The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 365: Technological Pit "New Data"

Chapter 365: Technological Pit "New Data"

After finishing the meeting with James and others, Chen Daojun quickly started his daily work as usual.

It's just that it didn't take long for Wu Shixian to call.

"Boss, I have something very interesting to tell you." Wu Shixian said mysteriously, "When we were investigating Internet companies, we accidentally found an interesting company in Bangziguo."

"An Internet technology company called New Data" was established four years ago.It's just that at that time, they didn't know which direction they should operate, and they didn't launch their own flagship products or concept products, so their market value plummeted. "

Chen Daojun asked with some puzzlement, "If that's the case, then how can you be so interested in this company, Chairman Wu?"

"Last year, this company proposed a new concept. They plan to operate Internet calling projects and try to make profits. They are currently raising funds to purchase related equipment from beautiful countries."

Wu Shixian said with a smile, "This routine seems to be very similar to that of some Internet companies in the beautiful country. Is the boss interested in joining the game and giving it a try?"

"President Wu, what do you mean, we can take this opportunity to set up a trap to attract some investors and financial institutions to harvest a wave of leeks?" Chen Daojun quickly thought of the classic plot in the memory of his previous life.

In the original drama, Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian relied on the information gap about the skyrocketing and plummeting shares of an Internet company to play a trick on Chen Huarong and Chen Dongji. Chen Huarong suffered heavy losses in this turmoil, including the management rights of Shunyang Department Store. I almost lost it!

"Yes, we have this idea. Since this New Data technology company is so promising and many people believe in it and are willing to buy it, we can definitely do it!" Wu Shixian said with a smile.

He hadn't thought of this before, but after a flash of inspiration, he quickly realized: Isn't this an excellent opportunity to gather wool?Taking advantage of the high-return phenomenon on the Internet, a large number of wealthy people are fooled into investing.

After the New Data stock price reaches an astonishing height, if you sell it immediately to cash out and withdraw funds, you will definitely make a lot of money.If we miss such an opportunity, wouldn't it be a waste of such a God-given opportunity?


Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Chen Daojun felt a little emotional, "In the original drama, it was Chen Daojun who took the initiative to use New Data Technology Company to trick Chen Huarong, but this time it was Wu Shixian who took the initiative, and the target changed from Chen Huarong to other chaebols."


After Wu Shixian got Chen Daojun's affirmative answer, he quickly called Rachel and asked her to contact the securities company and ask them to mobilize manpower. There was a "big deal" to be handed over to them.

Rachel looked at Wu Shixian with some doubts, and asked, "Teacher, do you have any new investment projects?"

"I can't tell you now, but you will understand when the time comes." Wu Shixian looked at Rachel and smiled, but did not tell her the plan.

Hearing that Wu Shixian did not reveal the information, Rachel left the office feeling depressed, thinking to herself, "Humph, if you don't tell me, can't I ask Chen Daojun? He must know~!"


As the assistant to the vice president of Miracle Group, Su Canping has been very busy these two days.I can receive several calls every day, all of them come to inquire about the Bentang New City, and many units have expressed their willingness to invest and cooperate.

It turned out that since Mayor Cui Changji publicized the completion of the construction of Bundang New City in the media and welcomed all enterprises and investment institutions to settle in, a large number of domestic enterprises have noticed such a newly built new city.

Although there are not many residents here and many supporting facilities have not yet been built, there is Disneyland nearby and a number of residential communities built by Miracle Group.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are not a large number of people living in these places, they can buy land in advance and invest in the construction of hospitals, large shopping malls, and industrial parks... When the land increases in the future, they can definitely make a lot of money!
(Note: Miracle Group was mainly responsible for the construction of residential quarters, office buildings, and municipal roads when it developed Bundang New City. There were not many specific supporting facilities built, and there were still many vacant plots.)

"President, in the past two days, another 4-5 units have called to inquire about the situation of Bentang New City. They want to come and invest, and ask what preferential terms we can offer?" Su Canping said a little numbly.

Wu Shixian took the information that Su Canping handed over, looked through it, and then frowned, "Axiba! These guys don't seem to be here to invest, it's almost like they are here to take advantage~!"

Wu Shixian didn't have a good impression of these guys. As for building a large commercial shopping mall, Wu Shixian had already planned.

According to his plan, the project of the shopping center will be handed over to Tesco Department Store. After all, this is Miracle Group's own "son".
When Su Canping heard his boss speaking so upright, a smile appeared on his face, "Search Jin from Shunyang Property called us and said that he wanted to enter Bundang New Town and build a shopping mall. What do you think we do?" Reply to them?”

"...Tell them about the project of the shopping mall, our Miracle Group has handed it over to E-Go Department Store. If they have ideas, let them contact E-Go Department Store~!" Wu Shixian said calmly.

Hearing Wu Shixian's obvious blame-blame remarks, Su Canping directly burst out laughing out loud.I think the president of Shunyang Products, Chen Yongji, must have had a wonderful expression after knowing Miracle Group's answer!

"President Wu, Daying Group also called, saying that their Daying Medical Group wants to enter our new city." Su Canping quickly asked another question.

"Daying Medical? Their president is Zhu Menggen?" Wu Shixian was stunned. In his impression, this Daying Medical Company seemed to be run by Zhu Menggen, the eldest son of the Zhu family. They Miracle Group and the other party had no intersection.

"Yes." Su Canping replied calmly.

"Slowly answer first. Let's ask Zhu Mengxian what he means first. After all, he is our partner." Wu Shixian thought about his doubts and said.

Su Canping nodded when he heard this, turned and left the office.

Wu Shixian was leaning on the sofa thinking about the next thing. Whether it was Chen Yangji of Shunyang Group or Zhu Yirong of Daying Group, they were both close to 80 years old. The battle for family succession between these two top chaebols was about to begin. Ringed.

The first to bear the brunt was Zhu Mengxian, the youngest of the Zhu family.His remaining three elder brothers Zhu Mengjiu, Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu are all capable. It is not easy for him to successfully inherit the Daying Group.

(End of this chapter)

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