The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 359 Shunyang is going to split up?Finalize cooperation

Chapter 359 Shunyang is going to split up?Finalize cooperation

When Chen Daojun was about to speak, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Sorry, I have a call!" Chen Daojun greeted several people, then got up and walked towards the corner of the meeting room.

"Boss, it's me! Just now, Chen Huarong from Shunyang Department Store came over to apply for a loan from Miracle Group. The amount is 3 million US dollars, and it will be repaid in five years..." Wu Shixian told Chen Daojun about the previous situation one by one.

"Wait, everything is fine, why did Chen Huarong suddenly come to ask for a loan?" Chen Daojun was a little puzzled. In his opinion, this aunt with whom he didn't deal well owned a highly profitable enterprise like Shunyang Department Store. In theory, the funds were still It's relatively sufficient, so why would they suddenly come to borrow money?

"The Shunyang Group responded to the request of the Blue House and the IMF and started asset restructuring!" Wu Shixian threw out an important news. , "Chen Huarong is divided into Shunyang Supermarket, Shunyang Hotel and Shunyang Golf!"

"It turned out to be like this." Chen Daojun was thoughtful, it seems that the plot of the original drama Shunyang Group began to "separate"!It seems that a good show is about to be staged!
"Then, did my aunt propose anything as collateral? After all, it takes so long to receive so much money..." Chen Daojun asked curiously.

"She is willing to take the shares of Shunyang Department Store and Yuetian Hotel as collateral." Wu Shixian replied.

"Then lend it to her. She is still our partner, isn't she?" Chen Daojun said with a smile, "If she falls into despair, wouldn't it be too easy for my two uncles to compete for Shunyang Group?"

"Okay, boss!" Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Shixian naturally would not object.


After hanging up the phone, Chen Daojun showed a calculated smile on his face. It seems that the day of taking down Shunyang Group is very close!

Chen Daojun looked at the people at Sony, and said firmly, "As you said, the production budget can be reduced by 13%, but the director and leading actor must be appointed by me!"

"As the director, I appoint Sam Remy, a veteran director of Pretty Country, and as the leading actor, I appoint Tobey Maguire, an actor from Pretty Country."

After some consideration, Chen Daojun decided to use the original director and actors. The "Spider-Man" produced in this way should not have much changes, and the probability of overturning will be greatly reduced.

This made Sony a little unhappy.Originally, they wanted to take advantage of this opportunity and use their Sony directors and actors to shoot this "Spider-Man"!

Now that they have done this, the profits they can earn will be even less.As for the director Sam Raimi mentioned by Chen Daojun, they have heard of it. After all, as a veteran director, Raimi still has many masterpieces, such as "The Dark Knight" and "The Evil Dead" that he shot a few years ago. "People" series of movies has a good reputation.

It's just that they have never heard of Tobey Maguire. In their impression, it seems that there is no actor named Maguire in Hollywood in the beautiful country?Is it possible that this Maguire is Chen Daojun's friend, so the other party praises him so much?

After some consideration, Dahe Daoxiong finally agreed. Anyway, it was Chen Daojun who paid the money. Now even the director and actor have been appointed. If the filmed "Spiderman" hits the street, then they can definitely Excuse me, the producer is looking for the wrong person, it has nothing to do with Sony~!

The two parties finally decided to finalize the cooperation at a price of US$2.61 million. Sony Pictures Entertainment needs to produce the animation and movie of the same name of "Spider-Man" in accordance with Chen Daojun's requirements.

On the way back, Zhao Chengyuan looked very happy.Although after some twists and turns, the two parties still reached a cooperation. Sony Entertainment Pictures had previously promised that if the cooperation was successful, it would give him a 0.5% rebate.That’s over a million dollars!Converted into Korean Won, it would cost tens of billions, almost catching up with his animation company's revenue for more than half a year.

Wu Luomin looked at Chen Daojun with some concern, "Boss, didn't you say that Universal Pictures and 20th Century Fox are also willing to cooperate? If the production plan and quotation they proposed are more affordable, then we..."

"This is not a problem!" Chen Daojun said confidently, "If the conditions they put forward are very favorable, then just make another one!"

"I plan to turn the Spider-Man IP into a series of movies!" Chen Daojun said confidently.

As one of Marvel's most popular heroes, the IP "Spider-Man" has produced seven major movies in more than ten years.

Even "Iron Man", which led Marvel to break free from the quagmire of near-bankruptcy and reach its peak, only filmed three films.


"Shooting a series of movies? Can you still do this?" Not only Wu Luomin was dumbfounded, but Zhao Chengyuan and Yong Jingwen were also dumbfounded.

Isn't your boss afraid that the money will be wasted?Judging from the current production funds, this "Spider-Man" is obviously a big money burner, with the production cost exceeding hundreds of millions of dollars!
Spending so much money, even in the beautiful country, it can be called a high-cost production. If this is overturned...

Seeing everyone's worried looks, Chen Daojun smiled and said, "Isn't it just hundreds of millions of dollars? I can't afford to lose your boss!"

Zhao Chengyuan was completely convinced by Chen Daojun's calm and indifferent appearance, not paying attention to hundreds of millions of dollars.You must know that the depreciation of the Korean Won is so severe now that 2000 million US dollars is almost [-] billion Korean Won!

As powerful as the Daying Group and Shunyang Group, if they lose so much money at once, they will be hit hard, and their vitality will probably be severely damaged.

Wu Luomin on the side took the opportunity to joke, "Boss, the inflation in the country is so severe now, can our wages be increased..."

"I'll give you a 10% increase when I go back!" Before Wu Luomin finished speaking, Chen Daojun replied with a smile. The total number of elite lawyers in the law firm is less than 30. Even if the salary is increased, it will increase after a year. $1000 million in spending.

Compared with the income that a law firm can bring to him, these things are less than one-sixth of the total income, and he, Chen Daojun, is not short of such a small amount of money~!

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Luomin and Yong Jingwen also showed satisfied smiles on their faces.The boss of his family is as generous as ever. It is thankful to know that other big chaebol companies can resume work and pay wages on time.How could they be so lucky that they can still get a raise from time to time, don't be too comfortable!


After finalizing the cooperation with Sony, Chen Daojun discussed with the two, and finally decided to take the flight back to China tomorrow night.They can also have fun in the Sun Country for a whole day~!

(End of this chapter)

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