The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 355 Chen Daojun: Are you taking the initiative?

Chapter 355 Chen Daojun: Are you taking the initiative?
Koda-kun felt something bad in his heart. He originally thought that the other party would say that he was already in contact with the film company of the Kingdom of the Sun.But I never expected that the other party would actually contact the two top Hollywood film companies, 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures in the beautiful country.

"This is troublesome~!" Xingtian Jun couldn't help complaining in his heart, if his president was not too greedy and quoted an exorbitant price, Chen Daojun and others would not have done such a thing.It's all my own fault!
But Mr. Koda still had the courage to send out the invitation again. Zhao Chengyuan did not agree immediately, but said with a smile, "I will talk to him, but I can't guarantee whether he is willing to come over and continue talking. .”

"Okay, then Zhao Sang will trouble you!" Xingtian Jun said with a smile.


Zhao Chengyuan hung up the phone, returned to the living room, laughed, Chen Daojun and the others said, "Sony called just now, saying they want to discuss cooperation with us again. It seems that they can't help it!" "

"Then uncle, have you told the other party the news that we have negotiated with other film companies?" Chen Daojun smirked at Zhao Chengyuan and said jokingly.

"I told you, that Koda-kun is probably very anxious after hearing this!" Zhao Chengyuan also had a bad smile on his face. Now the situation has taken a turn for the worse, and it is Sony who is passive, not them~!

"Hehe, their president has been unhappy for a long time~! Now let them go in a hurry!" Wu Luomin on the side was quite dissatisfied with the arrogance of Sony executives before. After all, anyone who is treated as an unjust enemy will be very angry. Not fast.


After the chat was over and Chen Daojun returned to his room, his cell phone rang suddenly.Chen Daojun answered the phone curiously.But the other party did not make a sound for a long time, which made Chen Daojun a little puzzled, "Who are you? Talk?"

"...Chen Sang, I am Namie..." A pleasant female voice came from the microphone, which surprised Chen Daojun.

It was Amuro Namie who called. Although she had already guessed that this woman would practice herself because she was jealous of Ayumi Hamasaki's gains, she never thought that this woman could not help but take the initiative to find her so soon.

"Oh, it's Namie, it's so late, what can I do for you?" Chen Daojun pretended not to know, and asked curiously.

Namie Amuro was instantly embarrassed by Chen Daojun's answer. She never thought that this man was still pretending to be stupid with her. How could he not know why he contacted him? !

"Chen Sang, I've made a lot of announcements in the past two days and I just finished my work. The president told me that I have come to the Kingdom of the Sun." Namie Amuro suppressed her inner dissatisfaction and said coquettishly.

"Yeah, I happened to have something to do, so I came to Sun Country." Chen Daojun said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you have a lot of things, Ayu happens to be free these few days, she will come to accompany me."

Chen Daojun's words instantly made Amuro Namie furious!Sure enough, the bitch Ayumi Hamasaki hooked up with the perverted shareholder Chen Daojun, and they even called her so close!That bitch must have served Chen Daojun well, so he got endorsements from those two big foreign brands. This kind of solitary behavior is really abominable!

"Chen Sang, I don't have anything to do these days, why don't I come over to accompany you?" Since a bitch like Ayumi Hamasaki is willing to go out of her way, and Chen Daojun is so generous, then what else does she have to hesitate? It’s not like I haven’t slept with him~!

"Ah? Isn't this...isn't that bad? After all, you are making so many announcements now. I would be embarrassed if it affected your work." Chen Daojun firmly adhered to his integrity and declined politely.

This made Namie Amuro go a little crazy. It was so irritating that she wanted to take the initiative, but this man was still being serious and refused? !What does he mean?Ayumi Hamasaki can go see him, but she can't?Is this looking down on her, Namie Amuro? !
"But Chen Sang, you are more important to me than work! These past few months, I have been thinking about you~!" Namie Amuro said softly, suppressing the anger in her heart.In order to get the same or even more benefits from Chen Daojun as Ayumi Hamasaki, Namie Amuro went all out and said all kinds of shameful words.

Chen Daojun didn't expect that Namie Amuro could say such disgusting words. It seemed that Ayumi Hamasaki got the endorsement, which deeply stimulated her.Since she was determined to come to her door, why should he refuse?

"Oh? Is that so? I didn't expect Namie to like me so much." Chen Daojun said "suddenly realized", "Then Namie come to me, I haven't seen you for several months, I miss you~!"

"Okay, I'll come to see you tomorrow!" Namie Amuro said happily.

After hanging up the phone, Toki Nami snorted coldly, "This man is indeed a big pervert. I just said a few words coquettishly, but I was easily grasped!"


Early the next morning, before Chen Daojun got up, a knock on the door woke him up.Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Chen Daojun got up and opened the door. Unexpectedly, standing in front of him was a woman in a fine windbreaker, a brown lady's hat and a white mask.Seeing Chen Daojun open the door, he yelled coquettishly, "Chen Sang, I'm here!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Daojun quickly realized that the woman in front of him was Namie Amuro!But why are he dressed up so well like Ayumi Hamasaki? I can't even recognize him!
"Since you took the initiative to send it to my door, I won't be polite!" Chen Daojun said in his heart. He was planning to take this opportunity to train the canary, lest she think her wings are hardened after she has been away from him for a long time. , you can get rid of the shackles~!


More than an hour later, Wu Luomin, Yong Jingwen and Zhao Chengyuan were enjoying a sumptuous breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Zhao Chengyuan looked around, but still did not see Chen Daojun, and asked curiously, "Why didn't you see Daojun today? Normally, he would have come to the restaurant at this time!"

While cutting the freshly fried steak with a knife and fork, Wu Luomin replied calmly, "The boss is always punctual, maybe there is some delay?"

"How about, Jingwen, why don't you go to the boss's room and shout?" Wu Luomin said to Yong Jingwen who was beside him. The other party was Chen Daojun's assistant and bodyguard, which was much more suitable than his subordinate calling the boss to get up.Even if Chen Daojun was angry about getting up, he wouldn't blame a female assistant too much.

Yong Jingwen, who was tasting the fried eggs, froze for a moment, and her heart was beating up, "Does this kind of thing need her to do it? The boss won't take all the anger on her for getting up?"

(End of this chapter)

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