 Chen Runji’s plan
Chen Runji's home.

Chen Daojun looked at Chen Runji on the sofa and asked curiously, "Dad, do you have something to tell me?"

Chen Runji hesitated for a while, and then said, "Daojun! The TV series scripts you helped select before were all quite good, and every one of them has achieved good results after being made into a TV series."

"But later we selected several good TV series scripts, but we have already had two in a row, and they have not achieved very good results. If this continues, the reputation of Runhai Film and Television Company will be affected!" Chen Runji felt a little bit. Embarrassing, although the fact is a bit heartbreaking, his investment vision is indeed not as sharp as Chen Daojun.

This was the case when they purchased and introduced movies overseas. Relying on Chen Daojun's keen and unique vision, they were able to make a fortune every time with the imported movies.Several popular Korean dramas before, especially the sensational "Blue Life and Death", were all selected by Chen Daojun.

In order to ensure that the next investment will not be in vain, Chen Runji decided to continue to let his son Chen Daojun select potential scripts. He will then invest and select actors based on the scripts, which will be much safer!

Chen Hengjun, who was on the side, saw his father with an embarrassed expression, and he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, "Dad, you are the president of Runhai Film and Television Company, why do you need to ask Daojun when you choose a script? You are not professional at all." ah!"

"Axiba! Does this little guy know what professionalism is?" Being ridiculed by his son Chen Hengjun, Chen Runji felt a little embarrassed, and then pretended to be tough and said, "It was Daojun's suggestion to invest in the filming of "Titanic" before. .Do you dare to say that he is unprofessional?"

"... Hehe, I just said it casually, don't take it seriously!" Chen Hengjun lost his words when he heard Chen Runji say this. He had seen the movie "Titanic" at the cinema, and it was quite good in terms of shooting technique, plot advancement, atmosphere rendering and many other aspects. It was definitely a rare masterpiece in foreign movies!

In the end, under Chen Runji's repeated requests, Chen Daojun finally agreed to take the time to help him look at the script and select a suitable script.


After cleaning the tableware, Li Hairen and Mou Xianmin returned to the living room. Wang Zhe and his son were chatting there. Li Hairen seemed to have remembered something important and suddenly said, "By the way, my mother called me before and said it was the weekend." Xinzhai is going to have a farewell party. It seems that Chen Ruijun has been admitted to a prestigious university in the beautiful country and is going abroad to continue his studies (master's degree)!"

"Oh, is Chen Ruijun so awesome? I guess my second brother is very happy!" Chen Runji was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this niece would be admitted to a prestigious university in a beautiful country without any notice. She is quite good at studying!
If Chen Ruijun was able to study abroad because of his own abilities and achievements, then Chen Xingjun was able to study abroad before because of the financial resources and connections of Shunyang Group, which was nothing to boast about.

Before Chen Xingjun went to study in a beautiful country, Zhengxinzhai held a farewell party. This time Chen Ruijun was able to pass the exam on his own merit, and it was expected that Zhengxinzhai would hold a farewell party for her.


Chen Daojun thought of Chen Ruijun, his scheming cousin, and a flash of surprise flashed across his face.In the original drama, Chen Ruijun went abroad to study for several years. After the Shunyang Group completely revealed the internal competition within the family, he came back to help Chen Dongji compete for the inheritance rights of the Shunyang Group.

However, Chen Daojun didn't take it to heart about this cousin who had plotted against him and would become a "conspirator" in the future.With Chen Ruijun's very crude methods, he was able to easily suppress the other party and thwart her plot, and he would definitely be able to suppress her in the future!
Li Hairen said with a smile, "You have to prepare gifts in these two days! Otherwise, if you don't get the gifts then, you will be laughed at!"

"Understood!" Chen Hengjun and Chen Daojun replied in unison.


Back at his residence, Chen Daojun asked Mou Xianmin beside him, "Sister Xianmin, what do girls usually like? I don't even know what gift to give Chen Ruijun. How about you help me choose?"

"No! That's your sister, not my sister!" Mou Xianmin said a little arrogantly. Chen Daojun actually asked her to buy gifts for other women. She would be a fool if she agreed!

Seeing that Mou Xianmin didn't buy it, Chen Daojun grabbed her suddenly. Mou Xianmin was caught off guard by the sudden attack and ran into Chen Daojun's arms before she could react.

Chen Daojun just kissed her. It wasn't until Mou Xianmin's body became a little weak that Chen Daojun stopped.Looking at Mou Xianmin whose blush hadn't subsided yet, Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Sister Xianmin, you are my good wife, help me choose a gift!"

"...I know, I will help you choose!" Mou Xianmin said softly. Faced with Chen Daojun's "sneak attack" and love words, Mou Xianmin's attitude quickly softened.When Chen Daojun heard this, a victorious smile appeared on his face.


Time passed quickly, and it was the weekend in the blink of an eye.

Chen Runji's family arrived at Zhengxinzhai early, and Li Hairen and Mou Xianmin tacitly handed over the prepared gifts to the waiter.Chen Daojun looked at the garden curiously and found that his second uncle Chen Dongji and his wife were enthusiastically receiving guests, with a proud look on their faces that could not be concealed.

On the other hand, Chen Xingjun was sitting in a corner with an expressionless face, seemingly talking on the phone with someone.As for Mr. and Mrs. Chen Yongji and Mr. and Mrs. Chen Huarong, Chen Daojun did not see them. He must be either in the villa or not here yet, right?

Chen Yangji was in a good mood today. He was also very happy when he learned that his granddaughter Chen Ruijun was admitted to a prestigious university.Therefore, Li Biyu was specially told to hold a grand banquet at the end to send off her granddaughter to study in the United States.

When Chen Daojun and Chen Runji entered the villa, they found that Chen Yangji was chatting with Chen Ruijun in the living room. Chen Yangji was not as stern as before, with a smile on his face.Chen Yongji and his wife who were standing aside looked a little ugly.

Hearing Chen Yangji's praises, Chen Yongji was in a bad mood.Before this, only their son Chen Xingjun could receive such praise from his father Chen Yangji. Even Chen Daojun, who showed intelligence in one aspect, Chen Yangji only admired his cleverness.

Chen Yongji was quite dissatisfied. If his son Chen Xingjun had not listened to the advice and had to divorce Jin Xiuzhu, the daughter of Daewoo Group, he would not be disgusted by Chen Yangjisuo.In what cycle has a girl like Chen Ruijun been so praised by Chen Yangji?

Chen Xingjun thought that the divorce was hidden, but for the well-informed Shunyang Group, how could Chen Yangji not know about it?He hurriedly filed for divorce and even instigated Li Biyu to help arrange a new marriage partner, which ruined his good impression in front of Chen Yangji.

(End of this chapter)

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