The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 361 Chen Daojun’s investment advice, 1999!

Chapter 361 Chen Daojun’s investment advice, 1999~!

"Boss, do you have any new investment advice?" Wu Shixian asked in surprise. Speaking of which, Chen Daojun hadn't provided him with promising investment and financial advice for more than a month.

"Boss, tell me~!" Rachel's eyes lit up, she immediately sat down next to Chen Daojun and said coquettishly.

Chen Daojun felt the pressure on his arm, and his face paused. He hadn't seen this girl for a week, so he felt enlightened!He actually knows how to use his advantage to confuse people~!

It's just that Chen Daojun, who has experienced some "experience" in the Sun Kingdom, seems to have a much improved resistance to beauty, and he is very calm about this kind of "scratching" behavior.

"I invested in Pingguo Company in the beautiful country not long ago. This year, the person in charge of Pingguo Company was replaced by its founder Jobs. According to the news from Goldman Sachs Group, Jobs has already started various reform actions, and it is estimated that it will not be necessary. How long will it take to lead Pingguo Company to reverse its disadvantages and create greater glories~!"

"In addition to Apple, Sun and Microsoft are good investment targets~!" Chen Daojun listed the names of some of the companies he invested in the beautiful country one by one.

"... Boss, are you optimistic about this kind of Internet company?" Wu Shixian asked with some doubts. He didn't know all about Chen Daojun's investment in Pretty Country.But these companies mentioned by my boss are all the top Internet companies in the beautiful country~!

"That's right. In my opinion, after this financial turmoil, the situation of many industries will appear weak. The most profitable industry is still in the Internet field. Especially Microsoft, which has a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, is in the There will be great breakthroughs in the next two years." Chen Daojun said with certainty.

"Microsoft, with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, can it still rise?" Rachel looked very surprised. This was US dollars, not worthless things like Korean won~!

Compared to Wu Shixian who was shocked at the side, Rachel seemed much more anxious. She only cares about the specific investment scope and investment amount. As for why these companies make money and how their performance is, she doesn’t care. Chen Daojun must have already investigated clearly , she just needs to follow the bet~!

She grabbed Chen Daojun's arm and continued to ask, "Boss, how much investment do you think is appropriate?"

"If you don't have any spending projects in the near future, you can buy the shares of Pingguo Company, invest about 80% of your property, and hold it for about 2 years~!" Chen Daojun replied with a smile, "As for Wu Hui If you have a lot of funds, you can also buy shares of Microsoft and Sun and hold them for two years."

"Okay, then I'll buy Pingguo Company's shares!" After getting the answer she wanted from Chen Daojun, Rachel made the decision without any hesitation.

Seeing Rachel so fast, Wu Shixian laughed with emotion, this girl is very reckless!If you seize the investment opportunity, you will rush to it regardless of 21 [-]!
But since Chen Daojun said so, he must also participate.After all, it is an opportunity to make money stably. If you miss it this time, God knows when it will be next time!

------Dividing line------

Time flies so fast, June 1999 comes in the blink of an eye.

In the past year or so, many things have happened.First of all, with the efforts of Kim Dae-jung and many chaebols and enterprises, Bangziguo created the "financial miracle" of Bangziguo. It only took more than a year to get out of the embarrassing situation of national bankruptcy. The growth has made the people of Bangzi country cheer.

After more than a year of construction, many projects and plots have been completed in the Bundang area, which was originally a wasteland.Looking at the newly renovated city, many people originally had objections and the new mayor Cui Changji, who did not support it very much, has completely secured his position as mayor by virtue of his glorious achievements visible to the naked eye.

When interviewed by SBS, KBS, MBC and many other TV stations, Cui Changji praised Miracle Group's feat without hesitation. He recruited tens of thousands of people from Bangzi Country, and solved a lot of pressure for the government.At the same time, it also appeals to interested companies to contact Miracle Group to discuss entering new urban areas and developing new businesses.


Internationally, Soros and Quantum Fund, one of the main culprits in provoking the Asian financial crisis, launched a third attack on Hong Kong in 1998.

Eric and other traders who were far away in the beautiful country joined Xiangjiang's camp under the guidance of Chen Daojun.It lasted just over a month, and Soros and Quantum Fund lost for the third time.Perhaps it was because the previous two times, Soros ran away when the signs were wrong. This time, many speculators were on the sidelines and did not rush into it.

This is also the main reason for the failure of Soros and Quantum Fund. Just like a person, if his reputation has problems, the number of people who are willing to cooperate with him and trust him will be greatly reduced. No one wants to be taken advantage of by others. Calculate it!
In the end, Soros and Quantum Fund tasted the bitterness of the economic failure of the short-selling region for the first time. The billions of dollars they had encumbered at the beginning were like mud cows falling into the sea, and there was no splash.If it wasn't for the timely evacuation, their loss might not be as simple as being cut in half.


The market value of Microsoft, which was previously invested by Chen Daojun, has successfully exceeded 6000 billion U.S. dollars; Pingguo has also regained the lost market share under the leadership of Jobs, and its stock price has gradually climbed from the original 3 million U.S. dollars to more than 200 billion U.S. dollars. ;Amazon’s market value has also successfully skyrocketed from less than US$5 million to US$500 billion, an increase of more than 100 times in two years...

The market value of many Internet companies in the beautiful country has been rising steadily, each one is more outrageous than the other, which has completely shocked many financial institutions.Institutions that were brave enough to invest early made huge profits.This also makes those financial institutions who have missed the first wave of dividends to rush into the Internet field even more crazily and invest in emerging Internet companies that have not yet exploded and risen.

Gradually, the exaggerated concept of investing in Internet companies ≈ picking up money gradually spread from Wall Street in the beautiful country and spread to all parts of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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