The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 335 and the sudden news, promoting Zhu Mengxian to vice president?

Chapter 335 and the sudden news, promoting Zhu Mengxian to vice president?
In the afternoon of that day, Zhu Yirong asked his assistant to inform him that an important matter would be announced at the Daying Group headquarters tomorrow morning, and all senior management must be present.

In the morning of the next day, a group of group executives, shareholders of subsidiaries, Zhu Mengjiu, Zhu Menggen, Zhu Mengyu and Zhu Mengxian who received the news all arrived at the venue early.

Many people are wondering, why is this kind of meeting suddenly held in such a good way, and what will the chairman Zhu Yirong want to announce?

Since Miracle Group bought and invested in some subsidiaries of Daying Group before, Su Canping, who was the assistant to the president, was also arranged by Wu Shixian to come to this meeting.

Su Canping looked at the senior executives of Daying Group curiously, seeing them whispering and discussing what might happen today, he didn't take it seriously.

After a while, the gray-haired Zhu Yirong came in and sat down on the main seat.

"I called everyone here today to announce an important matter!" Zhu Yirong said while scanning the crowd present, and said with a smile, "I will nominate Zhu Mengxian as the vice chairman of the Daying Group's board of directors! Wait, everyone Take a vote!”

(Note: The vice chairman of the group board of directors is also the group vice chairman of Bangziguo.)
As soon as the news came out, the audience fell silent, and everyone was shocked by the sudden news!Before that, Zhu Mengxu, Zhu Yirong's eldest son, had always been the vice president. In their view, the position of president of the Daying Group would most likely be passed on to Zhu Mengxu.

It's just that after Zhu Mengxu got into a car accident and became a vegetable, things turned around.

Zhu Yirong did not revoke Zhu Mengxu's position as vice president.Previously, when he passed out and was hospitalized due to emotional agitation, he only let the fifth brother Zhu Mengxian handle the daily affairs of the group on his behalf. After Zhu Yirong recovered and was discharged from the hospital, Zhu Mengxian's acting as an agent ended.

This makes everyone very puzzled, who will Zhu Yirong hand over the management rights of Daying Group?


It's just that they didn't expect that today, Zhu Yirong suddenly made a decision. He wanted to promote Zhu Mengxian, who was ranked fifth, to the position of vice president.

It's just that everyone was a little puzzled. According to ability and order, the second Zhu Mengjiu was not bad. Zhu Yirong didn't choose the eighth and second, so why did he choose the fifth Zhu Mengxian? Could it be that he was dissatisfied with Zhu Mengjiu?


Zhu Mengjiu looked at Zhu Yirong and Zhu Mengxian with gloomy eyes. Sure enough, as he expected, his father Zhu Yirong was eccentric, and he really chose the fifth guy to inherit the Daying Group!

Unwilling, he was very resentful, his clenched right hand wanted to punch the table, and objected loudly, but the remaining reason reminded him that doing so would only make things worse, Zhu Mengjiu bit Fang firmly suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

The moods of Zhu Menggen, the third child, and Zhu Mengyu, the fourth child, were not much better either.When Zhu Yirong was hospitalized before, Zhu Meng was chosen to handle the daily affairs of the group first. The second child, Zhu Mengjiu, noticed it and even reminded them that his father might be biased towards the fifth child. They didn't believe it at first.

Now it seems that the second child is right!The father is partial to the fifth child, and even wants to hand over the management of the group to him!What can they do now?Are you speaking out against it?Or wait for things to develop?

They looked at the second child Zhu Mengjiu for help, and found that the other person was still sitting very calmly, without any change.When they saw the situation, they stopped talking and waited and watched the changes in the situation.

After Zhu Yirong made this proposal, he asked those who were qualified to vote to vote on the spot, and the others were witnesses of the meeting, witnessing that Zhu Mengxian became the vice president of the group.


Zhu Meng, who was suddenly hit by the "big stuffed pie", was stunned for a while, he had not received any news before.Are you still thinking about something important to announce before the meeting?Never expected that he would be nominated as the vice chairman of the board of directors!
This TM is like a dream!Before, I was still studying hard on how to become the heir of the Daying Group, but my father Zhu Yirong took the initiative to propose it, and even wanted to help him sit in the position of vice president!This is just outrageously close to home!

Su Canping was a little surprised that Zhu Yirong took the initiative to nominate Zhu Mengxian as the vice president. Although this Zhu Mengxian was very close to their Miracle Group, his brothers were still not good at it, so they shouldn't just watch The opponent is in the top position, and finally won the right to manage the group, right?
However, the imaginary scene of brothers fighting against the wall did not happen. Zhu Mengjiu, Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu seemed to be very calm, as if they were not dissatisfied with this proposal.This made Su Canping, who wanted to eat melons and watch dramas, feel very sorry.

The result of the vote was announced soon, and with Zhu Yirong's support, the shareholders of the group also expressed their support for the chairman's decision.Zhu Mengxian also successfully became the second vice president of Daying Group.


At the end of the meeting, Zhu Yirong had other things to deal with, so he left quickly with his assistant.Zhu Mengxian, who had not had time to leave, was soon surrounded by some executives and shareholders. This group of people who are good at adapting to wind and wind wanted to greet the future heir of the group in advance and leave a lasting impression on the other party. A good impression.

On the other hand, Zhu Mengjiu, Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu saw this scene, they didn't say much, and they left the conference room together.

Su Canping on the side naturally noticed this, and murmured, "It seems that the three presidents of the Daying Group are not satisfied with this result, and maybe there will be a fierce battle in the future! "


When Su Canping returned to Miracle Group and Wu Shixian reported what happened this morning, Wu Shixian seemed much calmer.Regarding Su Canping's worries, Wu Shixian said with a smile, "President Zhu Mengxian is sometimes not so shrewd. Don't look at him as the vice president now, with a high status. That's because Zhu Yirong, the old president, is still there. With him Years of prestige can naturally deter the other sons!"

"But President Zhu Yirong is old after all, and it is impossible to help Zhu Mengxian all the time. According to my guess, once President Zhu Yirong passes away, the dormant three brothers of the Zhu family will probably take the opportunity to split the modern group!" Wu Shixian said with some emotion, He had previously discussed with his boss, Chen Daojun, some internal situations within the Daying Group.

The second generation of the Zhu family is capable too much, which also created an embarrassing situation. No matter who is in charge, others will not be convinced.Without Zhu Yirong sitting in charge, these guys are probably going to fight among themselves!

This is also the reason why Chen Daojun did not continue to attack the Daying Group. As long as he boarded for a while, this huge group would disintegrate and split from the inside.At that time, it will be much easier for Miracle Group to take down those companies of Daying Group!

(End of this chapter)

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