The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 364 Convincing everyone, James' proposal

Chapter 364 Convincing everyone, James' proposal

Early the next morning, Chen Daojun came to the conference room of the law firm and asked the staff of the law firm to turn on the remote video and make adjustments. He will make a video connection with Goldman Sachs later.

After a while, a picture appeared on the big screen. George and Le Yan had arrived in the conference room, and then Eric and James also arrived one after another.


"Chen, I heard George say before that you want to cash out all the shares of the Internet company you hold?" The gray-haired James looked a little solemn and didn't seem to understand Chen Daojun's behavior.

"James, don't rush to question my proposal. Ask Le Yan first, and you can take a look at his investigation results." Facing James' inquiry, Chen Daojun did not answer directly. He knew that without detailed data and information to support it, It is still difficult to convince this somewhat stubborn old man.

Hearing this, Le Yan distributed the information in his hands to the other three, and then said in a somewhat heavy tone, "According to our investigation, behind the continuous rise in the market value of these Internet companies is the slowdown in performance growth and the worrying net profit situation." Many financial institutions are overly optimistic about the stocks of Internet-related companies..."

"Just in April, Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan delivered a speech at a hearing, saying that individual investors and institutional investors in the market were extremely optimistic about Internet-related stocks. The phenomenon of 'over-enthusiasm' reminded investors that risks exist .”


Following Le Yan's narration and the contents of the information, the faces of James and the others became ugly. Even for Microsoft, the company with the highest market value, his performance and revenue are not as high as the ultra-high market value of hundreds of billions of dollars. It doesn’t match. As for other Internet companies, let alone other Internet companies. Those that do not suffer losses are considered “blue chip stocks”~!

Only then did they realize that these Internet companies might really explode like balloons, but they haven't touched the sharp thorn that pierced it completely. If measures are not taken as soon as possible, those they hold Stocks are likely to become a suffocating poison~!


Eric on the side took the lead and said, "BOSS, I will sell the stocks held in your account as soon as possible to cash out."

"It's just that you are still a shareholder of Amazon and Pingguo Company. It would be very difficult to sell off so many shares in a short period of time."

Chen Daojun said with a bad smile, "Then it depends on our boss. If he doesn't like whoever he likes, we will sell him more shares!"

Chen Daojun's words instantly made a few people's eyes light up, this is wonderful~!They know that Internet companies are likely to explode, but other financial institutions don’t think so~!

In the eyes of the financial institutions that have taken over, today's Internet companies are like money trees. As long as you buy them, you will make money, and you will not lose money if you make money!

A large number of investors and financial institutions are eager to get in and buy the stocks of these companies!
If it is sold to those competitors, it can not only cash out and leave the market, but also quietly calculate the other party, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?
George, Le Yan and Eric all looked at James, expecting him to reveal the suitable candidate for the "taker".

"Ahem, Chen, look at what you said~ We at Goldman Sachs have some problems with Citibank, Merrill Lynch, and Lehman Brothers, but we haven't risen to the level of competitors yet. There's no need to trick them like this, right? "James said with some "embarrassment".

The others instantly understood, James, the old man, is a chicken thief!He looked reluctant, but which of the people present is not a human being?Can you still not understand what he means?
Chen Daojun looked at the camera and said with a smile, "Leyan, did you hear what James said clearly? The shares I hold in Amazon and Pingguo Company were split into three and sold to them."

"George, please help Leyan and get this matter done!"

"Okay, Boss~!" Le Yan happily replied, to be able to participate in such a confrontation of top financial institutions, and even as a representative of one side to personally plot against the group of financial bigwigs, it is exciting to think about it!
You must know that Citibank, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers are all top investment banks on Wall Street, and they are not much inferior to Goldman Sachs Group.Now that I have the opportunity to dig a hole into my competitors, it’s fun to think about it~!

Hearing Chen Daojun's arrangement, James showed a satisfied smile on his face. In the past few years, the three old men, Schrader (Chairman of Citibank), William (Chairman of Merrill Lynch Bank) and Richard (Chairman of Lehman Brothers) This guy often opposed him, and even stole many projects from their Goldman Sachs Group.

Now that I have the opportunity to trick them, I feel so comfortable~!


After explaining the business, James and the others did not leave, but chatted with Chen Daojun about other matters.

"Chen, are you interested in joining the beautiful nationality?" James looked at the young Chen Daojun in front of the camera and asked.

"Let me join the beautiful nationality? James, why did you mention this?" Chen Daojun was stunned. He was from Bangzi Country. It seems that Bangzi Country doesn't support dual citizenship, right?
"Yes, my old friend from the Ministry of Finance said that with this year's policy adjustment, the beautiful country will impose restrictions on foreign investors and investment institutions to prevent them from controlling the beautiful country's high-tech industries." James told the inside story he had heard before. The news is coming.

"If you don't become a citizen of the beautiful country, you may encounter a lot of trouble if you want to invest or acquire company shares in the future."

"If you have a beautiful nationality, you will be able to enjoy the protection of the beautiful country's laws, and you will also get a lot of preferential treatment when investing in other countries..."

In order to "fool" Chen Daojun to join the beautiful nationality, James took great pains and listed all the benefits he could think of one by one.

Hearing what the boss said, everyone subconsciously looked at Chen Daojun, looking forward to his decision. It seems that according to James, joining the beautiful country will be beneficial and harmless!

Chen Daojun hesitated for a while, and asked, "Can I retain the nationality of the Bangzi Kingdom while joining the Beautiful Kingdom?"

"Of course you can!" James said happily, as long as Chen Daojun is willing to join the beautiful country, then the next thing will be much easier.

With the contacts they have in the beautiful country, the Goldman Sachs Group, let the officials say hello to Bangziguo, isn't it easy to retain a person's Korean nationality? !

Hearing what James said, Chen Daojun nodded in satisfaction. Bangziguo's nationality may not be easy to use in other places, but it is an excellent vest in Bangziguo, a country with strong national pride, which can provide him with a lot of convenience.

(End of this chapter)

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