Chapter 341 Chen Daojun’s teasing
If he doesn't make any moves, Park Zhengxi is afraid that her family will drag her into blind dates and marriages with other men!
hard!Wu Shixian's fist hardened quickly! If he could remain indifferent, wouldn't he just sit back and watch these guys arrange a grass-colored hat for himself? !

"I don't have any plans for tomorrow night, why don't I go with you tomorrow night." Wu Shixian said gently on the phone.

"That's the best. I'll come to Miracle Group to find you tomorrow, and then we will go there together!" Hearing that Wu Shixian will go home with her tomorrow and "support her", Park Zhengxi nodded in agreement with satisfaction.

"Come to the company to find me? Are you not afraid of being gossiped by others?" Wu Shixian teased with a smile.

"I have to take you home, what are you afraid of?" Pu Zhengxi said proudly, as if she had completely mastered this uncle Wu Shixian!

After hanging up the phone, the smile on Wu Shixian's face gradually faded, and a trace of anger surged into his heart.This Chen Xingjun tried to poach him, but he tried to poach him. Who did he think he was, Wu Shixian? !
If the other party is not a direct member of the Shunyang Group, he will definitely find someone to punish him severely!
After thinking for a while, Wu Shixian finally called Chen Daojun. He planned to consult his boss's opinion so as not to act rashly and cause unmanageable trouble.


Jiangnan District, Chen Daojun's residence.

Chen Daojun leaned on Mou Xianmin's beautiful lap with a happy expression. The other party was helping him dig out his ears, and his hands moved around from time to time, making Mou Xianmin's delicate body tremble a little.

Mou Xianmin slapped away the mischievous hand, held a cotton swab in his hand, and poked Chen Daojun in the face, and then said coquettishly, "If you move around again, I won't help you pick out your ears!"

"Hey, sister Xianmin, you have such a good figure, I can't help it!" Chen Daojun said with a smirk. I wonder if it was his imagination. After not seeing each other for many days, Mou Xianmin seemed to have "grown up". This made him a little curious, and he subconsciously wanted to confirm it.


While Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin were playing, the mobile phone rang, "Someone is looking for you! I'm going back to my room to rest!" Seeing this, Mou Xianmin stopped entangled with Chen Daojun, but quickly got up and left the living room .

Chen Daojun had no choice but to sit up, picked up the mobile phone at the side, and said with some disappointment, "Hi, I'm Chen Daojun, who is looking for me?"

"Boss, it's me, Wu Shixian!" A familiar voice came from the phone, "I want to ask your opinion on something."

"President Wu, what is it that makes you so cared about, that you call here at night?" Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Chen Daojun asked with a smile. In his impression, Wu Shixian has always been mature and stable, not that kind A person who can’t keep his temper!
"...Boss, it's like this. I just received a call from Zhengxi. She said that today the wife of the chairman of the Chen family of the Shunyang Group went to her house to find her grandma to inquire about the situation. She also said that she wanted to connect her with Chen Xingjun. Marriage..."


After several minutes, Chen Daojun listened to Wu Shixian's story patiently, and couldn't help laughing.

Wu Shixian said with some embarrassment, "Boss, can you stop laughing and give me some advice first?"

"This is so interesting! Is our President Wu's girlfriend going to be robbed?" Chen Daojun said with a smirk, "Who told you to have an underground affair? It was sneaky, and no one told you! Now it's all right? "

"If it's an open and honest relationship, how could they have an affair with Park Chung-hee if they know her boyfriend is the vice-president of Miracle Group?" Chen Daojun also didn't understand. Wu Shixian was obviously very capable and good-looking, so how could they have a relationship with her? It’s so puzzling that my girlfriend is still secretive.

"...Ahem, don't I think the age difference between me and Zhengxi is a bit big? She is only in her 20s and I am in my 30s!" Wu Shixian was a little helpless. Although the relationship between the two was good, there was a big difference. How old you are is an obvious question.

When a rich middle-aged man like Wu Shixian finds a young girl, other people will definitely think subconsciously that this is the man's mistress or lover.He didn't want Park Zhengxi to be so misunderstood by other people, which would be bad for Park Zhengxi's reputation.

"What are you afraid of?! In front of true love, age is not a problem, race is not...ahem, I'm going too far!" Chen Daojun smiled, and then continued, "Since she has already called and asked you to visit her home, you What else is there to worry about?!”

"Believe me, Vice Chairman of Miracle Group, this name is still very convincing!" Chen Daojun said calmly.

"As for Chen Xingjun, you have to show some expression and let him remember it for a long time! Otherwise, how can he understand that it's okay not to worry about other people's women all the time? This kind of behavior is quite immoral!"

Speaking of Chen Xingjun, Chen Daojun felt inexplicably wanting to laugh, his cousin is really interesting, he obviously has something to hide, whether he can do it or not is still a question, and he is so diligent in wanting to marry and find a partner, isn't this pure cheating? ?Could it be that his hidden personality is Thai Ritian?

"Boss, since you said that, then I'll find someone to deal with him?" Hearing Chen Daojun's words, Wu Shixian instantly understood. Chen Daojun was encouraging him to take revenge for his vengeance, and for his injustice!

"Ahem, I didn't say anything. But beating and killing is not a glorious thing." Chen Daojun said in a flat tone, "However, there must be a lot of media and public news about the grandson of the Shunyang Group Want to know more about it?"

"...Boss, are you sure you want to do this? Will this make a big fuss?"

According to his plan, having someone beat up Chen Xingjun would be a bit troublesome at best. But if Chen Daojun listens to Chen Xingjun's advice and reveals Chen Xingjun's dirty information one by one and exposes it to the media, then Chen Xingjun will not only be infamous, but Shunyang Group will also be adversely affected. Small impact.

"What are you afraid of? We didn't spread rumors or slander, we just revealed some hidden facts to everyone." Chen Daojun said seriously. Chen Xingjun had a lot of fun there during those years in the beautiful country~!Either partying again, or on the way to the party.

Think about it, grandpa Chen Yangji, Chen Yongji, Chen Dongji and other Chen family members will be ecstatic to know that their eldest grandson Chen Xingjun is such an "outstanding" third generation of a wealthy family?He was looking forward to this classic scene~!


Chen Daojun waited for a long time, but Wu Shixian didn't make any noise. Chen Daojun said casually, "If our President Wu has no courage, then forget it! Anyway, it's not my woman who was wronged. Think about it, Park Zhengxi is really wronged, My boyfriend didn't take it out on her when he found out, tsk tsk tsk..."

After being ridiculed by Chen Daojun, Wu Shixian couldn't hold back for a moment, and his tone couldn't help but become a little more serious, "I will contact the private detective tomorrow. I must make Chen Xingjun look good~!"

(End of this chapter)

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