The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 321 Chen Daojun was injured, police: Are they foreign friends?

Chapter 321 Chen Daojun was injured, police: Are they foreign friends?

Since the others were not good at Yanxia language, Chen Daojun took the initiative to say, "Our partner didn't do it on purpose, I apologize to you on his behalf. Since your clothes are dirty, here is 800 yuan, which is our compensation!" "

Chen Daojun took out 800 yuan from his pocket and handed it to the other party, trying to resolve the sudden conflict.It's just that the young man looked at Chen Daojun and the others, and saw that several of them were wearing suits, they didn't look like ordinary people, they were probably businessmen who came to the imperial capital.

A bold idea suddenly came to his mind, and he said in an arrogant tone, "Bah, you are sending a beggar away! Do I, Bai Hang, seem to be short of 800 yuan? My clothes are from Xiangjiang I bought a famous brand for 5000 Hong Kong dollars. Either you pay me 5000 yuan and the matter is over, otherwise... hum!"

Hearing what the young man said, Chen Daojun's face darkened instantly. He was determined to resolve the conflict, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually bite their noses in the face, and even wanted to blackmail them.When the guide on the side heard what the other party said, he quickly reacted and said loudly, "You are extorting money! Just the clothes you are wearing, you can go to the wholesale market and buy 100-4 pieces for 5 yuan!" "

When Bai Hang heard the guide directly shouting out his little plan, he became angry and said, "You are looking for death!" He suddenly punched the guide and hit him hard.

When Bai Hang's tablemates saw this, they didn't say anything and started fighting with Chen Daojun and others.Suddenly, more than ten people were fighting together in the hotel lobby.

The nearby waiter saw this and quickly went to notify the manager.After learning that something like this happened in the store, the manager immediately asked the staff to call the police.

So many people were fighting in their restaurant. Not only were many customers scared away, but many tables, chairs and equipment were also broken.This is simply destroying the golden name of their delicious restaurant, these guys can't be taken advantage of!

Soon, the police station that received the call called the police on duty nearby and rushed to the scene to handle the matter.

It's just that when they arrived at the scene, they saw that Bai Hang unknowingly took out a knife from his body, and stabbed fiercely at Chen Daojun who was beating his companion.

As a well-known bastard in the Forty-Nine City, Bai Hang originally wanted to make money on these "rich businessmen", but he didn't expect these guys to be so ignorant, and wanted to send him away with only 800 yuan .This made him unbearable due to his impulsive personality. Perhaps it was because he was emboldened by drinking, Bai Hang didn't think about it and hit him directly.

But what he didn't expect was that although the guys on the other side were drunk, they were not weak, and they couldn't gain the upper hand for a while.Especially Chen Daojun, a young man with a strong body and extremely decisive attacks, knocked down his two companions in just a few rounds.

He knew that if he continued like this, he and a few of his friends might not be able to rip off today but would be taught a lesson instead!If this spreads out, he will lose all face!

Chen Daojun had just beaten a gangster down, but was startled by Bai Hang who suddenly attacked him. He had no time to dodge and only had time to block it with his arm. As a result, he was stabbed by the opponent and injured his left hand, and even a narrow gash was pulled out. !

Chen Daojun felt the sharp pain coming from his arm, he gritted his teeth and forcibly held it back, and then kicked Bai Hang's stomach with a side kick, sending him flying.

Just as the red-eyed Chen Daojun was about to catch up and continue to fight head-on, a rough voice shouted from the side, "Stop it! We are the police!"

When Chen Daojun saw the police arrived, he quickly yelled at the others in Korean, "The police are here, stop!"

Hearing Chen Daojun's cry, the others stopped, and the police took the opportunity to surround them and control all those involved in the fight.

A female police officer on duty saw a cut on Chen Daojun's arm and blood was still flowing out. She quickly said to the police officer leading the team, "Captain Wang, this person is injured. You must stop the bleeding quickly, otherwise The injury will be more serious.”

Team Wang glanced at Chen Daojun, whose right sleeve was stained with blood, and nodded in agreement.When the policewoman saw that the captain agreed, she quickly ran back to the car to get the first aid kit.

The representatives of the inspection team who calmed down suddenly lost their composure when they looked at the many gangsters lying on the ground and the injured Chen Daojun beside them.

As the leader, Wu Shixian's complexion was even more ugly!It was alright for this group of dogs to blackmail them, but they even moved a knife, and even stabbed Chen Daojun with one knife.If Chen Daojun, the big boss, has something good or bad, he will definitely make these guys pay the price in blood!
Perhaps because of too many people, there were not enough police officers and police cars on the scene to take so many people to the police station. Seeing this, the police officers on the side quickly called their teammates to come for support.Seeing that the situation was under control, Team Wang called the hotel manager and waiter to understand the situation.

After learning that Bai Hang was just hit, he started to get angry. Even after Chen Daojun and others apologized, they still refused to give up.Especially after Bai Hang's request for huge compensation was rejected, Bai Hang took the lead and later took out a prop and stabbed Chen Daojun!
This made Captain Wang's face become serious. When the waiter in the hotel said this, he could be sure that Bai Hang and the others were probably gangsters from Sijiu City. After all, how could ordinary people ask for a lion after the other party apologized? Asking for huge compensation?The one who immediately beats someone up after failing to blackmail him?

When the guide saw that the police were coming, he quickly explained the situation to the other party. They Yanxia Miracle Group is a large enterprise and a big taxpayer in the north. Chen Daojun and others were invited by their group from Bangzi Country to invest in Yanxia!

When the police officer in charge of understanding the situation heard what the guide said, his expression froze instantly.Good guy, are these guys in suits foreign friends invited by Miracle Group?Came to Yanxia Country to invest?Encountered gangsters from the imperial capital blackmailing and beating them in their jurisdiction?
This outrageous plot made the faces of the police officers present extremely ugly.If this news gets out, the police in their jurisdiction may have a hard time. You must know that the country has introduced a series of policies to encourage foreign friends to invest in Yanxia in order to develop in recent years!

After repeated orders from above, this kind of thing happened at the foot of the imperial capital. What do the leaders above think?What do foreign companies who want to invest in Yanxia think?Coming all the way to Yanxia, ​​to be blackmailed, beaten violently without giving money, and even wanting to kill with a knife? !


Captain Wang quickly reported the current "difficult situation" to the police station over the phone. Such foreign-related emergencies were no longer something he, the captain, could handle!

(End of this chapter)

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