The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 333 Wu Shixian: You brought this to me on your own initiative!

Chapter 333 Wu Shixian: You brought this to me on your own initiative!
The next morning, Rachel announced to everyone that their inspection trip was over and they would return to Bangzi Country in two days.In the next two days, everyone can move around freely. After packing their luggage on the morning of the fourth day, they will take a special car to the airport together.

Hearing what Rachel said, the representatives of several department stores were a little surprised. Before this, they thought that they would go to at least three or four cities to complete the inspection mission, but they did not expect that it would be less than two The week is over.

"Assistant Huang, don't we go to other cities? We haven't gone to the Pengcheng that Chairman Wu told us about before!" Shanshang Department Store Manager Jin asked.

"Pengcheng has been inspected by our partners from Miracle Group. They have acquired a large number of commercial plazas in Pengcheng, and we just need to rent them from them!" Rachel said calmly. Anyway, this is the big boss Chen Daojun. Even if the president Wu Shixian knew about the idea, he would agree to it.

"That's good, this way we can save a lot of worry! These days, my feet are almost worn out, but I am exhausted. Now I can finally rest for two days!" The representative of Yuetian Department Store beside him was happy Said.

Although he is the head of the department store's marketing department, he doesn't have to do field work every day like he has these days, which is very tiring.

Seeing their companion say this, several others nodded in agreement. Now that they have the opportunity to take a good rest, it is a huge benefit to them. It is a real paid vacation and they don't have to work. This is really It's great!

Seeing that everyone else was very satisfied, Chen Daojun even suggested with a smile that they could go to the bustling Bund in Shanghai in the afternoon to enjoy the European and American architectural styles and other special delicacies in Shanghai. Everyone nodded happily and very much agreed with this proposal.

There are 52 classical revival buildings with different styles standing on the Bund of Shanghai Stock Exchange. It is known as the Bund International Architecture Expo Group.

------Dividing line------

After learning the news that Wu Shixian had returned from production, Xin Dongzhu, the president of Yuetian Group, immediately asked his subordinates to contact Miracle Group, requesting to meet and discuss in detail as soon as possible.

Wu Shixian was very concerned about the acquisition of Yuetian Group. After learning that the other party made a request and wanted to meet and talk about the acquisition, Wu Shixian readily agreed, and the meeting time was scheduled for the next morning.


The next morning, Dongzhu Xin brought the remaining cadres of Yuetian Group to Miracle Group.Looking at Wu Shixian who was still impressive and thinking about his current situation, Dongzhu Xin's heart was filled with waves.

"President Xin, long time no see! This visit, do you know what you want to cooperate with our Miracle Group?" Wu Shixian asked politely with a smile on his face.

Seeing Wu Shixian still here pretending to be stupid with him, Dongzhu Xin remained calm on the surface, but in his heart he had already greeted Wu Shixian's relatives N+1 times. After all, he had asked his subordinates to contact Miracle Group several times before. How could Wu Shixian be able to do that? Hui Hui didn't know the reason why he was looking for him. He just wanted to act stupid and take the opportunity to bargain.

"I came here this time to discuss with Chairman Wu the transfer of shares and two subsidiaries of Yuetian Group." Dongzhu Xin explained with temper.

"President Xin, did I hear you correctly? The Yuetian Group is so good, why do they suddenly want to sell off their subsidiaries and shares?" WS County said in surprise.

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Dongzhu Xin couldn't help but complained crazily in his heart, "Baga! If it weren't for you, a bastard, and Miracle Group, who took away so many subsidiaries from me and Yuetian Group, Yuetian How did the group get to where it is today?! Thank you for having the nerve to speak out!"

Dongzhu Xin, who originally felt extremely insulted, wanted to lift the table and leave, but when he was about to take action, he paused.I remembered that the Yue Tian Group over in Sun Kingdom was in a bad situation, and they were waiting for him to go back with funds to "save" it!

If he leaves now, it is true that he will not be insulted by Wu Shixian again, but the plan to sell the company's shares and subsidiaries for cash will be ruined.According to the current situation, they can hardly find another organization willing to invest in taking over Yuetian Group!
Under this situation, if something happens to the Yuetian Group in the Kingdom of the Sun, then Taxin will become a "homeless" bereaved dog!

After a difficult ideological struggle, Dongzhu Xin made up his mind.He took a deep breath and said calmly, "... President Wu, to tell you the truth, most of my properties are in the Kingdom of the Sun. If it hadn't been for this time, something went wrong with Yue Tian Group in the Bangzi Kingdom, I would I won’t come here to wade through this muddy water.”

"The situation of the Yuetian Group in the Bangzi Kingdom is hopeless now. It is a certainty that it will fall from the top chaebol to become an ordinary enterprise. I plan to take advantage of the value of the Yuetian Group and sell it as soon as possible. More funds are used to operate the industries on the Sun Country.”

Hearing what Xin Dongzhu said, Wu Shixian took a deep look at the other party, and did not rush to speak, as if he was considering the authenticity of the other party's words just now.

This Dongzhu Xin is a ruthless person. After the subsidiary's management rights were taken away and the situation was over, he immediately made up his mind to sell the remaining shares and subsidiaries to avoid a worse situation.If Xinghao and Xin Dongbin had had this courage before, they wouldn't have brought Yuetian Group along with them.


"Since President Xin has said so, our Miracle Group is still willing to lend a helping hand." Wu Shixian said with a smile, as if he had a deep friendship with Dongzhu Xin.When everyone present heard what Wu Shixian said, their faces couldn't help but twitch.

This Wu Shixian is simply a movie king. Even though Miracle Group and Yuetian Group are "enemies of life and death", he still behaves so well. He even regards his "acquisition of Yuetian Group" as a sign of revenge against Dongzhu Xin. Such help, to be able to say such shameless words so high-sounding, is simply a genius!
'Since President Wu is willing to help, it is naturally the best. "Dongzhu Xin gritted his teeth and said," I have asked my subordinates to make a report on the purchase price and details. If President Wu has no objections, we can sign the contract today. "

At Dongzhu Xin’s signal, the subordinate on the side handed the prepared information to the other party.

After Wu Shixian and others got the information, they read it carefully.After a while, Wu Shixian flipped through all the information and said calmly to Dongzhu Xin, "There is no problem with the acquisition, but the price of the acquisition is still open to discussion."

(End of this chapter)

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