The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 345: The Dongchuang Incident happened, Chen Xingjun panicked

Chapter 345: The Dongchuang Incident happened, Chen Xingjun panicked
The next morning, some gossip media received a sensational piece of information, which was said to be the heir of a certain chaebol family, with photos and videos of participating in various banking parties in the beautiful country.There is even information that the other party is chic in some clubs in China.

As gossip news reporters, they quickly identified the male protagonist in the materials, who was Chen Xingjun, the eldest grandson of the Shunyang Group!

They still remember the sensational grand wedding half a year ago!


Soon all kinds of gossip news and scandals about Chen Xingjun were widely publicized. Both paper newspapers and TV channels began to report Chen Xingjun's "glorious deeds" one after another!
Many dignitaries in the upper class smiled knowingly when they saw Chen Xingjun's deeds.The people were envious, jealous, and jealous of the extravagant and luxurious life of this rich man.


Zheng Xin Zhai.

Director Li hurried over with a newspaper and gasped, "President, look at this!" As soon as he finished speaking, he handed over the newspaper in his hand.

Chen Yangji took the newspaper and read it, but after reading it for a few seconds, the angry Chen Yangji slapped the table directly, and cursed, "Axiba! That boy Xingjun is doing this in the beautiful country." Something?!"

"Director Li, go and call that brat over here!"

"Yes, President!" Mr. Li replied blankly.


In an office of Shunyang Construction Company, Chen Xingjun was lying leisurely on the boss's chair, looking forward to a bright future, when suddenly his father's voice came from outside.

Just when he thought he had an illusion and heard it wrong, Chen Yongji had already arrived at his office, and even threw the newspaper in his hand to Chen Xingjun's face.

"Axiba, look at what you have done!" Chen Yongji roared angrily, "You have embarrassed our Shunyang Group!"

After being sprayed by Chen Yongji, Chen Xingjun stood stunned on the spot. He had no idea what was going on!

When he picked up the newspaper that fell on the ground with grievances, his expression changed instantly when he saw those familiar photos!

Isn't he the protagonist of the gossip news here? !This media not only exposed some of his secret activities in the beautiful country, but also did not let him go to some clubs to have fun after returning to the country, leaving him no privacy at all!
"This... this is false! It's fabricated!" Chen Xingjun quickly defended. He must not admit such a thing. Otherwise, once it is confirmed, not only will his reputation be ruined, but he will also be regarded as a shame by the Chen family.I'm afraid grandpa will also be very disgusted with him!

Looking at Chen Xingjun's pale defense, how could Chen Yongji not understand that this kid really spent his days and nights in a foreign country and wasted his life, even when he returned to the country, he didn't restrain himself, and was photographed by some people!
"You should think about how to explain it to your grandpa?! If he knew about the good things you did in the beautiful country, he would definitely break your legs!" Chen Yongji was very disappointed to see his son still quibbling after the incident. .

He also knew that many descendants of chaebol families had very chaotic private lives.But they are more cautious, and many things have not been discovered by those paparazzi-like media reporters. How can their son be so stupid and not hide when he goes out to play? This is too courageous!
Hearing what his father said, Chen Xingjun immediately panicked!Growing up, Grandpa Chen Yangji had a very majestic image. Whenever he made a mistake, he would be scolded by the old man.

Now that something like this has happened, grandpa Chen Yangji should already know about it, right?

Before Chen Yongji and his son finished talking, Chen Xingjun's cell phone rang suddenly.Chen Xingjun looked at his angry father, hesitated for a while, and connected the phone.

"Is it Xingjun? I'm Li Hengcai. The president wants to see you and needs you to come to Zhengxinzhai as soon as possible." Director Li's voice came over the phone, which made Chen Xingjun very flustered.

"...I, I see." After Chen Xingjun hung up the phone, he hurriedly asked Chen Yongji for help, "Dad, grandpa told me to go to Zhengxinzhai, you have to help me!"

"How can I help you if you don't live up to your expectations!" Chen Yongji hated the fact that his son was so disappointed. With such a big scandal, everyone knew about it. He thought If you want to help, there is no way to start!
"Dad, I'm the only son you have!" Seeing this, Chen Xingjun knelt down in front of Chen Yongji and said tearfully.

Seeing his son's behavior, Chen Yongji gradually softened his attitude.Finally, under Chen Xingjun's "pleading and begging", he agreed to accompany him to Zhengxinzhai and intercede for him.


Doosan Group, Park House.

Mrs. Park looked at today's newspaper brought by the servant, and soon saw the tidbits about Chen Xingjun, the grandson of Shunyang Group. It was written in great detail, and some photos were thoughtfully attached.

Looking at Chen Xingjun's dissolute appearance in the newspaper, Mrs. Park couldn't help frowning and complaining, "I didn't expect that the eldest grandson of Shunyang Group would be such a thing! Fortunately, I didn't agree to marry him, otherwise I would have thrown that girl Zhengxi into the fire pit. Pushed!"

With this "real hammer" evidence, Mrs. Park, who has a straightforward personality, quickly contacted Li Biyu, and straightforwardly rejected the previous marriage proposal.

This surprised Li Biyu and quickly asked why.Because of the other party's face, Mrs. Park did not explain directly, but gently reminded her that you can check today's news papers for the specific reasons.

After finishing the call, Li Biyu quickly called the servant and asked her to bring today's newspaper to her for reading.Soon she saw a piece of news that shocked her!Looking at Chen Xingjun in the photo and the content listed in the newspaper, she couldn't believe it!How could her grandson be such a person? !


Accompanied by his father Chen Yongji, Chen Xingjun came to Zhengxinzhai, but the closer he got to the study on the second floor, the more uneasy he felt. He couldn't imagine how the angry Chen Yangji would punish his unworthy grandson, probably not Is it really as serious as Chen Yongji said?

"Let's go, we have to face it." Chen Yongji looked at his son who was stopped outside the study, sighed and consoled him.As Chen Yongji, who often endured the reprimands and abuses of his father Chen Yangji, he felt sympathy for the "storm" his son would face next, but he was helpless.

In the end, Chen Xingjun gritted his teeth and walked in. He understood that until now, he wanted to conceal and deny, but it was of no use at all. Even his father didn't believe his excuse, let alone his grandfather who had been shrewd all his life?I can only hope that the result is not as bad as I imagined!

(End of this chapter)

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