The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 357 Separation and Reorganization of Shunyang Subsidiary

Chapter 357 Separation and Reorganization of Shunyang Subsidiary

Complaints are complaints, but Chen Daojun agreed to meet Sony again to discuss it and see if they could reach an agreement.

After all, Universal Pictures and 20th Century Fox have only initially agreed to cooperate, and the specific cooperation plan and film production quotation have not yet been announced. If they open their mouths like Sony, then they will be caught blind.Shopping around is the best choice~!

Zhao Chengyuan quickly contacted Yamamoto Koda and explained to the other party that he was willing to continue the negotiation, which made the other party very happy. Then the two parties agreed to discuss again in the Sony conference room tomorrow afternoon.

------Dividing line------

Inside the country of Bangzi.

In the meeting room of Shunyang Group, Chen Yongji, Chen Dongji, Chen Huarong and Mr. Li were talking about the reorganization of the group's companies in the office.

"According to the chairman's intention, the three responsible subsidiaries must be rectified." Mr. Li looked at the three people in front of him and said, "First of all, President Chen Yongji, who maintains the position of president of Shunyang Products and Shunyang Electronics, has The same decision-making power as the president."

Chen Yongji flipped through the contents of the document, frowned and said, "Why should I be responsible for the poor business income? Is this going to exile me?"

Although the products produced by Shunyang Electronics have opened up the Yanxia country's market by virtue of the high cost performance of the new mobile phones, but this Shunyang product is a bottomless pit!
Affected by the financial turmoil, the current domestic real estate market has completely collapsed, and the price has shrunk by 80-90% compared with the price before the financial turmoil.Many real estate projects started to be established when the real estate industry was booming in the past two years.

Now, before these projects are completed, the market has experienced a sudden collapse, which directly puts the property company into a dilemma.If you continue to spend money on construction, even if it can be completed, it will cause a lot of losses.But if we don't continue the construction, a lot of money invested before will be wasted~!

Chen Huarong and Chen Dongji on the side couldn't help laughing when they heard what Chen Yongji said. Mr. Li smiled when he heard what Chen Yongji said, but he didn't answer each other, but looked at Chen Dongji who was on the side.

"Chairman Chen Dongji takes up the position of vice president of the group, and takes over the heavy industry, chemical, securities and Shunyang asset management companies!" Mr. Li said solemnly.

"Vice president? Dad gave you this position?!" Chen Huarong was very surprised. She didn't expect that just a few days after her boss Chen Yongji was fired from the position of vice president, her father Chen Yangji would give him the position of vice president so soon. When it comes to this guy Chen Dongji, and he suddenly has the management rights of three more companies (note: before this, Shunyang Chemical Chen Dongji himself had certain management rights), his father is too partial~!

Hearing what Chen Huarong said, Chen Yongji's face became very ugly. After all, the position of vice president had always been his.Now it’s actually cheaper for this guy Chen Dongji~!

When Chen Dongji saw Chen Huarong "making trouble," he quickly defended himself, "What's the use of having so many subsidiaries? None of them can really make money~! Even if we add heavy industry and chemistry together, it's still less than 60% of Shunyang Electronics’ revenue!”

As Chen Dongji spoke, he glanced at Chen Yongji with a guilty conscience. After all, he had taken away the position of boss and vice president this time. Who knows if this guy would go crazy on the spot?

It's just that Chen Yongji's expression remained calm and he didn't say anything.Only then did Chen Dongji breathe a sigh of relief.

"In addition, the chairman instructed that Shunyang Department Store will establish industrial links with supermarkets and hotels, separate from the parent company, and become Shunyang Distribution Group. And these procedures will be carried out soon." Director Li looked at Chen Huarong and continued.

"What does this mean? Is it because I'm married, so some useless companies sent me away?" Chen Huarong asked in a bad tone.

The combined assets of the supermarkets and restaurants owned by Shunyang Group may be less than a fraction of the sum of the companies that Chen Yongji and Chen Dongji were previously assigned to, which makes Chen Huarong very dissatisfied.

"What do you mean by throwing away some useless companies? The hotel industry chain should include the hotel's properties and... wait, this also includes golf courses?!" Chen Dongji on the side said, but he quickly reacted and smoothly Yang Hotel also has a high-end golf course with a huge area~!

"If the golf course is crossed together, you will be uprooting the company!" Chen Dongji said dissatisfiedly towards Chen Huarong.

But Chen Huarong was still dissatisfied with this, and retorted, "But the vice president is the real owner of the group~!"

As soon as Chen Huarong finished speaking, the entire conference room was silent, and no one answered.Chen Dongji could only smile awkwardly, picked up the teacup in front of him, trying to hide the embarrassment in his heart.

Seeing this, Mr. Li explained, "Splitting the subsidiary is a requirement of the Blue House and the IMF. The life and death of Shunyang Distribution Group depends on the success of Sun Yang Supermarket's expansion of branches across the country next year. The chairman is here Give you a chance to show what you can do."

As soon as the words fell, Director Li took out three documents from the desktop and handed them to Chen Huarong, Chen Yongji, and Chen Dongji respectively, "In order to divide the subsidiary, we must first deal with the relationship between the parent company and Shunyang Distribution Group. Shares and debt issues."

The three of them lowered their heads and looked carefully at the documents in front of them. Director Li explained to the three of them, "This is the details of the debts that President Chen Huarong wants the other subsidiaries to repay."

Chen Huarong said angrily, "How come there are so many debts? Is the operating situation of Shunyang Hotel so bad?!" She might have been a little happy at first, but when she looked at the pile of debt details listed in the document, her mood suddenly changed. It gets worse. This is not dividing the cake, it is clearly a hot potato~!

Chen Dongji on the side had a gloating expression on his face.But Chen Yongji still looked calm, as if this subsidiary reorganization had nothing to do with him.


When she got home, Chen Huarong was very depressed. She obviously split up the company, but as a result, she inexplicably incurred a large amount of debt. This made her very angry but helpless.After her husband Cui Changji understood the cause and effect, he put Chen Huarong on his back and circled in the living room, just like a father coaxing a depressed little girl.

"It makes me sad to see you so sad!" Cui Changji comforted Chen Huarong and suggested, "Would you like to contact Chairman Wu of Miracle Group and seek help from Miracle Group?"

"You also know that the one with the most cash in Bangzi Country right now is Miracle Group. If we can get their help, Shunyang Circulation's debt problem can be easily solved!"

(End of this chapter)

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