The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 346 Chen Yongji: I was tricked by my son!

Chapter 346 Chen Yongji: I was tricked by my son!

Seeing Chen Xingjun's guilty look, Chen Yangji said angrily, "We asked you to study in the beautiful country, I hope you can succeed in your studies! What did you do there?"

Hearing Chen Yangji's angry questioning, Chen Xingjun was filled with guilt. He knew that ordinary excuses and reasons could not convince Chen Yangji, a shrewd old man, so he held back a sentence after a while: "Grandpa, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong!"

Seeing this, Chen Yongji said, "I'm sorry, Dad! I'm responsible. I didn't teach Xingjun well, so that he was so presumptuous in the beautiful country."

"I haven't said you yet! He will become like this. Of course, you, the father, have an unshirkable responsibility!" Chen Yangji said angrily. If it weren't for the sudden explosion of these media, he would not have known that his eldest grandson, who had placed high hopes on him, had actually degenerated. This kind of virtue means having fun abroad and participating in multi-person sports...!
"Just today, because of his scandal, our Shunyang Group's reputation has been ruined, and the stock price has plummeted! Can you bear this responsibility?!" Chen Yangji roared angrily.

Hearing what Chen Yangji said, Chen Yongji fell silent. Because of Chen Xingjun's incident, the company's stock price fell.Such consequences have completely exceeded his expectations.


Chen Yangji looked at his grandson Chen Xingjun in front of him. He thought about it for a long time and finally said, "From today on, you will go to the project department of Shunyang Construction and work hard as a construction worker to reflect on your mistakes! ... In addition, since you and Jin Xiuzhu is divorced, so take out the shares I gave you earlier!"

"Dad, how could you do this?! Xingjun is your grandson, how can you let him be a construction worker?!" Chen Yongji couldn't believe it. He didn't expect his father to be so ruthless, and he directly demoted Chen Xingjun. At the lowest point, let the pampered eldest grandson go to the construction site to carry bricks and work as a coolie!

"Hmph——! Getting into such big trouble is already a small punishment but a big warning!" Seeing that Chen Yongji still dared to question his decision, Chen Yangji glared at him and said angrily, "You don't live up to your expectations. Things like that! You can’t even discipline your own son well, and you want an old man of my age to educate you, what can you say?!”

"Since you can't even discipline your own son, how can you manage the group well? Just don't take the position of vice president of the group and give it to someone more capable!" Chen Yangji, who was getting angry, quickly said Another decision was made, which made Chen Yongji feel like he was struck by lightning. After abolishing the primogeniture system, will his position as vice president also be taken back this time? !

Like deflated balls, Chen Yongji and Chen Xingjun left the study in frustration.Downstairs, Li Biyu had been waiting here for a long time. After reading the newspaper, she still found it unbelievable. She wanted to ask her grandson if the news was true. Was he really spending his days and nights in the beautiful country?

"Xingjun, come here! I have something to ask you!" Seeing Chen Xingjun and his son walking downstairs, Li Biyu hurriedly stepped forward to stop Chen Xingjun.

Before Chen Xingjun could react, Li Biyu unfolded the newspaper in his hand and asked, "Is the news on it true?!"

"Grandma... listen to me to explain..." Chen Xingjun didn't expect his grandma, who always doted on him, to know about this matter. He was completely unprepared how to deal with this old man!

Seeing that Chen Xingjun hesitated and couldn't speak, Li Biyu didn't know that most of the things reported above were true!Fortunately, she has always doted on this eldest grandson, and even put up a face to propose marriage to the Pu family of Doosan Group on his behalf, but this grandson is so unbelievable, it is simply mud that can't support the wall!

"Mom, this kid Xingjun... let you down!" Chen Yongji at the side said bravely. He had already reached this point, and there was no point in defending him. It would be better to just bow his head and admit his mistake.

Hearing what Chen Yongji said, Li Biyu said indifferently, "Because of Xingjun's scandal, the original marriage with Doosan Group was rejected by the other party....You can do it yourself!"


Chen Yongji looked at his mother who left, feeling very sad in his heart.Chen Xingjun's unbelievable bastard messes around in the beautiful country, and he doesn't stop when he returns to the country.Fortunately, not only was he reprimanded by his father and dismissed from his position, but he was also demoted to the project department as a brick mover.

I finally persuaded my mother to help discuss the marriage, but in the end, it was completely ruined because of this bastard's mess!He was also implicated and couldn't keep his position as vice president!It’s true that misfortunes never come singly!
----split line----

The next day, Chief Li passed the punishment of Chen Xingjun and Chen Yongji to the group and its subsidiaries.It caused an uproar. No one expected that just overnight, such a big change would happen to the group. Chen Yongji stepped down, and the position of vice president of the group was also vacant.

Shunyang Fire Insurance Company, in the president's office.

After Chen Dongji got the news, he burst out laughing, very proud!He didn't expect Chen Xingjun, his nephew, to be so "powerful", and he did a lot of shit in the beautiful country, directly cheating his father, Chen Yongji, so much that he even lost his seat as the vice president!What a fucking talent!

"Now that the position of vice president is vacant, doesn't he, the second oldest, have a chance to take over?!" Chen Dongji thought happily.

While he was enjoying the bright future, his subordinate came in with the materials, "President, Miracle Group replied, saying that Wu Shixian has time this Thursday, so he can talk to us about cooperation."

"This is really a good thing that comes in pairs!" Chen Dongji was even more happy. As a competitor, Chen Yongji rolled down from the position of vice chairman of the group, and his cooperation with Miracle Group is about to begin. Is this what God wants Chen Dongji to do? Become the successor of Shunyang Group? !

"Manager Bai, what will be my fortune this year...for the next year?" Chen Dongji asked the "magic stick" Executive Bai on the side.He desperately wants to know, is this a coincidence, or is he really about to rise? !

Executive Bai flipped through the fortune telling book in his hand, and then said with a smile, "Congratulations, President, your fortune is on the rise. I think what you want to do will go very smoothly, and everything you want will come true!"

Hearing what Bai Changwu said, Chen Dongji laughed even more. It seems that this time God is also on his side, wanting him to take the position to replace his unsatisfactory brother!

In Shunyang Department Store, Chen Huarong was a little surprised when she heard the report from her subordinates. She didn't know about the gossip about Chen Xingjundong yesterday, but she only found out about it today after her subordinates reported it.

"I didn't expect that my nephew would be such a thing? It's really surprising!" Chen Hua said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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