The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 349 Chen Daojun: Lawyer Wu, the ladies from the Kingdom of the Sun are very enthusiastic!

Chapter 349 Chen Daojun: Lawyer Wu, the ladies from the Kingdom of the Sun are very enthusiastic!

This time, when he went to Sun Country to discuss cooperation with Sony, Chen Daojun not only brought the beautiful assistant and bodyguard Yong Jingwen, but also Wu Luomin, a professional lawyer.

On the plane to the Sun Country, Chen Daojun was flipping through a magazine boredly, and Wu Luomin asked awkwardly, "Boss, why did you bring me with you when you went to the Sun Country? I don't know Japanese!"

"Although your Japanese is not good, your English is good! And the ladies from the Kingdom of the Sun are very enthusiastic about foreign gentlemen coming from afar!" Chen Daojun closed the magazine and said with a smirk.

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Luomin's heart was moved instantly, and she swallowed unconsciously, "Ahem, it's my honor to be able to go on a business trip to Sun Country with Boss Ni...Boss, the girls in Sun Country are like you Are you so enthusiastic?!"

"Of course, when President Wu and I came to the Sun Country, a mature man like President Wu was very popular with the ladies of the Sun Country!" Chen Daojun said half-truthfully.

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Luomin believed it, and an envious expression appeared on his face. According to Chen Daojun, it seems that Wu Luomin's temperament is not bad, right?Is it also possible to...?
Yong Jingwen next to Chen Daojun couldn't help shaking her head when she saw this scene.My boss started fooling people again!Wu Luomin, an elite lawyer in the law firm, might be fooled into limping again!

When she was serving in the Special Forces, she was lucky enough to go on a "business trip" to the Sun Country. The women in the Sun Country are very urban, not as beautiful as Chen Daojun said.Most likely she was fooling Lawyer Wu, but she didn't expose it.

When she was in the law firm before, Yong Jingwen discovered that the boss she wanted to protect had a bad taste of joking and teasing people, and would often fool others inadvertently. If she was not careful, she would be easily deceived !


The plane arrived at the Tokyo airport smoothly, and the person who came to pick it up was Zhao Chengyuan who came to Sun Country and Sony Pictures Entertainment to discuss cooperation.

"Daojun, you are here, let me wait for a while~!" Zhao Chengyuan looked at Chen Daojun and others in front of him, feeling very emotional.These days he has been waiting anxiously for a long time, looking forward to it every day, when the person in charge of Sony Pictures Entertainment will come back, so he can inform Chen Daojun to come as soon as possible.

Now that the people on both sides are in place, as long as they see the above and make an agreement, then their mission can be regarded as completed!
"During this time, uncle has worked hard~!" Chen Daojun looked at Zhao Chengyuan in front of him, and said very politely.As Mou Xianmin's uncle, he is very grateful that the other party can help Zhang Luo's manga adaptation, film adaptation and animation so seriously.

"We are all a family, so there is no need to be so polite!" Zhao Chengyuan patted Chen Daojun's arm, and said with a smile, "Let's go, I have arranged a hotel for you, go to the hotel to check in first, and have a good rest. Tomorrow In the morning, you can have a good talk with Sony people!"

"Okay, then I will trouble uncle~!" Chen Daojun said with a smile.

Wu Luomin and Yong Jingwen saw Chen Daojun leaving with Zhao Chengyuan, and they followed behind with their suitcases.


"Boss, the hotel's rooms are so luxuriously decorated, so the price should be very expensive?" Wu Luomin asked happily. It was the first time for him to go on a business trip abroad. If he had known about this kind of treatment, why would he hesitate?

"It's because we are a major client of Sony Pictures Entertainment! It's better not to entertain us. We are not satisfied, and the cooperation has been cancelled. What should we do?" Chen Daojun raised his eyebrows and said with a smirk.

Zhao Chengyuan told him before that the hotel room was booked with the help of Sony.After all, the cooperation they want to reach with Sony will cost at least hundreds of millions of dollars or even hundreds of millions.

In a sluggish general environment (the Sun Country is affected by the financial crisis and the economy continues to slump), being able to get such a big project is definitely a big case!

As long as they can reach an agreement, Sony Pictures Entertainment's performance in the past two years will be fully covered!

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Luomin nodded in agreement.

These days, money is god, and there are very few "bad guys" like Chen Daojun who are willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to invest in filming movies.
"It's just that the next cooperation negotiations will be a treat. Those guys from Sony will probably ask for astonishing film production fees and remuneration. You have to help me check!" Chen Daojun changed the topic and told Wu Luomin. road.

"I'm sure about the legal terms, but I'm not familiar with film production and shooting. If there are professional film producers who can assist, then there will be no problem." Wu Luomin said truthfully.

"It's simple. I still have some friends in Sunland, so it's easy to ask them to help find a film producer!" Chen Daojun said confidently.

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Luomin was a little surprised, his boss really "has a wide range of friends"!Helpers can be found even in the Sun Country.


Chen Daojun quickly contacted Katsuto Matsuura of Avex and explained the situation to him.

The other party was a little surprised when he learned that Chen Daojun was on a business trip to Sun Country.Hearing Chen Daojun's request, Matsuura Katsuto patted his chest and said, Chen Sang, this is easy.Our company has many MV production directors. "

"I'll have someone contact you later and tell you the director's information and contact information!"

"Okay, then thank you, President Matsuura!" Chen Daojun said happily.


It's just that Chen Daojun failed to receive Avex's call after waiting for a long time, which made him a little suspicious. Matsuura Katsuto, maybe he forgot about him?
Just when he was doubting, the phone rang suddenly, and a somewhat familiar voice came from inside, "Is it Chen Sang? President Matsuura said, you came to Sun Country?!"

There was surprise and excitement in the other party's tone, which made Chen Daojun couldn't help teasing him.

"Yes, I came to the Kingdom of the Sun to deal with some things this time. Did my Ayu miss me?!" Chen Daojun quickly realized that the other party was Ayumi Hamasaki. Unexpectedly, Katsuto Ohmatsuura asked her to contact him Myself, this is really... well done!

The woman on the opposite side was very happy when she heard Chen Daojun call her that, but she replied unwillingly, "What's the use of thinking? Someone seems to have forgotten me and Namie, and hasn't been to Sun Country for several months... …”

Chen Daojun didn't expect that Ayumi Hamasaki would start joking with him after not seeing him for a few months. Seeing this, Chen Daojun said with a smirk, "Then if you and Namie are free these days, you can come and see me!"

Hearing Chen Daojun's ridicule, Ayumi Hamasaki didn't understand what bad idea Chen Daojun had?

(End of this chapter)

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