The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 362 Chen Daojun: I only made 2300 billion US dollars, right?

Chapter 362 Chen Daojun: You just earned 2-300 billion dollars, right?

Miracle Group, in the vice president's office.

Chen Daojun looked at Wu Shixian and Rachel with a smile on his face, and said, "Did you not be disappointed by the growth of companies like Pingguo and Microsoft in the past two years?"

Wu Shixian said with some resentment, "Boss, your guess is not very accurate~! If I had known that the market value of Pingguo Company could skyrocket so much, I would put all my belongings on Pingguo Company. The growth rate of Microsoft and Amazon, It’s obviously not as exaggerated as Pingguo!”

Wu Shixian invested 1200 million US dollars at the beginning, and now it is worth about 6.5 million US dollars.According to the original investment proposal, Wu Shixian only bought 500 million shares of Pingguo Company, and the others were bought into Microsoft, Sun and Amazon. Unfortunately, the increase was obviously not as exaggerated as the former.

Rachel on the side was extremely excited.You must know that more than a year ago, as Chen Daojun said, she spent all 400 million US dollars to buy Pingguo Company's stocks. According to the current increase, the shares she holds have exceeded 4 million US dollars. She is also a rich woman~!

(Note: The 400 million US dollars on Rachel's side is part of the money Chen Daojun promised to lend her in Xiangjiang.)

Chen Daojun's expression remained calm, and he said with a smile, "I'm just very optimistic about Jobs. I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful, and he could increase the market value of Pingguo Company so much~!"

"This investment is almost done. We can cash out one after another and withdraw the funds." Chen Daojun remembered another important thing: in a few months, the Internet bubble will completely burst, and Amazon, Microsoft, Pingguo Company, etc. All the top Internet companies will suffer heavy losses.

Especially Amazon, in this crisis, its market value plummeted by 99%, which can be called lore!Microsoft's market value fell by 70%, and Pingguo's market value fell by 78%...

"Are we going to start cashing out now?" Rachel was still thinking a little bit, and she was still thinking that she could take advantage of this opportunity to make more money!

"Just accept it when it's good. It's better to cash out those stocks in the stock market and put them in your pocket. As for the opportunity to make money, there will be more in the future." Chen Daojun paused, and then said, "You didn't notice that this In the past few years, is the Internet bubble getting bigger and bigger? More than half of the Internet companies in the beautiful country do not have good performance to support the seriously inflated market value of the company. "

"One year's loss can be explained by the market share and registered users. This is the stage of market development, and it is normal to lose some money. But what if it continues for two or three years? Investors are not fools. ! How can an Internet company with such a poor performance have such a high market value?"

As soon as Chen Daojun finished speaking, Wu Shixian's eyes widened in an instant. What Chen Daojun meant was that Internet companies that are currently in a good situation are likely to explode?Or the kind that explodes collectively? !It shouldn't be that scary, right?

He is very clear that the market value of several Internet companies in the beautiful country has exceeded hundreds of billions of dollars, and even tens of billions of dollars. Although the market value is very high, their performance is not very satisfactory. There was a loss in last year's financial report.

If this is really what Chen Daojun said, these Internet companies in the beautiful country have collectively exploded, and the industry with a total market value of more than one trillion US dollars has suddenly collapsed. I am afraid that the Nasdaq index in the beautiful country will be brought down. ? !

Wu Shixian swallowed hard and said in a panic, "Then I will contact the traders later and ask them to contact the stock exchange of Beautiful Country as soon as possible and ask them to cash out the stocks in my account."

Hearing that her teacher also changed her mind, Rachel didn't ask any more questions. She just had to follow the instructions of these two bosses.

------Dividing line------

In the afternoon, Chen Daojun, who was working in a law firm, received a call from Zhao Chengyuan.It turned out that after more than a year of filming and editing, the "Spider-Man" movie and animation they co-produced with Sony have also completed production. You just need to contact the distributor and post-stage publicity, and you can wait for the box office!

"Dojun, Sony has a proposal to take over the distribution and promotion of this movie. The Columbia Sales Company they acquired a few years ago has extremely complete channels in the European and American markets and can help us release and promote this movie. The movie only needs an additional US$3000 million in promotional expenses~!" Zhao Chengyuan explained Sony's proposal in detail.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Daojun agreed to the proposal. Since Sony wanted to provide a "one-stop" service, taking over the work of distribution and publicity, and the quotation was quite generous, Chen Daojun was also happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper and entrust full powers to Sony.

"Then leave it to them, let them draw up the contract and send the email to my mailbox." Chen Daojun said calmly.

"Okay, I'll contact them now~!" Zhao Chengyuan replied happily.

Since the cooperation between Chen Daojun and Sony was facilitated, Zhao Chengyuan has successfully expanded his circle of contacts, established himself as an animation importer with sufficient funds, and successfully introduced animation production companies from Sun Country. Many excellent cartoons, such as: "Detective Conan", "Four Drivers Brothers", "Dragon Ball" and "Saint Seiya".


After Chen Daojun returned to his residence at night, he watched TV with Mou Xianmin absent-mindedly, and looked at his watch to check the time from time to time, which made Mou Xianmin a little dissatisfied.

"Daojun, you seem to be absent-minded, is there anything else?" Mou Xianmin frowned and asked curiously.

Chen Daojun saw that Mou Xianmin's face was a little sad, and he smiled and explained, "I'm waiting for the Goldman Sachs Group in the beautiful country to go to work, and I have something to explain to them."

"...What is so important?" Hearing Chen Daojun's explanation, Mou Xianmin's curiosity was quickly piqued. It was rare for her not to work overtime today. She wanted to spend more time with her husband. It turned out that Chen Daojun had other things to do, which made her somewhat unhappy.

Chen Daojun put his arms around Mou Xianmin's slender waist, and instead of explaining plainly, "It's the Internet companies in the beautiful country that I invested in before, and the current income has reached expectations. I need to notify the staff at Goldman Sachs to sell these stocks as soon as possible. .”

When Mou Xianmin heard this, a cunning light flashed in his eyes, and then he said, "So, you made a lot of money?"

"Not much, maybe 2-300 billion US dollars." Chen Daojun estimated the shares of several Internet companies he currently holds, and reported an approximate value.

(End of this chapter)

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