The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 322 Bai Hang panicked, Li Taiyong questioned

Chapter 322 Bai Hang panicked, Li Taiyong questioned

More than half an hour later, Chen Daojun and his team, Bai Hang and his team, and the manager of Weiwei Zhai gathered at the police station.Thanks to the help of the female police officer, Chen Daojun's injured arm was simply bandaged to stop the bleeding.

The policemen on duty in the station divided the people into three groups and took notes respectively. Because Captain Wang had greeted them in advance, they knew that the troublemakers were Bai Hang and his group who needed to be questioned intensively, and Chen Daojun and others came from abroad. Businessmen who come to invest in the hot summer need to be greeted well.

Wu Shixian looked at his companions. Except for Chen Daojun, who was obviously in trouble, the other people were not in good condition. The clothes on their bodies had become dirty and damaged due to the previous scuffle. .Several department store representatives had injuries of varying degrees on their faces and arms.

This made him very dissatisfied with the law and order in Yanxia Kingdom's imperial capital.Chen Daojun smiled when he saw it and didn't say much. He just took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Taiyong's number, telling him what happened tonight and asking him to arrange for people to come and deal with the aftermath.

Li Taiyong, who had already returned home from get off work, received this call from Chen Daojun, and his mood suddenly turned bad. He thought that his safety in the imperial capital must be guaranteed, and he only arranged for staff to act as guides to accompany him throughout the journey.It turned out that such a thing could happen even after dinner at night, it was too embarrassing!

"Boss, please wait at the police station for a moment, I'll be here right away!" Li Taiyong quickly expressed his stance, then picked up the coat on the side, shouted to his wife in the room, and left in a hurry.His wife, who was still cleaning up the housework, heard the sound and came out to see that Li Taiyong had already gone out and left.


"You boy, be honest! Your stabbing with a knife in Weiweizhai has constituted a crime! I advise you to cooperate honestly now and take the initiative to explain the crime!" The policeman in charge of taking notes saw that Bai Hang was still Stop, and said in a stern tone.

"Hehe, don't try to bully me! What I'm doing is a fight at most, what can you do if you detain me for more than ten days at most!" Facing the police's "scaremongering", Bai Hang didn't buy it at all.

Although he is a gangster in Sijiu City, his boss Runjing is a well-known barrister in the imperial capital. He usually works with these brothers to popularize legal knowledge, so they usually use some discretion in their actions and will not cause trouble. Take lives.

Seeing Bai Hang's arrogance, the police slapped the table angrily and reprimanded loudly, "I really don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

"According to the testimonies of the waiter and others at Meishinizhai, it was you who provoked trouble first, and even beat people. According to Article 234 of the Criminal Law: Anyone who intentionally injures another person's body shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, or surveillance; beating at will If the circumstances are serious enough to cause provocation and disrupt social order, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years, criminal detention or public surveillance!"

When he heard the police matching his behavior with the terms he violated and explaining the sentence, Bai Hang, who was not taking it seriously at first, felt his heart skip a beat, and he began to panic.He is only in his early 20s. If he is really sentenced and sentenced, he will be finished!

"I want to see my lawyer! My lawyer hasn't come over, and I won't say a word!" Bai Hang thought of his elder brother in a panic. As long as he contacted him and asked him to help get him out, there would be absolutely no chance. what is the problem!
"Please be quiet. We are taking notes now! After the notes are completed, we will give you time to contact a lawyer! If you continue to fail to cooperate, we will directly detain you." The police said impatiently.

Bai Hang was silent. He didn't know whether he should tell the truth or make excuses.But when he was struggling, his friends were not so tough.When they entered the police station for the first time, after the police officers' strict inspection and some "law education", these guys all gave in and completed the transcripts very actively.


"Captain Li, the records of the other guys have been completed. They confessed to the incident of picking quarrels and provoking troubles today and beating people first." A young police officer came in from the outside and said to the older policeman .

Li Dui took the transcript report handed over by the police officer, glanced at it, then raised his hand towards Bai Hang, and then said with some pride, "It doesn't matter if you don't make the transcript now, your partners are all Confession!"

Hearing what the other party said, Bai Hang instantly sat up.He hesitated for just a moment, but those bastards actually all confessed? Fuck, this is a pig teammate!

When he saw that the policeman who was about to take a record of himself had completely lost his patience and was about to put him in a detention room, Bai Hang panicked and immediately said, "Officer, I will cooperate with you in taking a record! You can't deprive me of it." Opportunity to contact a lawyer!"

Hearing that Bai Hang's psychological defense was breached, Captain Li couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said with some dissatisfaction, "Wouldn't it be nice to cooperate so early? It has to be so exhausting! It's because of you that you delayed us." How much time!"


In less than half an hour, Li Taiyong arrived at the police station where Chen Daojun and others were.Seeing Chen Daojun who had bandaged his wound, Li Taiyong hurriedly stepped forward to inquire about the situation, "Lawyer Chen, is your injury okay?"

Chen Daojun grinned, "It's nothing serious. I was just scratched by someone, and it has been bandaged up now. But the security here in Yanxia Imperial Capital is too bad, right? In public, there are people extorting money and even stabbing people." People, tsk tsk tsk..."

Hearing Chen Daojun's half-joking ridicule, the police officers on the side fell silent.Although they wanted to refute, Team Wang at the scene saw that Bai Hang took out a dagger and stabbed someone. If Chen Daojun, a young man, hadn't reacted quickly, it wouldn't have been as simple as injuring his arm!

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Li Taiyong's face turned ugly for a moment, and then he said to the policeman on the side, "I am Li Taiyong, the general manager of Miracle Group. These people are business representatives invited by our Miracle Group from Bangzi Country. They This time I’m here to invest!”

"Does your bureau chief know that something like this happened in your jurisdiction? Will anyone dare to come to the capital to invest in the future?" Li Taiyong said in a bad tone.

Hearing Li Taiyong's doubts, the faces of the surrounding police officers became ugly.As public officials, they do not miss the recent news.The country has made great efforts to attract a large number of foreign institutions to invest in Yanxia Country.Not only have many preferential conditions been offered, but also many preferential policies have been formulated to protect the rights and interests of these foreign investment institutions.

But now that something like this has happened, if they can't handle it well, then they will be causing trouble for the big leaders!

(End of this chapter)

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