The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 366: Depressed Zhu Mengxian, the orange grabbing battle begins

Chapter 366 Depressed Zhu Mengxian, the battle to grab oranges begins~
Wu Shixian dialed Zhu Mengxian's phone number and asked, "President Mengxian, I haven't contacted you for a while. Is everything going well?"

"It turned out to be President Wu~!" Zhu Mengxian heard a familiar voice and said happily, "It's not bad. I don't know if President Wu has anything to ask me~?"

Wu Shixian said with a serious expression, "Recently, Daying Medical has proposed a cooperation invitation to Miracle Group, and they want to settle in Bundang New City."

"Daying Medical is going to settle in Buntang New Town?!" Zhu Mengxian looked confused. He had never heard his subordinates mention this matter!

After being dazed, Zhu Mengxian quickly realized.The president of Daying Medical is none other than his third brother, Zhu Menggen, who contacted Miracle Group to discuss cooperation behind his back without reporting it to the group headquarters. Everyone knows what his intentions were~!

He hurriedly said, "President Wu, Miracle Group cannot agree to Daying Medical's request!"

"President Mengxian, isn't Daying Medical also a subsidiary of Daying Group?" Wu Shixian asked curiously, pretending not to know.

"...In the past two years, my father Zhu Yirong's health condition has become worse and worse. Although I am the vice chairman of the group, he also promised me to inherit the Daying Group. But my three older brothers are not convinced. ..." Zhu Mengxian explained helplessly.

It turned out that after Zhu Mengxu, the eldest brother who had been in a vegetative state for more than a year in the hospital last year, passed away, his father Zhu Yirong was a little sad and was hospitalized again.

Later, Zhu Yirong called the four Zhu family brothers and a group of senior executives from the group on the bed, and announced in public that Vice Chairman Zhu Mengxian was fully responsible for the daily affairs of the group and had the same decision-making power as the chairman.

Although the senior executives of the group did not object to this arrangement, Zhu Mengxian knew very well that his three brothers did not say anything on the surface, but kept making small moves behind the scenes.

The subsidiaries they controlled seemed to have some resistance to the group's management, and they seemed to disobey orders, which made Zhu Mengxian very dissatisfied.


"Since Vice Chairman Mengxian said so, then our Miracle Group will naturally help and cooperate." After learning the news about the internal conflicts within the Daying Group, he said sincerely.

"Then I'll trouble you, President Wu!" Zhu Mengxian breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, finally solving this "troublesome matter"~!

After Zhu Mengxian hung up the phone, he couldn't help but sigh.He has realized that his brothers are not good people. With his current ability, he cannot suppress those three people...

"We must not let them continue like this~!" Zhu Mengxian gritted his teeth and said angrily.

If those three people can't be settled, then even if he succeeds to the post of chairman of the group later, he is probably just a "bad commander" and has little right to speak in these important subsidiaries!

After some thought, Zhu Meng made up his mind. He planned to complain and ask his father Zhu Yirong for help. With the help of Zhu Yirong's reputation, this situation would definitely be changed!
------Dividing line------

In Xiangjiang, in the office of the general manager of the investment company, Hong Zhiqing was listening to the report of her subordinates.During this period of time, the stock price of Hutchison Whampoa has changed, and there have been many gossips on the Internet, and rumors have been flying all over the sky for a while.

In order to be prudent and ensure that the investment will not be damaged, Hong Zhiqing specially asked her subordinates to investigate the situation of Hutchison Whampoa.She was shocked by what she found out now.

It turns out that in the past two years, Vodafone, the telecom operator giant in John Country, has encountered a bottleneck, and its business and user expansion have begun to slow down.In this case, Vodafone tried to acquire other companies to expand its territory, and Orange ("Orange"), the third largest telecom operator in John's country, naturally became its first choice.

However, "orange" is a hot commodity. Not only Vodafone is eyeing it, but Mannesmann (a century-old store in Hans, which switched to telecommunications business in 1995) is also eyeing it.Currently, two telecom giants, Mannesmann and Vodafone, are eyeing Orange Company and are trying to win it over in one fell swoop by acquiring its shares!
And the behind-the-scenes boss of this "Orange" company is Li Jiacheng, the boss of Hutchison Whampoa!
In the past two years, under the guidance of Chen Daojun, Hong Zhiqing gradually bought a large amount of Hutchison Whampoa stocks.Although Hong Zhiqing has never been able to figure it out, why is Chen Daojun so persistent and must let her buy Hutchison Whampoa shares?
Now Hong Zhiqing suddenly realized that the difference between Hutchison Whampoa and many Xiangjiang real estate companies is that a large part of their properties are overseas, even in the mainland.

Therefore, when Xiangjiang suffered from the short-selling impact of Soros and other financial giants, only
"Could it be this guy? I've expected it a long time ago. There will be such a day, right?" Hong Zhiqing secretly speculated in her heart, but the result she got was too outrageous, and she couldn't believe that Chen Daojun could still predict the future!


After finishing her work, Hong Zhiqing made a decision to call Chen Daojun.

"Daojun, there is something that I think I need to report to you." Hong Zhiqing's voice came through the microphone, which surprised Chen Daojun.

"My beautiful Hong, you are now a well-known rich woman in Xiangjiang, what will you ask me for?" Chen Daojun asked with a smile.

Hearing Chen Daojun's slightly exaggerated teasing, Hong Zhiqing did not pay attention, but said solemnly, "Did you receive the news in advance, Vodafone of John Country and Mannesmann of Hans Country, these two In order to expand their market share, companies will compete for the orange company?"

"The behind-the-scenes boss of this orange company is Hutchison Whampoa Lijiacheng!"

Chen Daojun was stunned for a moment, and it took him a while to realize that what Hong Ziqing was talking about was probably the classic battle in Lijiacheng, selling oranges at sky-high prices!

"I didn't get any inside information, but I just feel that Hutchison Whampoa's investment strategy is relatively sound. There are definitely two ways for the other party to firmly stabilize the company's market value under the impact of the financial crisis!"

"Investors and investment institutions will definitely be more optimistic about this kind of high-quality company that is highly resistant to pressure, but they didn't expect such an opportunity!" Facing Hong Zhiqing's speculation, Chen Daojun did not tell her the truth, but gave her A very reasonable explanation.

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Hong Zhiqing nodded in agreement.Compared with other real estate companies, this Hutchison Whampoa is indeed somewhat stable.

While other companies applied for a large number of loans from the bank and took on a large amount of debt to purchase new land for development, this total Huangpu used its own principal and a small amount of loans to bid for the land.

Once the real estate under construction is completed and sold, it will not take long to repay the low debt.The light-debt business model has instead become an advantage for it to withstand the impact of the financial turmoil.

 After 6 days of recuperation, I was dragged out to visit scenic spots every day. But tonight, I was dragged to drink by the leader. I am still a little dizzy... The coding was seriously delayed, I'm sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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