The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 367 Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian "complicitly collude"

Chapter 367 Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian "complicitly collude"

"We currently hold 32 billion Hutchison Whampoa shares, so should we continue to buy Hutchison Whampoa shares?" Hong Zhiqing then asked.

According to the information they currently have, whether the Orange company controlled by Hutchison Whampoa is eventually acquired by Vodafone or Mannesmann, the price of Hutchison Whampoa will rise significantly.

Chen Daojun thought for a while and replied, "Let's add another 10 billion to increase our shareholding. If Hutchison Whampoa's stock price rises too high, forget it."

"Now that Vodafone and Mannemann are competing for Orange, the news has come out. If you want to make a lot of money, you have missed the best time to deploy in advance." Chen Daojun said with some regret.

Now that Hong Zhiqing was able to inquire about this news, those well-informed financial institutions must have gotten the news early.


"Okay, I understand." Hong Zhiqing said with some regret.

According to what Chen Daojun said, the stock price of Hutchison Whampoa had an abnormality and the stock price rose a lot in a short period of time. In all likelihood, some financial institutions noticed the news from Europe, so they began to enter the market in advance to sweep the market. stock up.

However, according to the current Hutchison Whampoa price, she still has a chance to chase the increase, but it will just make less than before.

After ending the call, Hong Zhiqing called her subordinate without any hesitation. Under the confused look of the other party, she quickly issued an order, asking him to contact the securities companies he had cooperated with before and let them continue to acquire Hutchison Whampoa's stocks. .

------Dividing line------

A week later, in the office of the vice president of Miracle Group.

Chen Daojun was standing at the window bored, looking at the endless bustling scene below, and casually asked, "President Wu, how is the situation of that New Data company?"

"According to the information we investigated, this New Data company seems to have received support from certain institutions in China. During this period of time, their momentum has become stronger and stronger, and the stock price has begun to show a clear upward trend."

“However, the obvious increase in the stock price is mainly due to our operation behind the scenes~!”

For this kind of publicity, to give the public a "sought after" scene, and to facilitate the routine of cutting leeks later, it will almost be played to death in later generations. Unexpectedly, there were already signs of it in 1999.

Chen Daojun couldn't help laughing when he thought of the funny thing.After restraining his smile for a while, he asked solemnly, "President Wu, has our layout started yet?"

"The arrangement has been completed! We have established a shell investment company overseas, and now, in the name of investing in Internet technology companies, we have begun to continuously acquire New Data's shares in the market. We have also proposed to New Data to purchase shares. "Wu Shixian said confidently.

When Chen Daojun heard the words, the smile on his face became even stronger, "Then our President Wu, don't forget to let our partners/competitors know this news that can make a fortune~!"

Hearing Chen Daojun's "full of maliciousness" words, Rachel beside him burst out laughing with a "puff~".

My boss is too bad, obviously he is colluding with Wu Shixian and setting up a trap to deceive people, but he shows a "blessed and shared" appearance of emphasizing love and righteousness, those people must not be fooled by him?It's too bad~!

"Rachel, what are you laughing at? Don't cover it up, I saw it~!" Chen Daojun looked at Rachel who was covering her mouth and snickering, and asked curiously.

"I... Boss, your idea is great, I think it's great~!" Rachel, who was named, had an idea, and quickly thought of a reason, and said in defense.

"Since you support me so much, why don't you let you inform those companies and institutions this time, so that they can properly buy the shares of this New Data company?" Chen Daojun looked at Rachel who was a little guilty, and suggested.

"This proposal is good. They all know that Rachel is the assistant vice president of Miracle Group, so they will definitely trust him a little more." Wu Shixian assisted.

"Boss... isn't this appropriate? If they lose money on their investment, won't I be hated by them?" Rachel was a little panicked. How could this be arranging an errand for her?It's almost like arranging her to go on the road~!

After offending so many organizations at once, how could she hold up her reputation as the assistant to the vice-president of Miracle Group? !
Seeing the sudden change in expression, Rachel looked pitiful, both Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian smiled.

Wu Shixian laughed and said, "Why do you need to worry so much? Since we asked you to encourage those institutional investments, we naturally thought of countermeasures~!"

"You can tell them that there will be institutional hype for this New Data company, and the price will rise from more than 4000 per share now to 40000 per share. When the price climbs to 40000, sell it directly. Don't hesitate~!" Chen Daojun added. road.

"Sell it when the price reaches 40000? What if it still rises later?" Rachel asked suspiciously.

"We only guarantee an increase of 4000-40000. As for the other parts, it's hard to say~!" Chen Daojun looked at Rachel who was looking at him, and said meaningfully.

"After our operation, there is no problem for NewData's stock price to reach 40000!" Wu Shixian added solemnly, "When they see that New Data's stock price is still rising and want to chase the rise, our purpose That's it~!"

Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun looked at each other and smiled in unison.After so many years of cooperation, the tacit understanding between the two parties has already reached an extremely high level.Often with just a few words, you will know the other party's next move~!

Hearing the description of the two, Rachel finally understood their plan, which is to use the benefits visible to the naked eye to lure the greedy hearts of these institutions and investors, so that they will be rewarded with super high returns and fall into the trap of a long time ago. Go into the investment trap that has been created~!


Soon Miracle Group contacted many companies such as Shunyang Department Store, Yuetian Department Store, Shangshang Department Store, Daying Group, SK Group, LG Group, Woori Bank and KB Holdings.

Many companies closely related to the Miracle Group quickly became interested in NewData. After all, this is a door-to-door profit. If you miss it, wouldn't you be too sorry for the "good intentions" of the Miracle Group?

Some companies are much more cautious. They are very enthusiastic about this technology company that can surge by 10, but they are not in a hurry to buy it.

They plan to investigate first and then wait and see to see if it can really rise to such an exaggerated level as Miracle Group said.


As time went by, the New Data technology company's stock rose every day, either by 15% or around 18%, rising steadily for two weeks.

(End of this chapter)

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