Chapter 332 Chen Daojun’s plan
Seeing that the person in charge of the R&D department agreed, Kim Jong-ju heaved a sigh of relief.He is very clear that the development of an original game requires a long creative cycle, which does not meet the current needs of Nexon.

Nexon has not been established for a long time, and many of the staff in the R&D department may only be newcomers who have been in the industry for a year or two. They are not like foreign game companies, which have a bunch of veteran game developers.

If they want to make achievements in a short period of time, they have to rely on the show routine of re-enacting popular handheld/arcade games into computer games, so as to realize a virtuous cycle of rapid R&D → listing → profit, so as to bring a lot of benefits to the company .

Only after the company has made a lot of profits can they have more funds and energy to invest in original games.Only by earning enough money can they realize other "dreams"!
-------Dividing line------

Yanxia Kingdom, Shanghai Stock Exchange.

In the next two days, Chen Daojun and his party visited many suburbs of Shanghai.According to Chen Daojun’s memory, Lujiazui, which is located on the bank of the Huangpu River in PD District, does not yet have many high-rise buildings, and SJ District, which will have the largest university town in Shanghai in 8 years...

Based on the memory of his previous life, Chen Daojun also found excellent locations in several suburbs. Most of these places have not yet been developed. They can easily acquire them at extremely low prices.

When their e-commerce hypermarket is built, and they cooperate with the development and construction of the local government, a new shopping center will be formed in just a few years, and it will definitely be a huge profit!

Back at the hotel in the evening, Rachel looked at Chen Daojun curiously and asked, "Boss, are we going to go shopping next?"

"The original plan was to inspect the prosperous first-tier cities such as Yanxia Kingdom's imperial capital, Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Pengcheng, and select suitable locations to build hypermarkets. However, according to the points we have delineated so far, there are already twelve gone."

Chen Daojun stroked his bearded chin and thought for a while, and he quickly remembered that his former partner in Xiangjiang, Hong Zhiqing, had gone to Pengcheng to invest in real estate some time ago.

Chen Daojun looked at Rachel who was curious and said with a smile, "If you want to go over to Pengcheng, let me make a call to find out the situation."

Then, with Rachel's puzzled eyes, she dialed Hong Zhiqing's number.

"Hi, is this Zhiqing? I'm Chen Daojun, I have something to ask." Chen Daojun said in a relaxed tone.

"Hey, our big boss will also ask me something, right?" Hong Zhiqing, who had returned to Xiangjiang, was surprised when she suddenly received a call from Chen Daojun with a teasing tone.

"Didn't you go to Pengcheng to invest in real estate before? Did you buy a commercial plaza there?"

"Yes, in addition to high-end office buildings, we have also purchased a large number of residential areas and commercial plazas in excellent locations." Hong Zhiqing said proudly.

During their trip to Pengcheng, they spent a lot of money along the way and bought a lot of real estate in core areas. They became a veritable "real estate buyer" in Pengcheng and won unanimous praise from local officials!
"That's fine. We've established a multinational department store and are planning to enter Pengcheng in the Yanxia Kingdom. Some stores in the commercial plaza over there can be used to open large-scale stores after a little renovation!" Chen Daojun said happily.

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult! There are already merchants in these commercial plazas, and it will take a certain amount of time and capital investment to renovate the shops. This..." Hong Zhiqing said with some embarrassment.

Chen Daojun didn't expect that when he took the initiative to ask his friends, he actually encountered a soft nail and was about to be rejected.Rachel on the side naturally heard the conversation between the two of them. When she saw that the other party was rejecting Chen Daojun tactfully, Rachel showed a smirk on her face. She didn't expect that Chen Daojun, who has always been a strategist, would also be "rejected" by others!

Seeing Rachel's expression of "Boss, are you okay?", Chen Daojun suppressed his inner restlessness and replied patiently, "The department store will sign a lease agreement with you based on the market price. In addition, the original store will The costs of merchant relocation and hypermarket renovation are all funded by the department store."

"Since what you said is so sincere, then I will reluctantly agree!" On the other end of the phone, Hong Zhiqing looked like a fox who had successfully stolen a chicken, with a smug smile on her face.

"Then it's settled. I'll have someone draw up the contract and fax the lease contract. When the contract is signed, I'll have someone transfer the funds to the investment company's account!"

"Then thank you! Hahaha!" Hong Zhiqing couldn't hold back her laughter in the end, it was definitely a very rare opportunity to have the opportunity to take advantage of Chen Daojun.

As for what she said before that there are already merchants moving in, it's a bit difficult to deal with. It's pure nonsense and just to make things difficult for Chen Daojun.As a landlord, it is routine and very easy to ask tenants to change their store to continue business, or to refund the rent and let them find another place to open a store.

Hong Zhiqing didn't expect that Chen Daojun would offer to solve the problem by "adding money" before she opened her mouth, which made the wording that she had already conceived come to nothing, but the benefit fee seems to be more than she expected!

After Chen Daojun hung up the phone, he looked at Rachel, who was about to watch a joke, and said proudly, "The matter was resolved smoothly, did you disappoint someone?"

"Boss, you are a bit of a fool, how can you spend money to solve the problem like you?!" Rachel said with some dissatisfaction. She thought she could see Chen Daojun's deflated appearance, but she didn't expect that the boss didn't talk about "Wu De". Just throwing money at him and getting them done, it's completely different from what she imagined!

Chen Daojun stretched out his hand and pinched Rachel's face gently, then said with a smile, "Since money can solve the problem, why should we worry about temporary gains and losses?"

"We came to Yanxia Country to be able to open up the market for a while. As long as they can build and open the hypermarket as soon as possible, then E-buy Department Store will be able to recover costs and make profits in advance. The longer it is delayed, the worse it will be for us. Others The nation's retail giants won't stop and wait for us!"

In Chen Daojun's opinion, the commercial plaza Hong Zhiqing would choose to buy must be in a prosperous area.Instead of letting them go to Pengcheng to inspect and carefully select them, they might as well just rent the commercial plaza at Hong Zhiqing's side, so that outsiders won't get the money!

Rachel slapped Chen Daojun's hand away with some embarrassment, and couldn't help but gasp. Let's just chat. Why did you pinch her face? If someone saw a red mark on her pretty face, then... It's so embarrassing.


(End of this chapter)

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