Chapter 358 Chen Huarong’s request
"Do you think President Wu of the Miracle Group is willing to help us?" Chen Huarong grabbed Cui Changji's ear and asked with some uncertainty.

"Ah!" Facing Chen Huarong's sudden attack, Cui Changji let go of Chen Huarong in pain.

"How would you know if you don't ask?" Cui Changji rubbed his ears on his fleshy hands and explained, "We have been cooperating with Miracle Group for several years, and President Wu will definitely be willing to help."

Hearing what her husband said, Chen Huarong still hesitated.Although the revenue of Shunyang Department Store is very good, the debts of Shunyang Supermarket and Shunyang Hotel are too high. The debt that needs to be repaid is close to more than 6000 billion won, which has exceeded the cost of acquiring Yuecheon Hotel.

And no matter how good his relationship with them was, Wu Shixian would never lend them so much money for no reason!It's impossible to let her use shares of Shunyang Department Store or Yuetian Hotel to mortgage in exchange for funds, right? !
...Wait, it seems possible to use the shares of Shunyang Department Store and Yuetian Hotel as collateral in exchange for funds~!

This sudden burst of inspiration brought joy to Chen Huarong's face gradually. With the relationship between the couple and Wu Shixian, they asked the other party to pledge their shares in exchange for funds, and Wu Shixian would probably agree.Then she can divide the borrowed funds into two parts, one part is used to repay the debt, and the other part is used for the repair and operation and maintenance of Shunyang supermarkets and hotels.

As long as there is sufficient capital turnover, hotels and supermarkets will soon be revived.According to this development, as long as she has two or three years of hard work, she can earn a lot of money in a short period of time through the three industries of Shunyang Department Store, Hotel, and Supermarket, and then redeem the pledged shares from Miracle Group. Already~!


Miracle Group, Vice President’s Office.

Wu Shixian looked at Chen Huarong in front of him, and asked with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time, is President Chen looking for me?"

"President Wu, I have something to ask you for help this time~!" Chen Huarong said a little awkwardly, "Shunyang Group is going to reorganize its subsidiaries, but the Shunyang Supermarket, Shunyang Hotel and Shunyang Golf that I have been assigned to... The operating conditions are very poor and there is a lot of debt..."

"So President Chen came here this time to get a loan from our Miracle Group?" Wu Shixian looked at Chen Huarong who was a little nervous in front of him, and said meaningfully. "Yes, please also ask President Wu to help me get through this difficulty~!" Chen Huarong said bravely.

"How much do you need?"

"6000 billion won~!" Chen Huarong said with some guilt. This is a large sum of money. Even top chaebols such as Daying Group and Shunyang Group cannot mobilize so much cash at once.

"6000 billion won? It's not a lot." Wu Shixian said with a smile, "But when does President Chen Huarong plan to repay this money?"

"...will it take 5 years?" Chen Huarong said with some uncertainty. Although she thought that the 3 billion Korean won borrowed could be paid off in 6000 years, but there are unpredictable circumstances, so she should buy more time. Can be less stressful.

"6000 billion Korean won, the loan period is 5 years? President Chen Huarong, your request is a bit difficult!" Wu Shixian said with some embarrassment.

According to the current exchange rate, 6000 billion Korean won is about 3 million U.S. dollars. It would be fine if it is a few months or a year.Can Chen Daojun agree to borrow 5 years?

"President Wu, we can take the shares of Yuetian Hotel and Shunyang Department Store as collateral." Chen Huarong said hastily, if Wu Shixian refuses, then she will be in trouble.

In the past, she could still go to the bank to apply for a mortgage.But after the financial turmoil, the banks in Bangzi Country were on the verge of bankruptcy.Finally, I got the aid from the IMF. According to the agreement reached by the Blue House and the IMF, the conditions for bank loan approval are obviously much stricter.

"President Chen, I need to ask my boss about this matter! I will give you an answer tomorrow." Wu Shixian thought for a while and said.After all, the amount required was too large and the borrowing period was too long. To be cautious, he planned to ask his boss Chen Daojun what he meant.

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Chen Huarong was stunned for a while before he realized that the boss Wu Shixian was talking about should be the president of the Miracle Group who rarely has a road surface or the Goldman Sachs Group in the beautiful country, right?But that's right. After all, 6000 billion won is a large amount of money. It's reasonable to ask your superiors about it.

"Then I will trouble President Wu." Chen Huarong said politely.


After Chen Huarong left, Wu Shixian thought for a while, and then took the initiative to call Chen Daojun, intending to tell him the news as soon as possible, to see if he would agree to a loan from Chen Huarong.

------Dividing line------

Sony Pictures Entertainment, conference room.

Dahe Norioo said with a somewhat excited expression, "Chen Sang, your quotation is too low. If it is reduced by 16%, it is impossible to shoot a movie that meets your requirements! The special effects shots needed for this "Spiderman" There are more, and the funds are less!"

It turned out that after Chen Daojun and others came to Sony, the two parties negotiated and negotiated again. Chen Daojun proposed that the requirements for film production would remain the same, but the price would be reduced by 16% on the original basis.

How could Sony agree to such an "excessive" request?If you really agree to it, you will really be like a part-time job~!

Chen Daojun was a little unconcerned about this, "President Dahe, how can my friends in the beautiful country tell me that the quotations from 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures are only 2.3 million US dollars, which is even more expensive than your quotations?" Much lower. Could it be that you Sony feel you are more professional than them?"

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!" Dahe Dianxiong said in disbelief when he heard what Chen Daojun said. Although they had the idea of ​​slaughtering them, they had done specific cost calculations.According to Chen Daojun's production requirements, they will spend at least 2.3 million U.S. dollars, and they have to reserve part of the funds as an emergency.

Unless the people of Universal Pictures and 20th Century Fox were kicked by a donkey, they would do this kind of thing of losing money and making money~!

"Chen Sang, the minimum reduction is 13%, it can't be lower!" After thinking for a while, Norio Ohga blushed and said in a hoarse voice.He didn't expect that Chen Daojun, a guy from Bangzi Country, could be so difficult and cunning. In order to win this project, he was willing to go all out. If he could earn less, he would earn less!

(End of this chapter)

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