The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 323: The director couldn’t hold himself any longer, Runjing was dumbfounded

Chapter 323: The director couldn’t hold himself any longer, Runjing was dumbfounded

Seeing the silence of the other police officers, Captain Wang, who was in charge of the incident, bit the bullet and said, "I have notified our leader to come as soon as possible. Please also believe that we will properly handle this matter and give you a satisfactory result." answer."

"It's about the same." Li Taiyong didn't continue to pursue the responsibility when he heard what Captain Wang said. Instead, he said to Wu Shixian and others, "I didn't arrange well today, which caused everyone to be in trouble. Now let's send everyone there Get checked at the hospital and go back to rest."

Hearing Li Taiyong's arrangement, the others nodded in agreement. They had just fought with Bai Hang's group and they were all injured. It was better to go to the hospital for a checkup.


After Bai Hang finished his notes, he asked again to call his lawyer, but the police did not refuse.

After Bai Hang got the phone, he hurriedly called his elder brother Run Jing.After dozens of seconds of waiting, the call was finally connected.

"Brother, it's me, Bai Hang! I'm in trouble here, can you come pick me up from the police station in District XX?" Bai Hang said in a respectful tone.

"You bastard, why did you go to the police station again?" Runjing didn't expect that his little brother would actually go to the police station to "drink tea" again. He really knows how to cause trouble!

"I didn't expect that either. I was eating with some brothers at Meimeizhai, but I was bumped into by the other party. I wanted the place to pay some money and let it go, but I didn't expect to lose face, and then I started fighting!" After briefly telling it again.

Hearing what his younger brother Bai Hang said, Runjing, who had a strong sense of loyalty, softened her heart again. After a while, she replied, "I'll be there in half an hour. Don't cause any more trouble for me!"

"Okay, thank you, brother!" When Bai Hang heard that Run Jing had agreed, Bai Hang was heartbroken and felt much more relaxed.According to past experience, as long as the eldest brother Run Jing is willing to come over to get him, he will definitely be able to get out smoothly.

However, what Baixing doesn't know is that his good expectations will soon come to nothing.


Police chief Zhao Yundong, who had already got home from get off work, received a call from his subordinate, and his originally good mood suddenly turned bad.

"You mean, tonight, a vicious incident occurred in the jurisdiction? The person who was blackmailed and beaten was the investment company representative invited by Miracle Group from Bangzi Country?" Zhao Yundong was very surprised. He had never expected that in his Such outrageous things would actually happen in our jurisdiction.

"The lives of those foreigners are not in danger, right?" Zhao Yundong reacted quickly and asked quickly.If another life was lost, the fun would be great!
"No one was killed, but these foreigners were slightly injured. Among them, a young man was stabbed by the troublemaker. Fortunately, it was only on the arm!" The subordinate quickly added.

"That's good, I'll come right now!" After hearing the report from his subordinate, Zhao Yundong heaved a sigh of relief, and the situation was slightly better than he expected.

It's just that in his jurisdiction, if this kind of thing happens, he needs to calm down the matter as soon as possible before it arouses public opinion, otherwise it will be heard by the big leaders in the city, and he, the director, will be punished for failing to keep up. !

He is only in his early 40s and is in the prime of life. He cannot let this kind of thing affect his career!


More than half an hour later, police chief Zhao Yundong arrived at the unit and quickly called his subordinates to understand the situation.After reviewing the notes he made, his complexion gradually became ugly.

This is Bai Hang, obviously a "recidivist" bastard!This guy is in the next few districts, and he does such "dirty" things a lot, so he can be regarded as a regular visitor to the police station!

It's just that why didn't this bastard put his tricks to the fore this time? How could he offend people from the Miracle Group or a group of foreigners that the Miracle Group invited to invest from abroad? !

After Zhao Yundong told his subordinates to prepare for filing a case, and he planned to contact the prosecutor's office to prosecute Bai Hang and the others, another young police officer came over.

"Director Zhao, Bai Hang's lawyer came over and said he wanted to set bail!" the young police officer said to his boss.

"On bail? Hmph, this troublesome thing about Bai Hang is enough for us to detain him for 30 days!" Zhao Yundong sneered, the other party wants to release Bai Hang on bail, how is this possible!If this guy runs away, then they will be responsible for the blame!


Runjing waited in the office hall outside for a while, and when he saw the young policeman who had gone to help inquire before, he came back, smiled at him and said, "How is it? Can I take him away on bail now?"

The young police officer said in a solemn tone, "Mr. Run, I'm afraid I've let you down. Our leader said that this Bai Hang has committed a serious crime this time and cannot be released on bail. He needs to be detained for a month, and the prosecutor's office will file a lawsuit later!" "

"What? How did this happen?" Runjing was completely stunned by the news. He originally thought that even if Bai Hang committed some crimes, there should be no big problem. As long as he bailed him out in the name of a lawyer, he should be released. will be able to come out.Now this situation makes him unable to understand!

Seeing Runjing, the young police officer was very puzzled, and kindly reminded him, "This Bai Hang is extorting money this time, and he beat up a foreign businessman who came to invest in Yanxia! It was a guest invited by the Miracle Group, and it is said that he was from the Bangzi Country. Representatives of many nearby companies. They came to Yanxia Country this time to investigate investment!... This guy made too much trouble!"

Hearing the inside information revealed by the young police officer, Run Jing was instantly shocked. He originally thought that the people Bai Hang would offend were mostly businessmen from other places who came to the capital, but he didn't expect that the people he offended were businessmen from outside the country!This also involves Miracle Group, which is in big trouble!
As a veteran in Sijiu City, he knows the situation of Miracle Group very well.As a company established in the northern part of Yanxia Kingdom in the 80s, Miracle Group has grown from a foreign trade company to a giant in the real estate industry with a market value of more than [-] billion RMB. The commercial plaza and residential area under construction!

"How could this bastard Bai Hang offend such a big shot? This is going to be a big trouble!" Run Jing's mood became very bad.

Although he has some contacts in Forty-Nine City, compared with a big company like Miracle Group, it is no different from the gap between eggs and granite!How could the people at the police station offend Miracle Group or even representatives of a group of foreign companies for the sake of an ordinary person? !
(End of this chapter)

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