The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 347 Chen Dongji: Why doesn’t this person follow the routine?

Chapter 347 Chen Dongji: Why doesn’t this person follow the routine?

Because of this incident, Chen Yongji lost the position of vice president, which surprised and delighted her.But after calming down, she quickly thought of another problem: In Bangzi Country, where men are superior to women, there has never been a woman in charge of the group to hold such important positions as president and vice president.

How could Chen Yangji, who has a conservative and traditional personality, allow his daughter to inherit the Shunyang Group and hand over the huge enterprise to someone with a foreign surname?
"Dad will eventually hand over the vacant vice-president position to Chen Dongji, right?" Chen Huarong guessed unwillingly.


"President, there is news from Miracle Group that we need to arrange representatives to settle in Tesco Department Store. They have already recruited the staff in place. As long as the representatives arranged by several of our department stores are in place, they can officially open for business!" The assistant said respectfully to Chen Huarong.

"Ah? Is the e-buy department store ready?" Chen Huarong was a little surprised. She didn't expect Miracle Group to be so efficient. How long has it been since the new company was established? !

"Then let Minister Zheng from the Marketing Department go over. He is skilled in business, and it would be perfect for him to sit in charge." Chen Huarong thought about it for a while, and then said.

"Okay, President!"

----split line----

Miracle Group, Vice President’s Office.

Chen Daojun was looking at Wu Shixian with a smirk on his face, "Chairman Wu, you really deserve it! You directly exposed all the embarrassing things about Chen Xingjun, but made him miserable! My grandfather demoted him to the construction site Be a coolie!"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Shixian looked indifferent and said seriously, "Since he dares to have Zhengxi's idea, I have to make him pay something, right? Who makes his butt so dirty that others can catch him so easily? ?”

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Chen Daojun applauded with satisfaction, "You're right, my cousin is not a good guy, and it's good to have the opportunity to play with him!"

Thinking of Chen Xingjun's arrogant face in front of him before, Chen Daojun had an inexplicable urge to go up and give him a good beating.

Chen Yongji, the eldest uncle of their family, was able to avoid being targeted by Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong.But in order to benefit from the new urban development project, Chen Yongji set his sights on the land in the Bundang area held by his nephew. If he hadn't handled it properly, he might have really taken advantage of him.

This also made Chen Daojun keep it in mind. It happened that this time he could use Wu Shixian's hand to plot against Chen Yongji and his son, so that they could also suffer.


"By the way, boss. We are going to negotiate with Shunyang Fire Insurance Company on Thursday. President Chen Dongji seems to want to cooperate with us." Wu Shixian said, remembering the itinerary Su Canping told him before.

"Hehe, it seems that my second uncle is not a fuel-efficient lamp! Shunyang Fire Insurance and Miracle Group don't have any overlap in business to cooperate with."

Chen Daojun quickly guessed Chen Dongji's intention. After all, he must have been jealous when he saw that Chen Huarong, the third sister who was obviously not as capable as himself, was able to cling to the thighs of Miracle Group and advance all the way and gain a lot!
"Then do we have to agree to cooperate with each other?" Wu Shixian asked. Their original plan was to support Chen Huarong, Chen Dongji and Chen Yongji to compete for the management rights of the group.

Now that Chen Dongji suddenly proposed to cooperate with them, at that time, wouldn't Chen Dongji, with the support of Shunyang Group, be the only one, easily defeat Chen Yongji and Chen Huarong, and get the management right of Shunyang Group?

"Let's hang him first and see what benefits he can offer for cooperation? There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world!" Chen Daojun smiled and quickly came up with an idea.

When Chen Huarong cooperated with Miracle Group, they also paid a lot of money. They not only bought shares in Shunyang Department Store, but also Chen Huarong obeyed their orders. Shunyang Department Store is almost becoming a subsidiary of Miracle Group!
"Okay, I hope this President Chen Dongji can bring us a surprise, haha!" Wu Shixian understood what Chen Daojun meant very quickly, and they could only see the Shunyang Group that was caught in internal strife!

If Chen Dongji's family becomes the dominant one, defeats its competitors and takes over the management rights of Shunyang Group, then their plan to profit from "fishing in troubled waters" will be aborted.


Time passed quickly, and on Thursday morning, the negotiations between Miracle Group and Shunyang Fire Insurance Company went on as scheduled.

Chen Dongji felt a little sad when he looked at Wu Shixian, who was much younger than himself but had a much higher status than himself.

Wu Shixian is really lucky. He became the head of a large enterprise like Miracle Group at such a young age. Although he is the vice chairman, as the chairman, Li Wenxuan (Chen Daojun vest) rarely shows up. He is the actual leader of Miracle Group. principal.


"President Chen Dongji, I wonder what your invitation to cooperate with our Miracle Group is about?" Wu Shixian got straight to the point and asked directly.

The assistant sitting next to Chen Dongji took the initiative to say, "Our Shunyang Fire Insurance Company purchases a large number of items every year as insurance company gifts for customers."

"The E-Go department store established by Miracle Group and several department stores not long ago will definitely be able to meet the procurement needs of our Shunyang fire insurance company."

Listening to the other side's assistant talking, Wu Shixian's lamp and Rachel were very surprised. If it is such a large-scale purchase, it is a good business.

It's just that this kind of lucrative procurement business usually cooperates with companies with interests?Is this Chen Dongji trying to use this advantage to win them over to Miracle Group?

This is too small to underestimate their Miracle Group, right?Although the money and water are good, with the size and size of their Miracle Group, how can they care about such a small profit?

"Since you are willing to cooperate, of course we at Miracle Group will not refuse. However, we are not familiar with procurement matters. How about this, let's call the representatives from Tesco Department Store and let the two parties negotiate further."

"Rachel, go ahead and call out Minister Li who is in charge of the e-buy department store." Wu Shixian winked at Rachel beside him, motioning for him to call for someone.

Rachel understood instantly, got up and walked outside.

This scene made Chen Dongji and others dumbfounded. This situation was completely different from what they imagined!Why do we suddenly need to talk to the representatives of Tesco Department Store? !

Shouldn't this Wu Shixian discuss the specific purchase content with them politely, and after some discussions, the two sides reached a cooperation. Isn't he taking the opportunity to propose more cooperation with Miracle Group?
If he leaves, will they still have a deal with Tesco Department Store? !

(End of this chapter)

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