The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 342: It’s time to meet his parents, Wu Shixian is a little panicked

Chapter 342: It’s time to meet his parents, Wu Shixian is a little panicked
Zhengxinzhai, in Chen Yongji's room.

Chen Xingjun was very excited when he learned that his father had successfully persuaded his grandma, and today his grandma went to the Park family of Doosan Group to make peace, and made him and the granddaughter of President Park Seungji.

I originally thought that the chaebol daughter of the LEJIN Group had been taken one step ahead, but I didn't expect that there was actually a single chaebol daughter. It was said that she was a great beauty. He, Chen Xingjun, was really lucky!

"According to your grandma, the Pu family didn't agree on the spot. They said they would discuss it with the family after President Park Seung-ji came back." Chen Yongji looked at his delighted son and continued.

"You brat, you have to thank your grandma. Without her intervention, the other party would not consider this matter!"

"Okay, Dad! I understand. It's just grandpa's side... If he finds out, we..."

Chen Xingjun quickly thought of one thing. When grandma Li Biyu came forward, she probably used the name of Shunyang Group, but once the news reached the ears of grandpa Chen Yangji, the other party would probably be furious, right?Will he...

Hearing his son mentioning the majestic old father, Chen Yongji couldn't help but panic, but seeing his son gradually calmed down again, he gritted his teeth, as if he had made a huge determination, "I will fight with you on the father's side." He explained it! You just need to be ready for marriage!"

Hearing that Chen Yongji was going to take over all the responsibilities and face Chen Yangji's accusations, Chen Xingjun was a little moved, "Thank you, Dad!"

"As a son like you, of course I will arrange an excellent marriage partner for you!" Chen Yongji said with some emotion. If this marriage is successful, besides Chen's own son, he will also get huge benefits!
------Dividing line------

Early the next morning, not long after Wu Shixian came to the office, he called an old acquaintance.

"I'm Wu Shixian, and I need you to help me investigate a person. I want all his scandals. He studied in a beautiful country for a while before!" Wu Shixian went straight to the point and stated his request.

"President Wu, your request is a bit high, it's difficult!" Hearing what Wu Shixian said, the other party said with some embarrassment, "We need to use a lot of contacts and relationships, and we need to add more money!"

"Money is not a problem, but my requirement is that the materials must be complete and the speed must be fast. If it is completed within two days, I can add another 100 million US dollars as a bonus!" Wu Shixian promised very boldly.

"An additional US$100 million?!" The other party was instantly moved by Wu Shixian's arrogant methods, and immediately patted his chest and promised, "President Wu, don't worry, within two days, I will definitely be able to investigate this person's details. It’s so clear, I even found out what color underwear the other party was wearing!”

"That's the best! I'm waiting for your news, don't let me down!" Wu Shixian warned again.


"President, this is today's itinerary. We will have a second negotiation with Yuetian Group at 1:30 pm..." Su Canping walked into the office and reported today's itinerary to Wu Shixian.

"Okay, I will attend on time." Wu Shixian said with a smile, "By the way, what gift do you think would be more sincere to give to the elders you meet for the first time?"

"Ah?...President, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you! I've been living with my grandma, and I rarely visit the elders, so..." Su Canping replied with some embarrassment, she was brought up by her grandma No one usually explained this kind of thing to her.

"Oh, forget it, go and call Rachel over." Hearing what Su Canping said, Wu Shixian suddenly realized that he was confused, and asked Su Canping, a girl with little experience in the world, if she could answer it, something would be wrong. !

"Teacher, are you looking for me?" After Rachel walked in, she looked at Wu Shixian curiously. Su Canping had not told her before that Wu Shixian had something to do with her.

"Ahem, I have something to ask you." Wu Shixian adjusted his mentality, and then asked, "What gift do you think would be more appropriate to bring when visiting an elder for the first time?"

"Visiting the elders?!" Rachel looked at Wu Shixian suspiciously. She didn't remember that Wu Shixian had other elders in Seoul!
"Hey, hey, I'm asking you something, what are you doing looking at me?" Wu Shixian frowned, what's the situation with this girl, why is she looking at him all the time, is there a flower on his face?

"...Teacher, actually you should ask the boss! The boss is very professional in giving gifts to the elders!" Rachel said with a smile. She had heard Chen Daojun talk about it before. He had a very good relationship with his father-in-law and mother-in-law. The elders were very happy.

Reminded by Rachel, Wu Shixian quickly realized that his boss is very shrewd!Mou Xianmin was settled when he was still alive, and even Mou Xianmin's parents did not object to their affairs. Isn't this a role model? !

It's just that when he thought of being teased by Chen Daojun last night, he was completely defenseless by the other party's words.Rao Wu Shixian is already in his 30s, and he still feels a little uneasy when he thinks about it.

If he called, he would probably be teased by Chen Daojun again, right? !

After some ideological struggle, Wu Shixian bit the bullet and called Chen Daojun, asking him how to give gifts to his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Chen Daojun replied with a smile, "I didn't expect our President Wu to have such a day, it's really surprising!"

"Give gifts to the elders, as long as they like what they like. As for what Park Zhengxi's parents like, you can ask first, and then..."

After hearing what Chen Daojun said in such detail, Wu Shixian nodded and recorded important details in a notebook beside him. He looked serious like a student who listened to the teacher's instructions on the key points before the exam!

As the sun gradually went down, before Wu Shixian got off work, Park Zhengxi took the lead to find him.Under the surprised eyes of the staff, Park Zhengxi came to the floor where Wu Shixian was very calmly.

"Hey, why are you here?" Rachel, who was working in the lobby, soon saw a familiar figure, it was Wu Shixian's little girlfriend Park Zhengxi.

"I came here today to bring your President Wu home!" Park Zhengxi said playfully. Today, she was very calm and didn't care about other people's opinions and comments.

Hearing such "explosive" news, Rachel and several people around her were dumbfounded, as if they were hallucinating something. Rachel quickly came to her senses and thought of some of Wu Shixian's abnormal behaviors today. Rachel suddenly realized that no wonder Wu Shixian was in a strange state. It turned out that he was going to visit his future father-in-law and mother-in-law with his little girlfriend!

(End of this chapter)

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