The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 334: Uncompromising, Zhu Yirong’s illness

Chapter 334: Uncompromising, Zhu Yirong’s illness

Dongzhu Xin naturally took into consideration that Wu Shixian might lower the price. After all, no one would agree to the other party's offer without some bargaining.If so, then the other party must be a fool!


After more than an hour of intense bargaining, the two parties still failed to reach an agreement. Xin Dongzhu insisted on the price, insisting that Miracle Group pay 105% of the market price before agreeing to sell the shares of the subsidiary to Yuetian Chemical. , Yuetian giant sold to the two companies together.

This made Wu Shixian a little annoyed. He didn't quite understand why this owner Xin insisted on the price and refused to give in. Didn't he just say that he would sell all the shares and the company and go back to Sun Country?According to the nature of urine, if it is delayed for a long time, will it be of any benefit to him? !
"President Wu, I sincerely want to sell the shares of the subsidiary and the company, but your quotation is too low!" Dongzhu Xin retorted. If I can't bear it myself and agree to the other party's request, then the funds I can get back are too little.

"Humph!" Wu Shixian snorted coldly, and then mocked, "Chairman Xin may have forgotten that the stock prices of these companies have risen by more than 50% compared to before the acquisition by Miracle Group, even at 90% of the market price. % transaction, it will definitely earn more than before!"

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Dongzhu Xin fell silent. Although what Wu Shixian said was true, he couldn't refute it, but he couldn't agree. Otherwise, he would lose 15% of the profit for no reason. It would definitely be a loss at a low price, which was not in line with his expectations.


Seeing that the atmosphere in the conference room was rather anxious, Su Canping on the side received Wu Shixian's eyes and took the initiative to say, "Two presidents, since today's negotiation failed to produce a result, it is better to stay here for the time being. The two sides will consider it later. Just for a moment, let’s make an appointment to discuss it next time?”

Seeing the assistant next to Wu Shixian say "relief", Dongzhu Xin was silent for a moment, then nodded, agreeing to the other party's proposal. He also knew very well in his heart that according to the current situation, it would be difficult to reach a conclusion. Go back and calm down, and think about how to proceed with the next negotiation.


After seeing the people from the Yuetian Group leave, Su Canping looked at Wu Shixian and asked curiously, "President, why does this Dongzhu Xin keep biting the price to death and refuses to let go. According to what he said before, he wanted to After cashing out all the assets, take the money back to Sun Country. Shouldn't he sell it as soon as possible?"

"...Maybe he needs more money?!" Wu Shixian said uncertainly.In his opinion, this Dongzhu Xin's performance is unpredictable. Even if the other party is not satisfied with the price, how can he refuse to give up even a single step, and he must compare every penny?
"But even if the price is not negotiated this time, he will still come to us in the future. Looking at the entire Bangzi Country, only our Miracle Group has this strength to be able to acquire so many shares and companies." Wu Shixian said confidently, "If he is not in a hurry, then we will be even less in a hurry!"

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Su Canping on the side also nodded in agreement. Maybe this Dongzhu Xin is just up for grabs?
------Dividing line------

Inside Daying Hospital.

President Zhu Yirong looked solemnly at the attending doctor who was treating him in front of him, and said in a low tone, "You mean, I have a heart problem already?"

The attending doctor said nervously, "Yes, President! According to the analysis of the images taken, your aortic valve is narrowed and you may need heart valve surgery."

"How is this possible?! Haven't I always been in good health before? Why did I suddenly develop aortic stenosis? What kind of surgery should I do?!" Zhu Yirong did not agree with the doctor's words.In his opinion, his physical condition has always been good, so he won't have this kind of problem~!

"From a medical point of view, this situation is normal and common. As we age, calcium deposits on the aortic valve, which becomes hard and thick. The deformed aortic valve cannot fully open and does not close tightly." The attending physician Said a little nervously.

"In the early stages of the disease, there will be symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty breathing, and angina. When the symptoms worsen, dizziness or fainting is likely to occur. If not treated in time, sudden death is likely to occur."

"...!" When Zhu Yirong heard what the attending doctor said, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. The doctor was right. He had experienced symptoms of fatigue and difficulty breathing before. It seemed like it was true.

"Then, can Daying Hospital do this operation?" Zhu Yirong asked quickly.

"This... I'm going to disappoint you!" The attending doctor said with some embarrassment, "In China, the most professional doctors for heart valve surgery are in the hospitals under the Shunyang Group, and the success rate of our doctors is only [-]%! "

"In a hospital under Shunyang?" Zhu Yirong was shocked by the news. He did not expect that the hospitals under his own group would be in this situation. They were not even sure enough about heart valve surgery, which made him very unhappy.

"...How long can I last without surgery?" Zhu Yirong was silent for a while and then asked.

"The shortest period is half a year, and the longest period is one year. Surgery needs to be performed before the symptoms become more serious. This way the success rate will be higher! After the operation, as long as you recuperate for three months, your body will recover soon." The attending doctor is serious replied.


After getting the specific physical condition, Zhu Yirong quickly had an idea. Before leaving, Wang Wang's attending doctor said in a cold tone, "If a third person knows about my condition, I think you should know the consequences!"

"President, please rest assured, I will definitely keep the secret!" Faced with Zhu Yirong's threatening words, the attending doctor suddenly stood up and said nervously.


After leaving the hospital, Zhu Yirong's heart was not at peace, although the attending doctor said that if the doctors at Shunyang Hospital operated on him, the success rate would be higher.But let him go to Shunyang Hospital for treatment, how could Chen Yangji not know?If the other party can't help keep the secret, the news of his illness will soon be known to everyone, and even bring trouble to the Daying Group.

But if he doesn’t go for treatment, he may only have less than a year left!How could he be willing to do this? !After some thought, Zhu Yirong made a difficult decision. Even if it was against his dignity, he would go to Chen Yangji and let the doctors from Shunyang Hospital perform surgery on him.

At the same time, he also plans to determine the successor of Daying Group in advance.Even if something unexpected happens to him in the future, Daying Group will still be able to operate normally and orderly!

(End of this chapter)

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