The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 348 Negotiation failed, angry Chen Dongji

Chapter 348 Negotiation failed, angry Chen Dongji

"President Wu... We have other things we want to talk to you about." Seeing that his plan was about to fall through, Chen Dongji quickly said that there are not many chances to meet Wu Shixian like today. If you miss this time, next time I want to discuss cooperation with the other party in detail again, but I don’t know how long it will take.

"President Chen, if you have anything else, you might as well tell me directly." Wu Shixian heard Chen Dongji take the initiative and said to him with a smile.

"...!" Looking at Wu Shixian who was looking at him, Chen Dongji realized that the Shunyang Fire Insurance side seemed to be in a passive position during this negotiation, but he had no other choice when the matter came to an end.

"...We want to deepen our cooperation with Miracle Group and become a strategic partner." Chen Dongji took a deep breath and stated the ultimate purpose of meeting with Miracle Group this time.

"Deeper cooperation with our Miracle Group?" Wu Shixian pretended to be embarrassed and said, "I'm afraid I will disappoint President Chen. Our Miracle Group and Shunyang Fire Insurance Company have no other businesses or projects to cooperate with, so we can't talk about deepening our cooperation. "

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Chen Dongji's face became a little ugly. He thought that Miracle Group would cooperate with him when he offered to cooperate, but he didn't expect the other party to be so disrespectful!
"What President Wu said is not correct. We still have many places where we can cooperate. After Miracle Group completed the acquisition of Yuetian Group, Yuetian Chemical became a subsidiary of Miracle Group, and our Shunyang We are colleagues in the chemical company!" Seeing this, the assistant on the side opened his mouth to help Chen Dongji.

"Yuetian Chemical? I forgot about it! I have incorporated so many companies recently that I can hardly remember them all!" Wu Shixian said mockingly.

Chen Dongji, who was sitting across from him, felt even more aggrieved when he heard Wu Shixian's Versailles, "He is reminding me that the Miracle Group has a big business, and he only has the right to manage two companies, so he is not qualified to cooperate with them? !"

"President Wu, we are very sincere. If we can cooperate, in the field of chemical industry, we will definitely be able to win-win cooperation and earn more profits." The assistant next to Chen Dongji looked a little ugly when he saw his boss, He quickly opened his mouth to smooth things over and ease the atmosphere.


The two sides argued for a while, but Chen Dongji failed to offer more benefits to impress Wu Shixian.Seeing that the representative of Tesco Department Store had arrived, Wu Shixian smiled and called the person over and asked him to sit in his seat. Then he said hello to Chen Dongji and left the conference room.

Such a scene made Chen Dongji very annoyed. How could this Wu Shixian not give him any face?Send him off so quickly? !And that Executive Bai, didn't he say before that his luck is very good and everything will go smoothly? !how so? !

6 Standing at the side, Bai Changwu noticed that Chen Dongji was looking at him, and couldn't help but shuddered. He soon realized that he might be in trouble. After all, he had just boasted to Chen Dongji that his fortune would rise and things would go smoothly, and the result was so fast Just slap in the face!You will definitely be questioned later whether your calculation is accurate, right? !

Executive Bai's face became serious. He realized that if he didn't come up with a reasonable excuse quickly, what would be waiting for him after the meeting was over would be an angry Chen Dongji!


After the meeting, Chen Dongji left with his subordinates full of dissatisfaction.As soon as he left the Miracle Building, Chen Dongji got angry at Executive Bai, "Axiba! Didn't you say before that my fortune would continue to rise and things would go smoothly?! This guy Wu Shixian was so disrespectful that he failed to achieve his goal. Also called smooth?!

Bai Changwu's expression remained calm, and the old god said, "President, you remember your future destiny, which is very good. Then do you remember Wu Shixian's destiny?"

"Wu Shixian's fortune? Isn't it just at the height of the sun... You mean, Wu Shixian's fortune is stronger than mine, suppressing me? So I failed to achieve my goal in this negotiation?!" Chen Dongji quickly remembered that the former executive Bai Some of the things I talked to him were a little uncertain.

"So, you already knew the possible results today. It's just that you accidentally ignored it, didn't you?" Executive Bai said meaningfully. This time he gave full marks to his own performance. He didn't have anything. Said, but he said everything, and the rest is all up to you to figure out on your own, and you are full of force in an instant~!


Chen Dongji was a little frustrated. It seemed that he was hasty this time. He thought that his fortune would rise and he would be able to easily settle the negotiations and form an alliance with the Miracle Group very smoothly.

In the end, the development of the matter was completely opposite to what he had imagined, which also made him very puzzled. The Miracle Group looked down on him and didn't want to cooperate with him. How could they cooperate with Chen Huarong?Even Zhu Mengxian of the Daying Group has a close relationship with the Miracle Group. The strength of these two people is no better than him. How could the Miracle Group cooperate with them? !
The assistant sitting in the same car asked, "President, do we want to continue our cooperation with Tesco Department Store?"

"Aren't you fucking blind?! Wu Shixian doesn't even intend to cooperate with us, why are we rushing to cooperate with this e-buy department store?!" Hearing the assistant mention e-buy department store again, Chen Dongji's His face darkened instantly, and he roared angrily.

"President, you need to calm down. I think the cooperation with Tesco Department Store should continue. Only in this way can we find another opportunity to cooperate with Miracle Group." Standing Bai said calmly.

"President, don't forget that the Yuetian Group, which has been fighting with the Miracle Group before, has been deprived of the management rights of its subsidiaries in just a few months, and now it is completely swallowed up by Miracle! Our There are only two companies here, how can they be the opponents of the Miracle Group?! We can't withstand their attacks!"

As long as Shunyang Fire Insurance Company and Tesco Department Store maintain their cooperation, Miracle Group will not break up with them.It is not impossible to find ways to deepen cooperation with the other party later.

If their Shunyang fire insurance policy unilaterally cancels the cooperation with Tesco department store now, Wu Shixian, who is not in full, will feel that they are playing with him and Miracle Group.Once he is angered and the Miracle Group treats them as enemies, how can their fate be any better than that of the Yuetian Group? !

Hearing Bai Changwu's words, Chen Dongji, who was originally very angry, calmed down, and he was also terrified!He was so patronizing and angry before that he completely ignored the strength of Miracle Group. He is no longer something that he, the president of the company, can easily provoke!
(End of this chapter)

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