The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 354 Amuro Namie’s regret, Sony calls

Chapter 354 Amuro Namie’s regret, Sony calls

"Good job~!" Chen Daojun said happily.George's efficiency surprised him. Not only did he get things done smoothly, but he was also very fast and reliable~!

"Hey, that guy Leyan helped a lot this time! Not only did he prepare sufficient materials, he also negotiated with the heads of 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures. As long as the conditions are right, the two parties can reach a cooperation!" George No, he did not take the credit for himself, and told Chen Daojun about the "merits" of this cheap nephew.

"Is it Leyan? Sure enough, my vision is still very accurate! With you two as my agents in the beautiful country, I feel a lot less worried!" Chen Daojun said happily. With such a reliable assistant, This hands-off shopkeeper feels a lot more relaxed~!


Avex Company, the president Katsuto Matsuura was a little confused.The subordinates at the side came to report to him just now, saying that Dior and Chanel had called and said they wanted to cooperate with Avex.

This made Matsuura Katsuto very excited. These two internationally renowned cosmetics brands actually took the initiative to propose cooperation. What is this if it's not pie in the sky? !

However, before Katsuto Matsuura could speak, the subordinate continued, "It's just that these two companies have made a request, saying that they are optimistic about Ayumi Hamasaki under our company and appointed her as the spokesperson for their products!"

Katsuto Matsuura stood on the spot in a daze, boy, isn't this turning point too abrupt?He was originally thinking about which artist to recommend to these two companies, but he didn't expect that the other party would directly lock in the candidate? !Ayumi Hamasaki only signed a contract this year, and her company's album is still in production, so how could these two companies take a fancy to her, an unknown person?
After a while, Matsuura Katsuto thought of the key point: all of this was most likely arranged by Chen Daojun, a shareholder of the company~!Ayumi Hamasaki does not have any special background or connections, and he only has some relationship with Chen Daojun. However, he did not expect that Chen Daojun would be so generous and willing to give her the endorsement of such a major international brand. It is really enviable. !


"Go and call Hamasaki over!" Matsuura Katsuto thought about it for a while and said to his subordinates.

"Hi!" The subordinate replied respectfully.


Soon Ayumi Hamasaki got the endorsement news of two internationally renowned brands, Chanel and Dior, which spread in the company.Many people thought it was a rumor, but the good-natured person confirmed the news again and again with Ayumi Hamasaki himself and colleagues in the office!
This made other people in the company envious. Ayumi Hamasaki, a newcomer who had yet to achieve results, was so lucky that a big brand endorsement came to him so quickly!Many famous singers in the company are also jealous, but they are not as lucky as Ayumi Hamasaki. Most of the endorsements they receive are second-tier, third-tier or even niche brands.

After finishing the song recording and returning to her lounge, Amuro Namie naturally heard her colleagues talking about this matter.

"How could that woman Ayumi Hamasaki get endorsed by two well-known cosmetics companies? This is incredible?! Why on earth did she get it?!" Namie Amuro felt unwilling to accept it. She obviously relied on her strength to I have already made a name for myself, but I haven’t seen any big brands come to endorse me!Unwilling to do so, she finally couldn't hold it back and found the president, Matsuura Katsuto, to learn about the situation from him.

Matsuura Katsuto looked at the unwilling Namie Amuro in front of him, and said helplessly, "You and Hamasaki Ayumi, I am not partial to anyone! I gave both of you the opportunity, but she grasped it. And you gave up on yourself!"

"Give up? When did I give up?" Amuro Namie was very puzzled, she didn't remember any chance Matsuura Katsuto gave to be related to this brand endorsement!
Katsuto Matsuura said meaningfully, "Didn't I send a message to you before, asking you to see Chen Daojun, a shareholder of the company, when you are free?...Obviously, Ayumi Hamasaki has gone, but you haven't!"

"...President, are you saying that Chen Daojun arranged for Ayumi Hamasaki to endorse these two big brands?!" Namie Amuro looked a little dull, how could this be possible?How could Chen Daojun, the shareholder, be so generous? !

Seeing Namie Amuro doubting life, Matsuura Katsuto sighed and said quietly, "Perhaps I didn't tell you that our shareholder is not only a rich son-in-law, he is also beautiful. The top executives of Goldman Sachs Group, the Wall Street financial giant over there!”

"So, do you understand why international brands come to you and want Hamasaki to endorse you?" Matsuura Katsuto said with some regret.

A few months ago, he warmly invited Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian, the vice president of Miracle Group, to have a dinner. During the three rounds of drinks, the two of them inadvertently spilled the beans. As a bystander, he secretly remembered these secrets in his heart.

That's why Chen Daojun contacted him to help with something after he came to Sun Country, and he immediately notified Ayumi Hamasaki and Namie Amuro.It's just a pity that this Namie didn't take this reminder to heart, and missed the opportunity in vain.


After coming out of Matsuura Katsuto's office, Amuro Namie was a little frustrated. She originally thought that with her talent and hard work, she could achieve her dream, stand on the stage, and become a popular singer.

Unexpectedly, reality taught her a hard lesson. In addition to talent and hard work, she could also be like Hamasaki by leaning on her thighs and taking shortcuts to quickly become famous.

A thought called "regret" quietly grew in her heart. If she didn't refuse, but went to Chen Daojun like Ayumi Hamasaki, would one of the endorsements of the two big brands be hers?


In the evening, Chen Daojun was chatting with Wu Luomin, Zhao Chengyuan and others. At the same time, he told them the good news that there were already two film companies in the beautiful country willing to cooperate to produce the "Spider-Man" movie.

Zhao Chengyuan didn't expect that this niece and son-in-law were so powerful that in just a few days, they could handle the film company in the beautiful country?But hasn't he been with them these few days and hasn't left Sun Country?How did he do it?
At this moment, Zhao Chengyuan's cell phone suddenly rang. Zhao Chengyuan apologized and went to the side to answer the call.Unexpectedly, the call came from the planning director of Sony Corporation.

"Zhao Sang, I have some good news for you. Our president He Norio has let go and is willing to lower the price of film production. You can sign the contract." Xing Tian-kun's familiar voice came from the phone.

Zhao Chengyuan grinned, but said in a somewhat embarrassed tone, "This is difficult to handle. My back (Chen Daojun) asked his friends from Meiliguo to contact 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures. Both companies have Expressed willingness to cooperate and help produce the "Spider-Man" movie."

(End of this chapter)

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