The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 325: Reconciliation with Microsoft, Steve Jobs’ decision

Chapter 325: Reconciliation with Microsoft, Steve Jobs’ decision
After getting Microsoft, Jobs turned his attention to the company.Jobs turned his attention to the inside of the company.Due to the previous intrigue and interest disputes within Pingguo Company, a large number of outstanding employees and technical R&D personnel were forced to leave Pingguo Company.

There are still a bunch of mediocre and profit-seeking people working in Pingguo Company. If these guys are not eliminated, it will only affect the efficiency of Pingguo Company.

After Jobs communicated with the person in charge of the personnel department, the two sides reached a unified opinion. The personnel department should first go outside to find suitable R&D personnel and management personnel. guy!

At the same time, within Pingguo, there has been a debate about whether to authorize their operating system to other computer manufacturers.

Bill Gates successfully monopolized the computer operating system by authorizing the Microsoft operating system. In 1985, just after Jobs was pushed out of Apple, Bill Gates repeatedly urged Apple to open up its operating system as well.

In 1994, then-CEO Michael Spindler began to allow two small companies to produce compatible machines.In 1996, then-CEO Gil Amelio allowed Motorola to produce compatible machines.But compatible machines did not expand Pingguo's market but squeezed Pingguo's own high-end computer sales.

Jobs opposed licensing Pingo's operating system to other computer manufacturers.On the one hand, Jobs did not like the "ugly" products produced by other computer manufacturers to use Pingguo's operating system, and on the other hand, compatible machines caused Pingguo's market share to decline rapidly.

Jobs quickly convened another meeting at which he voted on whether to revoke the authorization.As soon as he announced the news, the whole venue was blown up.You must know that they have a direct interest relationship with those computer manufacturers, and they will pay a large sum of money to Pingguo Company every year as patent fees.

If we want to cancel it all at once, wouldn’t it mean that we are going to kill ourselves?They even thought that Jobs was crazy. If he acted like this, they might kill Pingguo Company before they could reverse their disadvantage!

It’s just that the Goldman Sachs Group represented by George and Leyan still fully supports Jobs, which makes other small shareholders very uncomfortable and puzzled. They don’t understand why Goldman Sachs unconditionally supports Jobs, a lunatic, and they are not afraid that Jobs will completely destroy Apple. Broken?
Faced with doubts from minority shareholders, George seemed very calm.In the meantime, he said to the others with a smile on his face, "Everyone knows the situation of Pingguo Company clearly now, who among you can guarantee that the situation of Pingguo Company, which is in deep trough, will be improved? The position of the general manager It can be handed over to him!"

"If not, then do what Jobs said! If you don't agree, you can transfer your shares to us, Goldman Sachs!"

Hearing George's domineering speech, these small shareholders became a little uneasy. Although they complained a little, they did not want to offend the behemoth Goldman Sachs Group!As for the executives of those companies, their teeth itch even more. Some of them have private interests with other computer manufacturers.Now once the authorized cooperation is cancelled, they will have no additional income!


Then Jobs proposed a new plan. In order to recover the lost market share, they need to develop new products iMac and OS X operating system to compete with their competitors for the market!

This proposal unexpectedly won the support of everyone.Although some of them were not interested in Jobs, or even disliked him, they had to admit that Jobs was a technical guru in the Internet industry, and he was an expert in the development of computers and operating systems.At the beginning, Apple relied on Jobs and his R&D team to achieve amazing results.

It's just that after driving away Steve Jobs, the following CEOs did not do much in product research and development. This also led to their products being overtaken by their peers, their competitiveness gradually declining, and eventually becoming mediocre, and their market share also declined. Run out.


Seeing that George and Leyan were not in a hurry to leave after the meeting, Jobs stepped forward to say hello and said with a smile, "Thanks to you, otherwise it would have been very difficult to pass these two resolutions at today's meeting. "

George smiled and said, "Ke Chen admires you very much. He also promised us to support you unconditionally!"

Hearing George mention Chen Daojun, Jobs was a little surprised. In the conference room of Goldman Sachs Group, Chen Daojun, a young senior figure of Goldman Sachs Group, seemed to see through his intentions and hit his plan with one word.

What puzzled him even more was that he and Chen Daojun had never met before, but the other party seemed to be an old friend who had known him for many years. The throne of the person in charge of Pingguo Company!


"How is Mr. Chen recently? I haven't seen him for a while!" Jobs said politely.

"Chen has returned to the country of Bangzi in Asia. He is our senior partner of Goldman Sachs and the head of the Asian region. He can't stay in the beautiful country for too long." George replied with a smile to Tu Jobs' greetings, and said: Nothing to hide.

"Chen is from Bangzi Kingdom? Oh, it's such a pity, I thought such an outstanding and powerful young man like him would be from our beautiful country!"

Hearing George's explanation, Jobs felt a little regretful. He didn't understand that Chen Daojun was from Bangzi, so how did he become a senior partner of Goldman Sachs Group?

The two sides chatted about speculation, and Jobs even took the initiative to invite George and Le Yan to have a dinner together.Leyan on the side looked very excited. This was his first time dining with the heads of other companies in Meimei Country!

George is much calmer. He understands that Jobs is not interested in him. What he cares about is Chen Daojun and Goldman Sachs Group behind him!

During the meal, Jobs did a lot of talking to George. He not only asked a lot about Chen Daojun, but also talked about Goldman Sachs Group's views on the current Internet companies in China.

When Jobs learned that Chen Daojun should have extremely outstanding investment ability and vision, in just a few years, his assets reached an astonishing number.He even got the appreciation of James, the current CEO of Goldman Sachs Group, and even considered training him to be the next CEO of Goldman Sachs Group!
These news made Jobs extremely shocked. How did Chen Daojun, a young man, do it?He was still learning programming at school at Chen Daojun's age!
(End of this chapter)

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