The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 324 Lee Tae-yong’s thoughtfulness and Steve Jobs’ decisiveness

Chapter 324 Lee Tae-yong’s thoughtfulness and Steve Jobs’ decisiveness

Runjing was silent for a long time and finally left.Although he is a veteran in Sijiu City and has many brothers under his command, he was asked to fight the Miracle Group for a Ma boy and fish him out from the police station.Not to mention whether he can succeed or not, even if he succeeds, the price he has to pay will be extremely huge!

"Bai Hang, that little bastard, gets into trouble every day. This time, the trouble he's causing is so big, I can't help him! It's better to let him suffer a little and build up his memory!" Run Jing thought to himself.

Although he appreciates Bai Hang, a young man who is loyal and daring to fight, but he also has to talk about power and background when he comes out to hang out!What's the use of fighting alone?The eyeballs should be bright, some people can be offended, some people are not easy to mess with, and they can't be offended at all!He, Runjing, has been able to hang around here in the imperial capital for so many years without incident, isn't it just because of his good eyesight!

Bai Hang, who was still looking forward to it in the detention room, never dreamed that because of his "brave" deeds, his elder brother Run Jing couldn't help him anymore and gave him up.


Accompanied by Li Taiyong, Chen Daojun and others went to the hospital in the city center for detailed examinations.After confirming that everyone was fine, Chen Daojun smiled and suggested, "It's been a lot of trouble tonight, why don't we all go back and rest first. We'll talk about the rest tomorrow."

Upon hearing this, Wu Shixian nodded and continued, "Lawyer Chen is right, let's go back and rest first. There are still some scars on Zhu Wei's face. Remember to apply medicine when you get back!"

Section Chief Jin from the Shirt Merchant Department Store said with a smile, "Yes, otherwise the scars on our bodies and these clothes would greatly affect our glorious image!"

Hearing Mr. Jin's teasing words, the others couldn't help laughing out loud. I didn't expect this old man in his 40s to be quite humorous!
Speaking of which, these people are considered elites, and they are still middle and upper-level managers of the company. Their faces are disfigured, and their clothes are torn. It is indeed beneath their status!

Seeing this, Li Taiyong suggested with a smile, "Then tomorrow morning, let the guide Xiao Wang take you to Wangfujing to buy two suits. It can be regarded as our Miracle Group's compensation for you!"

"Really? Thank you so much!" When representatives from several department stores heard what Li Taiyong said, their faces showed joy.

They also noticed this problem on the way here, but they just thought they were unlucky when they encountered Bai Hang's gangsters who took action whenever they disagreed.Unexpectedly, Li Taiyong, the person in charge of the Miracle Group of Yanxia Kingdom, was so considerate. He took all these little things into consideration for them!

------Dividing line------

Beautiful Country, Pingguo Company Headquarters.

During this period of time, Jobs racked his brains and tried his best to make Pingguo Company prosperous again.

The first is to adjust the relationship with Microsoft's competitors.Microsoft's first application software was Excel and Word developed for Mac.Later, Microsoft developed the Windows operating system based on the operating system desktop of Pingguo Company, and promoted its operating system to other computer companies, making a lot of profits.

Jobs believed that if he continued to fight Microsoft, Pingguo could win a fine of US$10 billion in a few years.But at this moment, if Pingguo continues to fight against Microsoft so hard, even if they can survive until then, I am afraid their losses will be even heavier.

And considering that Pingguo also needed Microsoft's assistance in developing software, Jobs decided to reconcile with Microsoft after weighing the pros and cons.As the specific person in charge of Pingguo Company, Jobs announced his proposal to reconcile with Microsoft at a work meeting. Other top managers were dumbfounded.

They are deadly enemies with Microsoft!The first two managers invested a lot of money, energy and manpower in order to win the lawsuit with Microsoft and obtain huge compensation. Now that Jobs suddenly made such an announcement, many executives raised objections on the spot. Opinion.

This made Jobs look very ugly. Fortunately, Goldman Sachs Group (Chen Daojun's side) invested in the shares before. As the representatives of Goldman Sachs Group, George and Leyan expressed their support for Jobs' proposal very decisively.

Seeing that Goldman Sachs Group was so supportive of Jobs, some other small shareholders had no choice but to agree to the proposal.Microsoft is now a top company with a market value of more than 1000 billion U.S. dollars. Whether it is size or strength, it is not something that the current Pingguo Company can afford.

Seeing the consensus, Jobs looked at George and Le Yan aside and showed a satisfied smile.As for the company executives who opposed him, he scanned them one by one and remembered them deeply in his heart.As long as there is a chance later, he will kick these guys out of Pingguo Company as soon as possible!


After the proposal was approved, Jobs quickly asked his assistant to contact Bill from Microsoft. After all, as a former R&D partner, Bill quickly agreed to meet with the two parties.

However, when Jobs proposed that he would withdraw the lawsuit against Microsoft, Bill was stunned. He even wondered if he had heard wrongly!
After repeated inquiries, Bill finally confirmed that Jobs really wanted to withdraw the lawsuit and settle with Microsoft.This makes Bill very happy. After all, he also knows that if this lawsuit drags on like this, it is certain to lose. Once it loses, Microsoft will have to pay a large amount of compensation to the other party. This is also true for Microsoft now. A huge sum of money.

"However, there is a requirement for this settlement. If you agree, we will withdraw the lawsuit tomorrow!" Jobs said with a smile with a sly look in his eyes.

"What's your request? Why don't you tell me and listen?!" Bill asked curiously.

"Our Pingguo Company needs to develop a new operating system and software, and we need the assistance of Microsoft. If you agree, then the previous dispute between our Pingguo Company and Microsoft will be cancelled." Jobs looked like an old fox who had succeeded in calculating at this moment, smiling Very happy.The old fox who succeeded in his scheme.

"You want to develop new operating systems and software and need Microsoft's assistance?" Jobs said with some surprise. He didn't expect that Jobs would be so broad-minded. Before that, Pingguo and Microsoft were still competitors, and now they are even more so. Want to reconcile, and also want to cooperate with Microsoft in the future, what on earth is this person thinking? !


Bill looked at Jobs in front of him, thought for a while, and said with a smile, "Hehe, I didn't expect you to be such an interesting person! I agree, and we will have a happy cooperation in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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